
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:58:27


This is the openingsection; this the first chapter.Subsequent to the visions of a dream which hehad,on some previous occasion,experienced,the writer personally relates,hedesignedly concealed the true circumstances,and borrowed the attributes ofperception and spirituality to relate this story of the Record of the Stone.With this purpose,he made use of such designations as Chen Shih-yin (truthunder the garb of fiction) and the like.What are,however,the eventsrecordedin this work?Who are the dramatis personae?
Wearied with the drudgery experienced of late in the world,the author speaking for himself,goes on to explain,with the lack of success which attended every single concern,I suddenly bethought myself of the womankind of past ages.Passing one by one under a minute scrutiny,I felt that in action and in lore,one and all were far above me; that in spite of the majesty of my manliness,I could not,in point of fact,compare with these characters of the gentle sex.And my shame forsooth then knew no bounds; while regret,on the other hand,was of no avail,as there was not even a remote possibility of a day of remedy.On this very day it was that I became desirous to compile,in a connected form,for publication throughout the world,with a view to (universal) information,how that I bear inexorable and manifold retribution; inasmuch as what time,by the sustenance of the benevolence of Heaven,and the virtue of my ancestors,my apparel was rich and fine,and as what days my fare was savory and sumptuous,I disregarded the bounty of education and nurture of father and mother,and paid no heed to the virtue of precept and injunction of teachers and friends,with the result that I incurred the punishment,of failure recently in the least trifle,and the reckless waste of half my lifetime.There have been meanwhile,generation after generation,those in the inner chambers,the whole mass of whom could not,on any account,be,through my influence,allowed to fall into extinction,in order that I,unfilial as I have been,may have the means to screen my own shortcomings.Hence it is that the thatched shed,with bamboo mat windows,the bed of tow and the stove of brick,which are at present my share,are not sufficient to deter me from carrying out the fixed purpose of my mind.And could I,furthermore,confront the morning breeze,the evening moon,the willows by the steps and the flowers in the courtyard,methinks these would moisten to a greater degree my mortal pen with ink; but though I lack culture and erudition,what harm is there,however,in employing fiction and unrecondite language to give utterance to the merits of these characters?And were I also able to induce the inmates of the inner chamber to understand and diffuse them,could I besides break the weariness of even so much as a single moment,or could I open the eyes of my contemporaries,will it not forsooth prove a boon?This consideration has led to the usage of such names as Chia Yü-ts'un and other similar appellations.

Also this is the first time. The author from the cloud: because once through a dream, it will be true to Cain, and said "channeled" and writing


Also this is the first time. The author from the cloud: because once through a dream, it will be true to Cain, and said "channeled" and writing
The < < the stone > > book also. Therefore, yue "ZhenShiYin greetings." what is written in the proviso of who? Since the cloud: "over the busy today, nothing
, and think about all the women, to fine test one by one, its amiable form sense, all out of me. What I am open man, if not
If he woman everywhere? Real are too more, and on the day of how big have no regrets and no good! When this, since the desire to past Lai Tianen ZuDe,
Jinyi Wan э, faint sweet more fat, on the day of back and fathers education, by the grace of negative rules about teachers, so that a skill nothing today, half the flow rate
Down, make a set, in order to tell everybody: I sin is unavoidable, but can happen in this since seems someone, not because of my rogue, since
Protect yourself short, make it die out also. Although today's MAO rafter peng You, tile kitchen string bed, its ChenXi dew wind, order LiuTing flower, also did not hinder me
Means ink. Although I did not learn, no writing, what language with fake village, to re-emerge out a story, which can also make zhao, complex
可悦世之目,破人愁闷,不亦宜乎?"故曰"贾雨村"云云. 求直译成英文,不求多准确,能翻译出大致意思即可。
Can accept the orders, ennui, not yi yi? So yue Jia Yu village "greetings. Literal translation into English, not much accurate, can translate out roughly means.


This is the first time. The author from the cloud: who had experienced a dream, it will be hidden true, and borrow "psychic" say, write
This "stone > > a book also. Therefore" Zhen Shiyin. "So wha...


This is the first time. The author from the cloud: who had experienced a dream, it will be hidden true, and borrow "psychic" say, write
This "stone > > a book also. Therefore" Zhen Shiyin. "So what anyone but in the mind? From the cloud:" this busy with worldly affairs, nothing
Into, and mindful of the woman at all, compared to the one one thin, feel their behavior insight, are out of my top. What I am a man, is not
If that woman? Real shame is more than, regret and unhelpful in the day also have no idea! When this, since to the past "grace jude,
Yi Wan greatly when the day, be delicately nurtured, back his education, regulations on negative friends of Germany, even today. Without it, life was
But sin, for the episode, to tell the world: I sin solid unavoidably, but in the boudoir distinctly someone, don't because of my unworthiness, since
Protect oneself is short, and make it disappear. Although today's Mao Chuanpeng window, tile stove rope bed, the morning dew evening wind, Kaiyanagi Rababana, also not harm me
Bosom brush. Although I did not learn, write without paper, might as well use slang, apply a story, but also the boudoir, complex
Please the eye, broken people sad, don't also be? "So called" Jia Yu "and so on. The literal translation into English, but not more accurate, can be translated roughly meaning to.

