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Feudalism in England
Feudalism in England emerged during the Middle Ages.It changed the way of life for the English people.
When was feudalism introduced in England?Feudalism was introduced in England in 1066 following the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest
Who was responsible for introducing feudalism in England?The Normans,led by William the Conqueror who was crowned King William I of England
What did the introduction of feudalism mean to the England and the indigenous population ( the Anglo Saxons)?Feudalism was based on the exchange of land for military service.William the Conqueror claimed all the land in England and divide the land between himself (about 20% ),the church (about 25%) and the remainder of English land was given to Norman soldiers and nobles (barons)
What was the meaning of Feudalism in England and the reason for the Doomsday Book?Following the Norman Conquest William the Conqueror ordered a full survey of England which was called the Doomsday Book.It gave the new King of England full details of the land,the people and how much taxes and dues would be paid to the Normans
Under the Feudal system the vassals who were awarded land swore an Oath of Fealty to their lord and provided fully equipped soldiers under the Feudal Levy
What did feudalism in England mean to the English?Only two Englishmen were left as landowners in England,both of them had turned traitor to the English
Did the Anglo Saxons fight against the Normans and feudalism in England?Yes.Rebellions were led by the mother and family of the deposed King Harold.Hereward the Wake also led a rebellion against the Normans.They were defeated
What did feudalism in England mean to the peasants?Medieval Serfs were peasants who worked his lord's land and paid him certain dues in return for the use of land,the possession (not the ownership) of which was heritable.When the land changed owners the peasants were obliged to work for the new owners - the Normans
The peasants worked his lord's land and paid him certain dues in return for the use of land,the possession (not the ownership) of which was heritable.The dues were usually in the form of 3 days labor on the lord's land
Under feudalism in England the Lord of the Manor had certain rights which included hunting,judicial and taxes
How did the Normans maintain feudalism in England?Feudalism in England was based on a pyramid of power.The Normans split up the English land and retained and maintained their power by building castles as power bases to control the English population
The Decline of Feudalism in England occurred due to many events including the Black Death,changes from a land-based economy to a money based economy and the establishment of Centralised government

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