英语选择题2道,求详解1.how did the idea strike you?----------,so we can't think too highly of it.It's so practical.It's just so so.all depends.It makes no sense2.You can't finish the work in less than 2 hours,I suppose?-----Yes ,I am sure I c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 17:07:45

英语选择题2道,求详解1.how did the idea strike you?----------,so we can't think too highly of it.It's so practical.It's just so so.all depends.It makes no sense2.You can't finish the work in less than 2 hours,I suppose?-----Yes ,I am sure I c
1.how did the idea strike you?
----------,so we can't think too highly of it.
It's so practical.
It's just so so.
all depends.
It makes no sense
2.You can't finish the work in less than 2 hours,I suppose?
Yes ,I am sure I can.
Sorry,I can't.
I don't think I can.

英语选择题2道,求详解1.how did the idea strike you?----------,so we can't think too highly of it.It's so practical.It's just so so.all depends.It makes no sense2.You can't finish the work in less than 2 hours,I suppose?-----Yes ,I am sure I c

1.how did the idea strike you?
----------,so we can't think too highly of it.
It's just so so.
(Meaning it is not too fantastic so we don't consider it is so great. "So so", means somethin...


1.how did the idea strike you?
----------,so we can't think too highly of it.
It's just so so.
(Meaning it is not too fantastic so we don't consider it is so great. "So so", means something not so extraordinary.)
2.You can't finish the work in less than 2 hours, I suppose?
Sorry, I can't.
This is in correspond to the the question. In a way the other two answers may also be correct.
Yes , I am sure I can. (If you are sure this can be done)
I don't think I can. (similar to the above)


It's so practical.
Sorry, I can't.


the second (其他序数词)表示第几
a second(其他序数词)表示有一次,再一次
pay a second (其他序数词) visit to 表示再一次拜访,探望
next week(morning,month,year……)前不加介词,不加the,直接用于句首或句末
have sb doing 表示让某人做什么


the second (其他序数词)表示第几
a second(其他序数词)表示有一次,再一次
pay a second (其他序数词) visit to 表示再一次拜访,探望
next week(morning,month,year……)前不加介词,不加the,直接用于句首或句末
have sb doing 表示让某人做什么
have sth +形容词
例子:Peter,have the door open
dare 可做情态动词也可做实义动词
How dare you say I'm unfair.
He daren't speak English before such a crowd, dare he?
I dare to swim across this river.
He does not dare (to) answer.
Don't you dare (to) touch it!
I wondered he dare (to) say that.
He needs to finish it this evening.
dare not to 中dare为情态动词.don't/doesn't/didn't dare to中dare是实意动词.don't用在第一人称第二人称现在式中.doesn't用在第三人称现在式.didn't用在过去式中.



英语选择题2道,求详解1.how did the idea strike you?----------,so we can't think too highly of it.It's so practical.It's just so so.all depends.It makes no sense2.You can't finish the work in less than 2 hours,I suppose?-----Yes ,I am sure I c 两道化学选择题,求详解 数学.求详解.选择题. 圆锥曲线选择题,求详解 求英语作文:1.where did you go?2:who did you go with?3:how was the weather there?4:what did do there? 两道有关名词性从句英语选择题1.We took it for granted ______.A.that they were not comingB.that were they not comingC.they were coming notD.were they not coming2.That's _____A.how she did itB.that how did she do itC.how did she do itD.wha 四道英语选择题,求详解1) I saw ___ UFO on my way home yesterday.It could't be as big as ___ I saw the day before yesterdayA,a; one B,an; that C.a; the one D;the ;it.2) The doctor did what he could___ the childA,to save B,save C,saved D,sav 三道初三英语选择题(不懂,求详解)1.Mary isn't here at the moment .She ____ later .A.comes B.came C.has come D.is coming2.How kind you are You always do what you can ____ me.A.help B.helping C.to help D.helps3.——We're doing a lot t 3道英语选择题.求分析1.---How did you catch the thief?---The thief _____ when Officer Greer shouted_____!So we caught him.A.froze;FreezeB.was frightening;FreezeC.was frightened;MoveD.was freezing;Froze2.The music ___ very pleasing to the ea 高一地理几道选择题错的求详解 问一道英语选择题,求详解He said he would offer us some help .He did not ,___________.A eitherB thoughC althoughD yet求解释为什么选B,而不选别的 等比数列 三条选择题2 3 4 求详解,谢谢! 一道英语选择题,求详解So sudden______that the enemy had no time to eacape.A.did the attackC.was the attack但我不明白为什么选C,选A不可以吗? 求一篇英语作文总体框架 提示:1、Where did you go?2、How did you go there?3、Who did you go with?求一篇英语作文总体框架提示:1、Where did you go?2、How did you go there?3、Who did you go with?4、What did you do there 求50道英语选择题 求50道英语选择题 初三几道简单的英语选择题,高分( )3. ---John has hurt his leg. ---Really? _______?A. Who did it B. How did that happenedC. What’s wrong with him D. Why was he so careless( )7. ---- Your pict 2道英语选择题.