
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:43:54


I have got two baby cats.they are very beautiful.One is yellow.the other is white.they are very lovely.the yellow cat is very naughty.He likes to play with people.He often runs here and there.His favourite game is playing with balls,ropes and stones.But the white cat is very gentle.She likes to wash her face.And she doesn′t like to play with people.She often jumps onto my knees.I like to give her a bath.
Oh,my baby cats bring me much happiness.We are very good friends.I love them.

sorry我才刚上6年级,看看新概念书吧!上面有很多小文章的。(本人上到二册31课Success Story    成功者的故事)

找本书 抄!!!!!!!!!!1

October 2th,2011 sunny
Today is a fine day,maybe there weren't something exciting,but I had a great fun bacause of my visit of the zoo.Yes,I went to the zoo toda...


October 2th,2011 sunny
Today is a fine day,maybe there weren't something exciting,but I had a great fun bacause of my visit of the zoo.Yes,I went to the zoo today with my friends.I heard that it would rain today but luckily it haven't rained till now.We saw a lot kinds of animals.Some of them are birds and some of them are reptiles.For birds there are eagles,turkeys,and ducks.For reptiles there are hippos,horses and bulls.And I had a good luck to see the pandas!They were cute and they look like police car.That made me very happy.And I found it easy to make friends with annimals!


用英语写一篇作文.要求:把你去动物园的一天写成日记的形式.一定要注意写日记的格式, 请你写一篇英语作文 把这个星期天你和Amy去动物园的经过和结果写下来 写一篇A visit to animal land 的英语作文,40字左右,要求过去式,6年纪水平!是描写一篇我去参观动物园的作文,要求过去式,要写出你所看到的动物! 一篇写去动物园的英语作文,初一水平就行,80词以上 写一篇关于去动物园的英语作文不少于130个词 给我一篇写去动物园的英文作文 帮忙写一篇英语作文 速度 今晚10点之前要就是你去动物园 看见有人用石子砸动物 还有人用水泼熊 你给报社写的一片信 写出你的看法 一篇现在完成时英语作文用现在完成时写一篇作文,介绍一下去过动物园后的感受 以“At Animal Land”写一篇英语作文记录你再动物园看到的东西 我们今天考初一英语,作文是要求写一篇学校旅行日记,我写的是去动物园,时间状语是今天下午,用过去式行不行啊 以“把动物关到动物园应不应该”为核心的英语作文,100字以上.写一篇英语作文.用英语写关于该不该把动物关到动物园或者杂技团来饲养. 求一篇英语作文,写动物园猴子的. 帮我写一篇英语作文:动物园的规则 写一篇以动物园为主题的英语作文 求英语作文一篇,写动物园猴子. going to the zoo英语作文是用什么时态写?题目要求是这样的:请你把参观动物园的过程及你最喜欢的动物写出来,50字左右 急求一篇去动物园的作文! 谁一篇关于初二英语作文(写去动物园里的动物)要1篇70个字的