请问英文歌里常有这句话"check it

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请问英文歌里常有这句话"check it
请问英文歌里常有这句话"check it

请问英文歌里常有这句话"check it
口语中也很常用,比如说,hey ,bro,i got something new!check it out!

付帐后离开, ,检验, 合格, 及格


check out
付帐后离开, 检验, 合格, 及格

check out
付帐后离开, ,检验, 合格, 及格


check out
付帐后离开, 检验, 合格, 及格

Check out 是英文饶舌歌曲间奏中所唱的口头禅,有点像中文歌曲里的“嘿”“哈”之类。

check it out” 在rap里面是“听看看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们可要认真听噢。
而书面上,比如说你有什么东西要给别人看,你就可以说check it out,check out 还有从旅馆里面退宿的意思。

/ tFek; tFZk/ v 1 (a) [I, Ip, Tf no passive 不用於被动语态, Tw no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ (up) make sure of sth by examining or investigating it (用检查或调查的方法)印证某事物: I think I remembered to swit...


/ tFek; tFZk/ v 1 (a) [I, Ip, Tf no passive 不用於被动语态, Tw no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ (up) make sure of sth by examining or investigating it (用检查或调查的方法)印证某事物: I think I remembered to switch the oven off but you'd better check (up) (that I did). 我好像记得把烤箱关了, 但你最好再查看一下(我是否关了). * Could you go and check if the baby's asleep? 你去看看孩子睡了没有好吗? (b) [Tn] examine (sth) in order to make sure that it is correct, safe, satisfactory or in good condition 检查; 检验; 核对; 核实: check the oil, ie make sure there is enough oil in a car engine 检查机油(确保汽车发动机中的油足够) * check the tyres, ie make sure there is enough air in a car's tyres 检查轮胎(确保汽车轮胎气足) * check the items against the list, ie to see that it tallies 照清单查点各项(看是否相符) * He must check his work more carefully it's full of mistakes. 他检查工作时要再仔细一些--到处是错. 2 [Tn] (a) cause (sb/sth) to stop or go more slowly; slow down; control 使(某人[某事物])停止或缓慢进行; 减缓; 控制: check the enemy's advance 阻止敌军前进 * check the flow of blood from a wound 为伤口止血 * The Government is determined to check the growth of public spending. 政府立意控制公共开支的增长. (b) hold (sth) back; restrain (sth/oneself) 阻止住(某事物); 抑制(某事物); 克制(自己): unable to check one's laughter, tears, anger 控制不住笑声、 眼泪、 愤怒. 3 [I] stop suddenly 突然停止: She went forward a few yards, checked and turned back. 她向前走了几码, 突然停住脚步又返回来. 4 [I, Tn] (in chess) put (one's opponent) in a position in which he must move his king to prevent its capture (国际象棋中)将(对方的王). Cf 参看 checkmate. 5 [Tn] (US) (a) leave (hats, coats, etc) to be stored for a short period 暂存(帽子、 大衣等). (b) leave (luggage, etc) ready to be despatched 托运(行李等). 6 (phr v) check in (at...); check into... register as a guest at a hotel or as a passenger at an airport, etc (为住旅馆或登机等)办理登记手续: Passengers should check in for flight BA 125 to Berlin. 去柏林的英航125航班旅客请办理登机手续. check sth in (a) leave or accept sth to be transported by train or by air 托运, 收运(经火车或飞机运送之物): check in one's luggage 托运行李. (b) (esp US) leave or accept sth for safe keeping in a cloakroom or left-luggage office (在衣帽间或行李寄存处)存取某物: Is there a place we can check in our coats? 有暂存大衣的地方吗? check sth off mark (items on a list) as correct or as having been dealt with (在清单的项目上)作记号表示正确或已处理; 核对. check (up) on sb investigate sb's behaviour, background, etc 调查某人的行为、 背景等: The police are checking up on him. 警方正在调查他. check (up) on sth examine sth to discover if it is true, safe, correct, etc 检查某事物(是否真实、 安全、 正确等). check out (of...) pay one's bill and leave a hotel 办理旅馆付帐及退房手续. check sth out (esp US) = check up on sth.
n person who checks (esp stores, orders, etc) 审核员(尤指审核存货、 定货单等者).
