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新目标( go for it )知识语法点详解- Unit 1. How do you study for a test?
1.How的用法: ① How are you? How do you do? ② How old are you?
③ “距离”How far ( away ) is A from B ?
④how long “多久” → for / since + 一段时间 ,谓语常用延续性动词. “多长”
e.g.--- How long can I keep the book ? --- For two weeks .
⑤how soon “要过多久?” → in + 一段时间 , 时态多为将来时, 谓语常用终止性动词.
e.g. --- How soon will you get back ? --- In an hour .
⑥how often “多久一次?” → 频率
e.g. How often do you go to the park ? Once a week / Very often / Never / Sometimes .
⑦ How many / much “多少” How about “表建议”
2. ☆ V.+ by + 动名词 “ 通过某种方式.”
e.g. How do you study for a test ? I study by asking the teacher for help .
[ ① ask sb for help “向…求助” ② ask for leave(请假) I will ask for two days’ sick leave .
③“出价” He asked me 110 yuan for the bike .④ask…to(邀请某人)We asked him to come again .]
e.g. She studies by making vocabulary lists .
[① make sth“制作…” ② make+n.+adj.“使…处于某种状态” The news made him worried.
③ make + 宾语 + 动词原形 (迫使某人做某事)(使役动词)He made me do it again.
短语:make mistakes make a mistake make friends make the bed make tea make it
make money make faces make a noise make one’s way to make room for make up ]
e.g. The best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.
3. study & learn 区别: ( study 强调“研究” study the pronunciation of English “研究英语发音”)
⑴learn可接不定式短语,study则不能; e.g. It’s never too old to learn .
⑵ learn可指学习某人的品质和精神, study则不能; e.g. We must learn from Lei Feng .
⑶ 对比工作强调上学时只能用study . e.g. Are you still studying at school ? 研究
4. aloud adv. “大声地(人声)” e.g. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ?
Loudly adv.“吵闹地(各种声音)”e.g. They are dancing in the house loudly .
loud adj&adv “大声的/地(人声)” e.g. He broke the window with a loud voice. Don’t talk so loud.

5. pronounce v. make the sound of “发…音” Do you know how to pronounce the letter ?
pronunciation n.(可数)“发音,读音”

6.ever adv. “曾经”(多用于现在完成时“完成用法”,特点:☆与瞬间动词连用 )
☆-Have you ever … ? -Yes, I have. / just once . -No, not even once. / never .
Have you ever been to…? --I’ve never been there (twice) / Only once / Several times

7.I have learned a lot that way . a lot = a lot of things 其他用法: I like apples a lot / very much .
way “①方式,方法 ②路” e.g. That’s the best way to learn English well . Which is the way to…?

8. It improves my speaking skills . [ be skillful at / in / with = be good at …]

9. It’s too hard to understand the voices .
It’s + adj.形+( for sb )+to do e.g. It’s difficult (for me) to swim very well .
voice “(人的)语声、嗓音” e.g. He has lost his voice ,because of a bad cold .
noise “声音,噪音” e.g. Don’t make so much noise . make a noise →adj. noisy
sound “(各种)声音” v. sound like… “听起来” He listen to the sad _____ of the sea.
例题: e.g. Let’s go outside . There is too much _____ here . Did you hear the ____ of music ?

10. specific adj. “具体的,明确的” specification n. general adj. “普遍的,全面的”
e.g. Some students had more specific suggestion . “一些学生有更多的明确的建议.”
例题: Though he said a lot , he didn’t produce a _______ suggestion .
A. clever B. sure C. correct D. specific

11. differently adv. “不同地,有区别地” e.g. Wei Ming feels differently .
different adj. be different from….(与…不同) e.g. Cars are different from buses .
difference (可数名词) e.g. There are some differences between cars and buses .

12. 现在完成进行时: 表示从过去某一时间开始到现在经常重复的动作 .(常用延续性动词)
构成: have / has + been + 现在分词
常与:① since引导从句和for短语 ② all day , all the time , this week ,these days 等连用.
e.g. He has been learning English for six years and really loves it .
I’ve been playing computer since I came back / for two hours .

13. Sometimes , however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly .
⑴ however ①“然而,但是(可放句首、中和尾)→but只能放句首.I made a mistake , however.
②“无论如何(no matter how )”e.g. However difficult it is ,I’ll work hard .
⑵ I find it frustrating that I can’t pass this exam .
⑶ quick(adj.)—quickly(adv) 动作迅速
fast (形,副) 运动速度快
soon 马上 (时间快)
例题: See you ______ . He runs _____ . He is a _____ worker .
14.have fun (不可数名词 ) = enjoy oneself 过得愉快 = have a good / wonderful time

15. add ① “加” e.g. Add three to six you get nine . ② “补充说” e.g. “I’m coming .” Lucy added.

