几道英语报纸中的题(回答得既对又快的有加分)1.Mike is crazy about -------(足球)and he plays it every day.2.—Can you e----- why you are late again,tim?—Sorry,Miss Li.My bike was broken on the way.3.同义句改写My mother

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:45:13

几道英语报纸中的题(回答得既对又快的有加分)1.Mike is crazy about -------(足球)and he plays it every day.2.—Can you e----- why you are late again,tim?—Sorry,Miss Li.My bike was broken on the way.3.同义句改写My mother
1.Mike is crazy about -------(足球)and he plays it every day.
2.—Can you e----- why you are late again,tim?
—Sorry,Miss Li.My bike was broken on the way.
My mother is against my joining the music club.
My mother ----- ------- -------- my joining the music club.
The rice in this restaurant ------ -------.
Dog can usually ------ ------ ------ ten to fifteen years old.
Don't stand ------ ------ ------ the gate.
I ----- Tom ------- ------ Miss Li's office just now.
I ------ ------- -------- -------- -------- abroad at first.

几道英语报纸中的题(回答得既对又快的有加分)1.Mike is crazy about -------(足球)and he plays it every day.2.—Can you e----- why you are late again,tim?—Sorry,Miss Li.My bike was broken on the way.3.同义句改写My mother
1. football
2. explain
3. doesn't agree with
4. is free
5. live to be
6. at front of
7. saw, came into
最后一个翻译I did not live well abroad at first

几道英语报纸中的题(回答得既对又快的有加分)1.Mike is crazy about -------(足球)and he plays it every day.2.—Can you e----- why you are late again,tim?—Sorry,Miss Li.My bike was broken on the way.3.同义句改写My mother 几道填空题,答得又快又好的加分. 英语报纸的名称 快 一张报纸的厚度是多少?折叠24次的厚度是多少?急)一张报纸的厚度是多少?折叠24次的厚度是多少?注意:是同一张报纸折叠 、普通的双语版 、我想应该根普通报纸一样的回答得又快又准加加 英语报纸答案RT,知道 的 回答 把78克农药放入1000克水中,药占药水的几分之几?水沾药水的几分之几?药占水的几分之几?水是药的几倍?谁回答的又快又对, 英国的报纸内容 急!~~~~~~报纸内容要是英语的,最好下面有翻译,HELP ME 请大家快回答,急用 5分之4也可以看做把4米平均分成几份,表示其中的几份对数学感兴趣的同志快来回答 邀游近义词?瑰丽近义词?回答得又快又好的有悬赏分 一杯重540克的盐水,盐占盐水的5%,把它放在阳光下晒,几天后,杯中的盐占盐水的12%蒸发掉多少克水我会了,不过谁回答得又快又好,还是采纳的 英语怎样才能记得又快又对? bring here还是there take here还是there快我希望一小时内就得到满意的答案!为了奖赏回答得既快又标准(回答对的)我会加追加分的哦!就看你的速度+回答合格率 以my favourite newspaper为题,写一篇字数为65字的英语作文.要包括以下几点内容;1.报纸的名称:2.报纸的内容;3.喜爱的原因;4.提出对报纸的建议. 快.好的有加钱的! 麻烦帮我解决,快小毛参加数学竞赛,共做二十题,得六十七分,已知做对一题得五分,不做得零分,错一题扣两分,又知道他做错和没做一样多,问小毛做对几题? 盖其又深,则其至有加少矣中的词类活用的字? 生活中的画蛇添足生活中画蛇添足的例子,一定要是生活中的!回答得又快又好的加悬赏!我说得很清楚耶,不是古代,是现代! 英语怎样背得又快又熟又准