哪里有剑桥小学英语join in的教案入门阶段的.

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哪里有剑桥小学英语join in的教案入门阶段的.
哪里有剑桥小学英语join in的教案

哪里有剑桥小学英语join in的教案入门阶段的.
Unit 9 Food (1)研究课教案
[ 2006-7-4 11:48:13 | By:李静 ]
教材:剑桥小学英语Join In 学生用书1
课题:Unit 9 Food (1)食物第一课时
课型:新授课 区英语研究课
教师:李静 (主题:Happy to learn English)
Unit 9 Food (1)
一.Teaching content P76
1.The words of food:popcorn/ chicken/ apples/ ice cream/ bananas/ fish/hamburger/ orange juice/ milk; pizza/ spaghetti/ cheese/ hot chocolate/ cola
2.Remembering game
3.Complete the puzzles; the sentences:I like… (Maria) likes…
二.Teaching aim
1.知识与能力:The pupils listen,speak,read and write the words of food; they can express other pupils’ likes and dislikes as:(Maria) likes…
2.过程与方法:Playing the games to learn the words; using the words and sentences about food in their daily lives; they know the difference of food in China and west countries.
3.情感、态度、价值观:They are interested in learning English; they like taking part in the activities in the class; the pupils get fun and confident in the class; define the development of the pupils’ composite language abilities.
三.The key point:They learn the words of food; using the words and sentences in daily lives.
四.Difficult teaching points:The pupils can express the food words and other pupils’ likes and dislikes
五.Teaching aids:the pictures of the words of food; a bag; the cardboards of the title “food”; CAI;餐布;食物:cola/ apples/ bananas/milk/ice cream; the little pictures of chicken/ apple/ banana/ ice cream about groups
六.Teaching process
Step1.Warming up
1.Greetings:How are you feelings today?(S:) I’m (happy).
S&S communicate their feelings
2.Sing the action song—Feelings
Step2.New content presentation
(1)T:You’re great.So I take a big present for you.Guess,what are these?(The pupils can guess freely.)
(2)The teacher opens the bag.T:Oh,food,yummy.(动作,表情表现) They’re food.Read after me,food.
T:So today we’ll learn Unit 9,the title is…?(S:Food.) 师贴上课题.
2.Learn the words of food
(1) 师示范:I like fish,fish.The pupils repeat the word together or one by one in groups.
(2) Asking some pupils to read the words of food that they know.
(3) Taking out the pictures of food- pizza/ spaghetti/ cheese/ hot chocolate/ cola/ orange juice.
The teacher first presses the pronunciations of the food then plays the guessing game with pupils.
(4) Guessing game:The teacher takes out the 6 pictures of food; then hiding one picture in her book and asking the pupils to guess the name of the picture.(Pupils be little teacher to play the game)
3.Listen and point:The pupils listen to the radio and point to the corresponding words.(首先师示范一次)
4.Group corporation:the pupils look at their books and read all the words of food in groups; the whole class read the words together.
5.Remembering game:T:Boys and girls,close your books and tell me how many words can you remember.(课件呈现解释) Group comparation:chicken/ apple/ banana/ ice cream groups,the pupil speaks out some words and the teacher adds some scores.
6.Group cooperation—fill in the tables
(1) Each group has a table,all the pupils in a group should fill in a blank; then they finish the table.(S:I like… What about you?)
(2) The teacher collects some the tables and points to a name.
T:Frank likes chicken.What about Lisa?(Lisa likes…)
(3) The teacher writes a sentence on the board and press “likes” “s”.
Compare to “ I like…”
7.Complete the puzzle
(1) Read the names of the children.
(2) Explain the puzzle; the pupils complete the puzzle.
(3) Checking the answer.
Tell the habit of the bite and soup.
Step4.Home task
Making a chant following the example.

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