16. We get excited about something and end up speaking in Chinese .
⑴ excite (v.) “使(sb)兴奋” sth excites sb “某事使某人感到兴奋” e.g. The news excited us .
excited (adj.) “兴奋的/激动的(指人对…感到兴奋)” be excited about / at … “对…感到兴奋”
e.g. We were excited about/ at the news. We were excited to hear the news .
exciting (adj.) “…使人兴奋的(指事物本身使人感到兴奋)”
e.g. We had an exciting party yesterday . He told us an exciting news just now .
例题: The _______ story made us ________ a lot .
⑵ end up = end 反义词组: begin / start with ( end up doing sth = finish doing sth )
at the end of …“在…的末尾、末端” e.g. at the end of the concert at the end of the road
in the end “最后”,“终于” (at last, finally ) In the end I decided to stay here.

Section B.
1. To begin with , she spoke too quickly and I couldn’t understand every word .
⑴ to begin with “首先,起初”= start with = at first
⑵ not every 部分否定 “不是每一个” e.g. Not all of us like playing computers .

2. real (adv.) “真正的” – realize ( v. ) “认识,领悟” [ 后跟名词,代词或从句. ]
e.g. You didn’t realize your mistakes . I didn’t realize it until you told me .
3. be afraid of ( doing )… “害怕…” e.g. I’m afraid of snakes .
be afraid to do sth “害怕做…” e.g. All of us were afraid to do the work .
be afraid + 从句 “恐怕…”( 表委婉的拒绝 ) e.g. I’m afraid I can’t .

4. later on adv. “后来,以后”e.g. I’ll be seeing you later on .
(一段时间+later on)e.g. I’ll meet you a few days later on. 几天后我会见你的.
no later than “不迟于…” sooner or later “迟早”

5.laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 make sentences 造句 take/ make/ write notes 记笔记
enjoy/ like doing sth 喜欢做某事 = have fun doing sth ☆have trouble doing sth 做某事有困难

6.impress vt. ( influence deeply ) “给…深刻印象”
① impress sb. with sth e.g. Lucy impressed me with her loveliness .
② impress sth on sb e.g. I impressed on him the importance of his work..
③ be impressed by / with “被…留下深刻印象” e.g. I was impressed with his words .

Self check
write down ( 动+副 )“记下” Please write them down .(代词在中,名词中后皆可)
This kind of paper feels very soft . 感观动词“摸起来” 实义动词“感觉,认为”I feel he has done his best.
make up conversation “编对话” make up (化妆,编借口…,组成)
make up one’s mind ( to do ) “决心要做某事” = decide to do sth
What do you think you’re doing ?“插入语”

1. ask & answer → question solve → problem

2. And unless we deal with our problems , we can easily become unhappy .
① unless ( if…not ) “除非, 如果不…” e.g. I will not go unless I hear from him .
e.g. Don’t come unless I call you . = Don’t come if I don’t call you .
② deal with (← how ) = do with(what)“处理,对付”(That’s a deal ! “成交了”= It’s a deal)
e.g. How shall we deal with the thief ? = What are we to do with the thief ?

3. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school .
① worry about “为…担心” ② affect “影响、感动、假装、喜爱” I was affected by his words.

4. influence ①n.“影响力,权力”e.g. the influence of the rain on trees “雨水对树木的影响”
②v. “对…有影响” e.g. It can also influence the way we behave with our families .

5. be angry at / with sb “对…某人生气” e.g. Gina is angry with her sister .
be angry at / about sth “对…某事生气” e.g. Mr Yang was angry with Gina’s homework .
get angry “生气” make sb angry “使某人生气”

6. stay + 表语 “保持…”(=remain )e.g. Sometimes, people can stay angry for years …
7. Time goes by , and good friendships may be lost .
① go by “走过,按照” e.g. She wasn’t at home when I went by yesterday .
② lose(语气较强)& miss(发现丢失)
e.g. You said you had lost your book . When did you miss it ?
作定语或表语时:lose -lost(过分) miss - missing(动名)
e.g. My new bike is missing . I’ll pay for the lost books.
be lost “迷路的” = get lost e.g. I was / got lost in the big city .
8. strict adj. “严格的,精确的” be strict with sb / in sth “对…严格要求”

9. change…into… “把…变成…”
regard …as… “把…看作…” = treat …as… = have / take / look on / think of …as…
not at all “根本不” e.g. I don’t like milk at all .
