
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:28:11


中文第一句写的就有问题:“以250mL烧杯为反应器,阴极为石墨电极,阳极为钛基IrO2电极[10].”没有对应关系.应该是“以250mL烧杯为反应器,石墨电极为阴极,钛基IrO2电极[10]为阳极.”[10]是要注释的地方吧,我也不一一说明了,反正在英文里都认真的对照了文法.比如英文翻译的第二句:按传统的语法规则,The reason…is because…句型是错误的,because 应改为 that 才对.如:Wrong:The reason I was not there is because I was out of town.Right:The reason I was not there is that I was out of town.然而笔者在阅读英美报刊时却遇到了 The reason…because…句型.实际上这种句型近年来在口语中用得颇多.但是我还是按照经典的翻译方法翻译.不过中文里有疑问的地方就没有太较真.
In this experiment,use a 250mL beaker as reactor,graphite as cathode ,and the titanium-based IrO2 electrode [10] as the anode ,the reason for adopting Ti/rO2 electrode is that IrO2 is a highly active and very stable oxide,IrO2 coating electrode life can be greatly extended,while reducing chlorine evolution potential,increasing the oxygen evolution potential.The surface area of the cathode and anode are both 20cm2,length and width are 10cm,2cm,respectively,thickness can be ignored,the length submerged in the solution is 8cm,the length above the solution is 2cm,and thus the effective electrode area is 32cm2 (both sides),the Operating Current of the electrode is supplied by the DC power,during the reaction using a magnetic stirrer to stir ,the experimental device shown in Figure 1.
In this study,use titanium-based IrO2 electrode as the anode,graphite as cathode (electrode spacing is 3cm) NaCl as the supporting electrolyte,in the presence of external electric field do electrolysis experimental research on the three kinds of simulated dye wastewater .In temperature conditions 20 ± 2 ℃,investigated the impact of pH,voltage,electrolysis time,NaCl addition amount on the dyes (three dyes structure shown in Figure 2,Figure 3,Figure 4) decolorization rate and COD removal efficiency.Use distilled water to prepare three kinds of dyes solution 500mg / L,with 200mL solution has been obtained,fixed the three factors,changes the factors to be studied,then measure color and COD of the solution after the reaction,and draw the corresponding removal rate curve in order to evaluated the dye degradation.
In the conditions pH = 3,Voltage 20V,2.5g / L NaCl dosage ,the impact of different electrolysis time on the removal of dyes shown in Figure 5.Electrolytic oxidation time directly affects the decolorization rate and COD removal,the longer the oxidation time,the more electricity passed by,and the decolorization rate and COD removal significantly improved; for active orange X-GN and active yellow XR,after electrolyzing 30min the dye solution decolorization rate is almost up to 100%,while the COD removal efficiency is only 53% ,Continue to electrolyze the solution which has been handled 30min,after 60min treatment the COD remova has reached 68%; for Reactive Black KN -B,after electrolyzing 60min the dye solution decolorization rate comes to 100%,COD removal rate to 60%.Continue to extend the reaction time,COD removal rate was found almost no raise.Because as the reaction going,organic matter concentration decreased,current efficiency gradually decreased,therefore,the best electrolysis time is 60min.
用时 五十分钟.

In this experiment, the cathode 250mL beakers reactor for graphite electrode, titanium anodes for IrO2 electrode [10], is adopted IrO2 because Ti/rO2 electrode activity is a kind of high and very stab...


