给我一篇高中英语演讲稿,2分钟就行!急例如:1protect wild animal2 learn from Japanese3PECAE AND WAR4challenge and opportunity等 写什么都行,不一定是上述的这几个,随便写几句就行

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:40:38

给我一篇高中英语演讲稿,2分钟就行!急例如:1protect wild animal2 learn from Japanese3PECAE AND WAR4challenge and opportunity等 写什么都行,不一定是上述的这几个,随便写几句就行
例如:1protect wild animal
2 learn from Japanese
4challenge and opportunity
等 写什么都行,不一定是上述的这几个,随便写几句就行

给我一篇高中英语演讲稿,2分钟就行!急例如:1protect wild animal2 learn from Japanese3PECAE AND WAR4challenge and opportunity等 写什么都行,不一定是上述的这几个,随便写几句就行
金钱能买来幸福吗-Can Money Buy Happiness?
Can Money Buy Happiness?
Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite.
It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.
So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly.
吸烟与健康-Smoking And Health
Smoking And Health
Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.
However, smoking is harmful to one’s ,health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on Giveup smoking! If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Give upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.
环境与发展-Development and the Environment
Development and the Environment
It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. Waste gases poison the air we breathe. The rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. It is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.
Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the price we have to pay for economic development. But I do not think that this argument is valid. After all, what is the point of economic growth if people’s lives are adversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution?
There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can be achieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the environment. The key to achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.

As a member of this world, we all have the power. We are facing all kinds of challenge every day, but we grow up from that. So we can see, the challenge can born the opportunity. The opportunity helps you to succeed.

On Friendship
Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to r...


On Friendship
Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.
The term, friend, covers a wide range of raeanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.
As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. Our frinods give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.
With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.


Good morning, everybody!
Does anybody know what peace is?
Well, let me tell you all about peace.

Peace is morning dew on the soft green grass. Peace is a pretty flower dan...


Good morning, everybody!
Does anybody know what peace is?
Well, let me tell you all about peace.

Peace is morning dew on the soft green grass. Peace is a pretty flower dancing in the gentle wind,
Peace is the little murmuring brook winding through tall mountains,
and Peace is a little bird soaring in the deep blue sky
Peace is a cute baby sleeping soundly in a young mother’s arm.
Peace is the sun.
Peace is the moon.
Peace is the stars.
Peace is you,
Peace is me.
Peace is what we want!
Peace would stop our anger and hatred.
Peace would take away our jealousy and fears.
Peace would calm all our spirits and wipe away our tears.
Peace would bring us love and wisdom.
Peace would link us all together
Boys and girls,
Let us touch the earth and let us touch one another,
Lets us love the earth and let us love the peace!
Good luck and bye!


给我一篇高中英语演讲稿,2分钟就行!急例如:1protect wild animal2 learn from Japanese3PECAE AND WAR4challenge and opportunity等 写什么都行,不一定是上述的这几个,随便写几句就行 我需要一篇5分钟的高中英语演讲稿 我的理想 英语演讲稿我要一篇关于的英语演讲稿,时间在2分钟就行!急用! 急求一篇高中英语演讲稿,2到3分钟之内!关于珍惜时间的! 3分钟英语演讲稿,主题是:A word that has changed the world.- 给我找一篇3分钟左右的演讲稿,- -高中难度.就没有好点的文章了吗?太短了,不行。 哭求高中英语演讲稿一篇3到4分钟我的赏分很高哦大家多多帮忙! 给我一篇英语演讲稿.2.3分钟就行.题目which is more impoetant for you hunting job?ability or 机遇机遇英语写不到达 我需要一篇有关中西文化的1分钟英语演讲稿只要是中西文化的就可以啦,不过是高中水平的, 急求一篇高中英语演讲稿5到10分钟的,最好是通俗易懂的容易让别人听懂的, 谁可以给我一篇有关梦想的高中英语演讲稿啊, 初一英语演讲稿!1急、、急需一篇英语演讲搞,时间大概在2,3分钟 ,带汉语的!.不过似乎不是我想要的 求一篇关于友谊的英语演讲稿 三分钟内高中水平就好,不要太深的 求一篇2分钟的英语演讲稿 my view on going abroad 我对出国的看法 英语演讲 两分钟就大神帮我写一篇英语演讲,我去说两分钟就行了, 给我一篇初一英语演讲稿,3分钟左右,有翻译,词汇不要太难 谁能帮我写一篇英语演讲稿?一分钟以内就够了. 急求! 一篇关爱生命的英语演讲稿,三到四分钟 谁帮我写一篇2分钟英语演讲稿帮忙写一篇英语演讲稿,讲两分钟就可以了,内容不限(最好有点创意),单词不能太难,复制过来的不要!