n 1 act of checking in at an airport 在机 : [attrib 作定语] the check-in desk 办理登机手续的柜台 * one's check-in time 办理登机手续的时间. 2 place where one checks in at an airport before a flight (在机场的飞机起飞前的)登记处.
checking account
(US) = current account (current1).
n list of items to be marked as present or having been dealt with (对现有的或已处理的项目进行查点的)清单: a checklist of things to take on holiday 度假携带物品的清单.
n 1 act of checking out (check1 6) 办理旅馆付帐及退房手续. 2 place where customers pay for goods in a supermarket (超级市场中的)付款处.
n place, eg on a frontier, where travellers are stopped and their vehicles and documents inspected 检查站(如於边境处的).
n (US) (a) cloakroom in a hotel, theatre, etc (旅馆、 剧院等的)衣帽间. (b) left-luggage office 行李寄存处.
n thorough examination, esp a medical one 全面检查; (尤指)体格检查: go for/have a check-up 去[作]体检.
/ tFek; tFZk/ n 1 [C] ~ (on sth) (a) examination to make sure that sth is correct, safe, satisfactory or in good condition 检查(以确保某事物正确、 安全、 满意或处於良好状态): Could you give the tyres a check, please? 你能给检查一下轮胎吗? * We conduct regular checks on the quality of our products. 我们对产品做例行质量检查. (b) method of testing the accuracy or genuineness of sth 检验(以测试某事物准确度或真假). 2 [C] ~ (on sb) investigation 调查: The police made a check on all the victim's friends. 警方对受害者所有的朋友进行了调查. 3 [C] (a) slowing down or stopping; pause 减慢; 停止; 暂停: a check in the rate of production 生产速度减慢. (b) ~ (on sth) thing that restrains or stops sth 制止或停止某事物的事物: The presence of the army should act as a check on civil unrest. 有了军队应能制止民间的动乱. 4 [sing] (in chess) situation in which a player must move his king in order to prevent its capture by his opponent (国际象棋中)将军: You're in check! 将你一军! Cf 参看 checkmate. 5 [C] (US) = cheque. 6 [C] (US) = bill1: I'll ask the waiter for the check. 我找服务员要帐单. 7 [C] (US) ticket or token used to identify and reclaim clothing or property left in a cloakroom or left-luggage office 存放证, 寄存牌(用以领取寄存物品的存根或收据). 8 [C] (US) = tick1. 9 (idm 习语) hold/keep sth in `check prevent sth from advancing or increasing; control sth 抑止; 约束; 制止: keep one's temper in check 控制自己不发脾气 * The epidemic was held in check by widespread vaccination. 这种传染病靠广泛的预防注射已受到控制. take a rain check => rain1.
interj (in chess) call made to one's opponent to show that his king is in check (国际象棋中)将, 将军(向对方的呼叫).
n (US) = cheque-book (cheque).
/ tFek; tFZk/ n (a) [C] pattern of crossed lines (often in different colours) forming squares 方格图案: Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check? 你要哪种料子来做新连衣裙, 条子的还是方格的? (b) [U] cloth with this pattern 方格布: [attrib 作定语] a check skirt, jacket, table-cloth 方格的裙子、 短上衣、 桌布.
/ tFekt; tFZkt/ adj having a check pattern 方格图形的: checked material 方格形材料.
/ 5tFekE(r); `tFZkL/ v (US) = chequer.
/ 5tFekEz; `tFZkLz/ n [sing v] (US) = draughts.
n (US) = draughtboard (draught).
/ 5tFekmeIt; `tFZk9met/ (also mate) n [sing] 1 (in chess) situation in which one player cannot prevent the capture of his king and the other player is therefore the winner (国际象棋中)将死. Cf 参看 check2 4. 2 total defeat 彻底失败.
v [Tn] 1 (in chess) put (one's opponent) in a position in which he cannot prevent the capture of his king (国际象棋中)将死(对方). Cf 参看 check1 4. 2 defeat (sb/sth) totally; frustrate 使(某人[某事物])彻底失败; 挫败. interj (in chess) call made when checkmating one's opponent 将, 将军(国际象棋中将死对方时的呼叫).