In this experiment, the cathode 250mL beakers reactor for graphite electrode, titanium anodes for IrO2 electrode [10], is adopted IrO2 because Ti/rO2 electrode activity is a kind of high and very stable, IrO2 oxide coated electrode can extend lifespan, at the same time could reduce chromatography, increase oxygen chlorine potentials. Yin and Yang are 20cm2 surface for long, respectively, thickness, 2cm 10cm negligible, immersed solution for 8cm, length, length of immersion 2cm effective area for 32cm2 electrode (both sides), the working current electrode by direct current voltage-stabilized source, reaction process using magnetic blender mixing experiment device map, as shown in figure 1.
In this experiment IrO2 titanium anodes, graphite electrode for 3cm spacing for cathode, electrode, NaCl for supporting electrolyte, under the existing in electrode-biology of three kinds of simulation experiment research on electrolysis dye wastewater. 2 degrees in temperature of 20 ± conditions, the author examines the pH value, voltage, electrolytic time, NaCl dosing quantity to dye (three dye structured figure 2, figure 3, figure 4) wastewater were determined.the decolored rate and the effects of COD removal. With distilled water makes three dye solution 500mg/L, 200mL solution, it has three factors, the change of fixed to study factors were determined, and the solution after reaction, and chromaticity COD removal of the corresponding to evaluate dye degradation curve.
In pH = 3, voltage 20V, NaCl dosing quantity 2.5 g/L, under the condition of different time to remove dyes electrolysis effect chart 5. Electrochemical oxidation treatment time directly affect the decolouring ratio and dye COD removal, oxidation, through the longer the power, the more decoloring rate and COD removal increased obviously. For active orange X - guide and active X - R, yellow dye solution 30min electrolysis after dyeing almost 100%, COD removal 30min to handle only 53%, the solution to electrolysis, when dealing with 60min COD removal after has reached 68%, For active black KN - B, 60min electrolysis after treatment of COD removal rate was 100%, 60%. Continue to extend the reaction time, found that almost no longer COD removal. As the ongoing, organic reactions and current efficiency gradually decreased gradually, therefore, the best time for 60min electrolysis.


In this experiment, the cathode 250mL beakers reactor for graphite electrode, titanium anodes for IrO2 electrode [10], is adopted IrO2 because Ti/rO2 electrode activity is a kind of high and very stab...


In this experiment, the cathode 250mL beakers reactor for graphite electrode, titanium anodes for IrO2 electrode [10], is adopted IrO2 because Ti/rO2 electrode activity is a kind of high and very stable, IrO2 oxide coated electrode can extend lifespan, at the same time could reduce chromatography, increase oxygen chlorine potentials.Yin and Yang are 20cm2 surface for long, respectively, thickness, 2cm 10cm negligible, immersed solution for 8cm, length, length of immersion 2cm effective area for 32cm2 electrode (both sides), the working current electrode by direct current voltage-stabilized source, reaction process using magnetic blender mixing experiment device map, as shown in figure 1.In this experiment IrO2 titanium anodes, graphite electrode for 3cm spacing for cathode, electrode, NaCl for supporting electrolyte, under the existing in electrode-biology of three kinds of simulation experiment research on electrolysis dye wastewater.2 degrees in temperature of 20 ± conditions, the author examines the pH value, voltage, electrolytic time, NaCl dosing quantity to dye (three dye structured figure 2, figure 3, figure 4) wastewater were determined.the decolored rate and the effects of COD removal.With distilled water makes three dye solution 500mg/L, 200mL solution, it has three factors, the change of fixed to study factors were determined, and the solution after reaction, and chromaticity COD removal of the corresponding to evaluate dye degradation curve.In pH = 3, voltage 20V, NaCl dosing quantity 2.5 g/L, under the condition of different time to remove dyes electrolysis effect chart 5.Electrochemical oxidation treatment time directly affect the decolouring ratio and dye COD removal, oxidation, through the longer the power, the more decoloring rate and COD removal increased obviously.For active orange X - guide and active X - R, yellow dye solution 30min electrolysis after dyeing almost 100%, COD removal 30min to handle only 53%, the solution to electrolysis, when dealing with 60min COD removal after has reached 68%, For active black KN - B, 60min electrolysis after treatment of COD removal rate was 100%, 60%.Continue to extend the reaction time, found that almost no longer COD removal.As the ongoing, organic reactions and current efficiency gradually decreased gradually, therefore, the best time for 60min electrolysis.


