
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:13:19

As looked too much photos yesterday,i confused my heart that didn't thinking very much of him ,uncomfortableall like dying all night.until set up in the morning,my heart still pain 撕心裂肺.i asked myself :"what's wrong in the end?how do you do it well previous,as soon as to resume!"
I know I will get better,and I know I am a strong person .
Morning to work,i was fully participate in the work ,try not to think of those things makes me a headache,the result was not long before last night's tough feeling disappeared.He don't hope that I am endure suffering in silence for hope he comes all day and I don't hope that he has been worried me.
That's right!Everything will be the past,we will happy!

Because yesterday watched he many pictures, therefore I have bred confusion am not originally thought specially his heart, a whole evening I all uncomfortable must die..Early morning gets out of bed, the heart still rips the heart check lung to hurt.I ask oneself: “You how? Before is how good? A bit faster tries to find solution to restore!”I knew I can certainly be good, I knew I am a strong person. Early morning goes to work, the total involvement investment work, does not go to think as far as possible these made the matter which I had a headache, the result last night the unendurable feeling to vanish in a while.He did not hope me in order to hope all day but he comes back to endure the suffering silently.I did not hope he always worries me. Good, all can pass, we can happy! Only then can withstand the waiting, is willing to pay diligently, only then can obtain happiness! Will go to work tomorrow must refuel oh! I am best!

英语翻译这是中文:因为昨天看了他好多的照片,所以我搞乱了原本不是特别想他的心,一整晚我都难受的要死.早上起床,心依然撕心裂肺地疼着.我问自己:“你到底怎么了?以前是怎么好起来 英语翻译因为看好多泰国电视里面都有这个话,虽然看了很多,但是这个读音的印象我最深刻,忘了这读音的泰语翻译成中文的意思了, “我们给那些山照了好多照片”的英语翻译 英语翻译请用英语翻译下列句子1.我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末2.Jenny喜欢看书,昨晚她看了一本英语书3.Emma每天都看电视,可是昨天他没有看4.今天方方没吃早饭,因为他父亲不在家5.昨天这个 非诚勿扰上的经典名言?昨天看了非诚勿扰我听了好多名言但忘了, 英语翻译1.他现在一定在家,因为刚才我打电话了.2.妈妈现在不可能在吃饭3.看泥泞的路面,昨天一定下雨了4.他们队可能输了 他昨天意外碰到了他的老朋友(英语翻译) 英语翻译中文部分:联想et700,我的第三部手机.配置超给力,比当时流行的诺基亚e63,甚至是e71好多了,可惜就因为它的牌子是联想被冷落了.屏幕小和音频接口不是3.5mm最终让我将他打入冷宫,现 英语翻译JACK以前很害怕蛇,但他昨天看了一本有关蛇的书.他了解了许多关于蛇的东西,知道了蛇是一种非常有益的动物.现在他开始喜欢蛇了. 因为昨天的雨,我感冒了!怎么用英语翻译 昨天他出了什么事?汉译英昨天他出了什么事?找了好多都不一样~ 英语翻译1.前天晚上他开车去城镇.2.为什么昨天下午他打开电视?因为他想要看新闻.3.PAUL昨天做什么?他昨天把车停在车道上.4上个月山上有人吗?不,没有. 英语翻译昨天他没有看.4.上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了.5.他什么时候出生的?1980年. 英语翻译他昨天睡过头了,因为他昨天没听到闹钟响.为了准时到校上课,所以他冲进了教室忘锁门是我妈妈经常做的事我的亲属都不在我身边这个们容易锁上但是不易被打开买吃的这事与我无 英语翻译1 昨天我感冒了,喝了药后,身体已经好多了.2 昨天我发烧了 / 昨天我有点低烧,打了针后,已经没事了.3 明天就要放长假了,记得关好屋里的门窗,把电源都关掉.4 医生治好了他的病 5 医 他昨天没来上学,因为他住院了 的汉译英 罪恶王冠里虚空是什么意思昨天刚看,因为看的是繁体字所以没看太懂~ 他昨天又迟到了.英语翻译