新目标八年级下册英语第八单元短语 至少要150个 还有要翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 16:39:07

新目标八年级下册英语第八单元短语 至少要150个 还有要翻译
新目标八年级下册英语第八单元短语 至少要150个 还有要翻译

新目标八年级下册英语第八单元短语 至少要150个 还有要翻译
1.幸运儿 lucky guy
2.做一顿特别的饭 make a special meal
3.你自己的选择 your own choices
4.大腹便便的猪 a pot-bellied pig
5.好伙伴 good company
6.带某人出去 take sb.out to do
7.睡着 fall asleep
8.半途中 half way
9.树上的一片叶子 a leaf from a tree
10.赠送 give away
11.公园长椅 park bench
12.试着做某事 try to do sth.
13.通过不同的方式 in different ways
14.来自于中国各地 from across China
15.在舞台上 on stage
16.各种年龄层 all age groups
17.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb.to do sth.
18.取得进步 make progress
19.奥委会 the Olympic Committee
20.从……中得到乐趣 have fun with sth.
21.讲本族语的人 native speakers
22.使某要对某事感兴趣 make sb.interested in

1. fall asleep 入睡
2. give… away 赠送;分发
3. rather than 宁愿…而不是,胜于
4. would do…rather than do宁愿…不愿做
5. hear of… 听说
6. make friends with 和……交友
7. photo album ...


1. fall asleep 入睡
2. give… away 赠送;分发
3. rather than 宁愿…而不是,胜于
4. would do…rather than do宁愿…不愿做
5. hear of… 听说
6. make friends with 和……交友
7. photo album 像册
8. too personal 太私人化
9. not interesting\special \creative enough不够有趣
10. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭
11. an 8-year-old child 一个六岁的孩子
12. these days 最近
13. not…at all 根本不
14. different kinds of 不同种类
15. make her happy 使她高兴
16. someone else 别人(else总是后置)
17. improve English 提高英语
18. in different ways 以不同的方式
19. encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做
20. make(great) progress 取得进步
21. take an interest in/be interested in 对……感兴趣
22. on my twelfth\twentieth birthday在我十二/二十岁生日的时候23. a goldfish—two goldfish一条金鱼,二条金鱼‘
24. a pig named\called Connie一头叫康妮的猪
25. from across China 来自全中国
26. enter a test by singing popular English songs通过唱流行英文歌曲加入比赛
27. come from all age groups来自各个年龄段
28. the winner of the women’s competition女子比赛的获胜者
29. win the prize获奖
30. try to speak English more 尽可多说英语
31. a spokesperson from the Olympic Committee奥委会发言人
32. hear of听说
33. many other fun ways to learn English许多其他有趣学习英语的方法
34. make friends with a native speaker of English和以英语为母语的人交朋友
35. find a good way to learn English发现一种学习英语的好方法