英语翻译本实验以250mL烧杯为反应器,阴极为石墨电极,阳极为钛基IrO2电极[10],之所以采用Ti/rO2电极是因为IrO2是一种活性很高且非常稳定的氧化物,IrO2涂层可大大延长电极寿命,同时可以降低析 实验中即能做反应器,又能直接加热的仪器是什么a.试管b.集气瓶c.烧杯d.水槽 实验室欲用NaOH固体配制1mol/L的NaOH溶液240ml 某同学欲称量NaOH的质量,他先用托盘天平称量烧杯的质量,平平衡后的状态如图所示,烧杯的实际质量为27.4g,要完成本实验该同学应称出____gNaOH.n=c*V=0.2 配制 100ml 0.5mol·L -1 盐酸 实验用品 100ml容量瓶、烧杯、10ml 量筒、玻璃棒、胶头滴管、实验用品 100ml容量瓶、烧杯、10ml 量筒、玻璃棒、胶头滴管、浓盐酸(密度 1.19g·cm -1 ,质量分数为37.5%) 铜绿与盐酸反应实验.实验室要量取5ml盐酸与铜绿反应 并验证生成的气体是何物质 以学生开出的实验用品为盐酸试管烧杯量筒铁架台药匙铜绿 还缺少的必要试剂为__ 仪器是___ ___ ___ 要在烧杯中加热条件下配置某溶液约40ml,应选择的烧杯是?A 500ml的烧杯B 250ml的烧杯C 100ml的烧杯D 50ml的烧杯.. 用天平称得盛有某种液体的烧杯质量为300g,从烧杯中倒出250ml液体后烧杯质量为100g,烧杯中液体的密度为多少? 做某实验需要量取量取45ml水,最好选用的仪器是 A 100ml的烧杯 B 10ml的量筒 C 100ml的烧杯和滴管 D 50ml做某实验需要量取量取45ml水,最好选用的仪器是A 100ml的烧杯 B 10ml的量筒 C 100ml的烧杯和滴管 D 英语翻译一、实验准备实验仪器、药品、材料:棉线,丝线200ML烧杯两个,硬纸片一张、滤纸若干、酒精灯一个、石棉网、带铁圈的铁架台、温度计、硫酸铜粉末若干、玻璃棒.二、实验步骤1.在 做某实验需要量取45ml的水,应选用下列仪器中的( )A.100ml的烧杯 B.10ml的量筒 C.100ml的烧杯和滴管 D.50ml的烧杯和滴管 英语翻译以锻炼为本,学会健康。以修进为本,学会求知。以进德为本,学会做人。以适应为本,学会生存。 某实验需要95 mL 1 mol·L-1的稀H2SO4溶液,现用98%的浓H2SO4(密度为1.84 g·cm-3)进行配制并继续实验.按使用仪器先后顺序排列正确的是( ) ①100 mL量筒 ②10 mL量筒 ③30 mL烧杯 ④托盘天平 ⑤100 mL 正确记录实验数据是一项实验基本技能.某同学记录的实验数据错误的是.A.用托盘天平称取2.9gNaCl固体B.用10mL量筒量取8.3mL蒸馏水C.向50mL小烧杯中倒入20mL蒸馏水D.用pH试纸测得某盐酸的pH为2.5 以硫铁矿为原料生产硫酸为什么要采用绝热多段中间换热式反应器 用98%的浓硫酸(密度为1.84g/cm2)和水配制100g10%的稀硫酸,下列以其中一般不需要使用的是A.10ml量筒 B 托盘天平 C.100ml量筒 D.250ml烧杯 鱼类用鳃进行呼吸,依靠溶解在水中的氧气来维持生命活动.某同学做了如下实验,请对实验现象和结果进行分析(实验一)取两只容积为1000ml的烧杯,分别标上1和2,个注入约700ml的水.将2号烧杯放在 鱼类用鳃进行呼吸,依靠溶解在水中的氧气来维持生命活动,某同学做了如下实验.请对实验现象和结果进行分析(实验一)取两只容积为1000ml的烧杯,分别标上1和2,个注入约700ml的水.将2号烧杯放在 何为厌氧反应器?