英语题(填空并翻译)1,The earth __________(go)round the Sun2,The River Amazon____________(flow) in to the Atlantic Ocean3,A liar is someone who________(not tell) the truth4,An interpreter__________(translate)from one language to another5,A

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 18:43:35

英语题(填空并翻译)1,The earth __________(go)round the Sun2,The River Amazon____________(flow) in to the Atlantic Ocean3,A liar is someone who________(not tell) the truth4,An interpreter__________(translate)from one language to another5,A
1,The earth __________(go)round the Sun
2,The River Amazon____________(flow) in to the Atlantic Ocean
3,A liar is someone who________(not tell) the truth
4,An interpreter__________(translate)from one language to another
5,An atheist______________(not believe)in God.

英语题(填空并翻译)1,The earth __________(go)round the Sun2,The River Amazon____________(flow) in to the Atlantic Ocean3,A liar is someone who________(not tell) the truth4,An interpreter__________(translate)from one language to another5,A
goes 地球绕着太阳转.
flows 亚马逊河流入大西洋.
doesn't tell 骗子就是不说实话的人.
translates 翻译员负责把一种语言翻译成另一种语言.
doesn't believe 无神论者不信神灵.

  1. goes 地球围着太阳转。

  2. flows 亚马逊河流入大西洋。

  3. doesn't tell 骗子就是不说实话的人。

  4. translates 译者可以把一种语言翻译成另一种语言。

  5. doesn't believe 无神论者不信上帝。

  1. goes             地球围着太阳转

  2. flows            亚马逊河流向大西洋


    1. goes             地球围着太阳转

    2. flows            亚马逊河流向大西洋

    3. doesn't tell   说谎者就是一个不说真话的人

    4. tranlates      翻译家把一种语言翻译成另一种语言

    5. doesn;t believe 无神论者不相信上帝的存在


    goes flows does not tell translates does not believe

    3、doesn't tell
    5、doesn't believe

Venus is the ( )plant to the eart 填空并翻译.( )can I get to the cinema. The tiger comes ( )the monkey to the river 用unber with over填空,并翻译 英语题(填空并翻译)1,The earth __________(go)round the Sun2,The River Amazon____________(flow) in to the Atlantic Ocean3,A liar is someone who________(not tell) the truth4,An interpreter__________(translate)from one language to another5,A puzzle to the center of the eart怎么玩 几道英语单项填空1.The new theory has proved that the assumption which ____ by some physicists two centuries ago was wrong.A.made B.was making C.was to make D.was made 2.With more and more forests being destroyed ,large quantities of good eart 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段文章,文章有点长,小弟表示歉意,不要用翻译器翻译的,非常感谢!EarthworksThe Process of earthworks is to excavate the existing land to a suitable level so that road construction may begin. The eart 帮忙回答一下这个英语题,并翻译204 countries-----------the 2012 Olympics.(用join,join in,take part in或attend填空) c_rr_t填空并翻译 英语填空和翻译题. the language of words is ______________ 请翻译并填空 (英语)Make you own conversation-----(use)the following words填空并说明理由谢谢 Zhou jiewen t(填空)part in the speech contest and won the first p(填空).翻译:周杰文参加演讲比赛并获得了第一名. 书包在书桌和床之间的地板上.翻译英语并做语法说明The bag is ____ the bed and the desk ___ the floor.往里面填空并做语法说明 to()()t填空并翻译 st()()et填空并翻译 Peaple usually eat rice in the s------ of China.(------填根据首字母提示填空,并帮我翻译,) She often goes__(run)in the morning(用所给单词的真确形式填空,并翻译全句)