选用下面的词填入空格keep opens make come need water growwhere does the flower ( )from?what's in that tiny seed?if I want to ( )a fiower,what tools do I( I know I need a pot of soil,to ( )a flower 's bed.I know I need a lot of sun,to ( )my f

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:41:18

选用下面的词填入空格keep opens make come need water growwhere does the flower ( )from?what's in that tiny seed?if I want to ( )a fiower,what tools do I( I know I need a pot of soil,to ( )a flower 's bed.I know I need a lot of sun,to ( )my f
keep opens make come need water grow
where does the flower ( )from?
what's in that tiny seed?
if I want to ( )a fiower,
what tools do I(
I know I need a pot of soil,
to ( )a flower 's bed.
I know I need a lot of sun,
to ( )my flower fed.
I( )every day,
and up and up it geows.
then one day the flower ( ).
and there 's a pretty rose.

选用下面的词填入空格keep opens make come need water growwhere does the flower ( )from?what's in that tiny seed?if I want to ( )a fiower,what tools do I( I know I need a pot of soil,to ( )a flower 's bed.I know I need a lot of sun,to ( )my f
where does the flower ( come )from?
what's in that tiny seed?
if I want to ( grow )a fiower,
what tools do I(need
I know I need a pot of soil,
to ( make)a flower 's bed.
I know I need a lot of sun,
to ( keep)my flower fed.
I( water )every day,
and up and up it geows.
then one day the flower ( opens ).
and there 's a pretty rose.

where does the flower ( )from? come
what's in that tiny seed?
if I want to ( )a fiower, grow
what tools do I( )? need
I know I need a pot of soil,
to ( )a flower 's bed....


where does the flower ( )from? come
what's in that tiny seed?
if I want to ( )a fiower, grow
what tools do I( )? need
I know I need a pot of soil,
to ( )a flower 's bed. make
I know I need a lot of sun,
to ( )my flower fed. keep
I( )every day, water
and up and up it geows.
then one day the flower ( ). opens
and there 's a pretty rose.


where does the flower (grow )from?
what's in that tiny seed?
if I want to (water )a fiower,
what tools do I(need )?
I know I need a pot of soil,
to (make)a flower 's...


where does the flower (grow )from?
what's in that tiny seed?
if I want to (water )a fiower,
what tools do I(need )?
I know I need a pot of soil,
to (make)a flower 's bed.
I know I need a lot of sun,
to (keep )my flower fed.
I( come)every day,
and up and up it geows.
then one day the flower ( opens).
and there 's a pretty rose.


come grow need make keep water opens

选用下面的词填入空格keep opens make come need water growwhere does the flower ( )from?what's in that tiny seed?if I want to ( )a fiower,what tools do I( I know I need a pot of soil,to ( )a flower 's bed.I know I need a lot of sun,to ( )my f 选用方框中的词填入空格(英语)1.keep 2.opens 3.make 4.come 5.need 6.water 7.growWhere does the flower ______ from What's in that tiny seed If l want to ______ a flower ,What tools do I ______ I know I need a pot of soil ,To ______ a flower 选择适合的词填入空格, 选用练习7的成语填入下面的句子中 把词填入空格,题目在“问题补充”里.词:1,keep 2,opens 3,make 4,come need 5,water 7,grow; 题:Where doer the flower___from?What's in that tiny seed?IfI want to___a flower,What tools do I___?I know Ineed a pot of soif,To___a flower's b 选用方框中的词填入括号,再有节奏地诵读小诗.1.keep 2.opens 3.make 4.come 5.need 6.water 7.growWhere does the flower_____from?What's in that tiny seed?If I want to _____a flower,What tools do I ______?I know I need a pot of soil,To__ 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词(首字母已给)It is not esrly,but Dick and Betty are still in bed.They feel cold and they like their w_____ beds.Mother comes in and opens the window.She say,Look 给1~12数,填入12个括号里,使每个小正方形上的四个数相加的和都等于25的答案12填入下面的格子中,要求每个正方型的4个数相加都是25 1 空格 空格 空格 空格 空格 空格 空格 空格 空格 空格 9 在下列各句空格处填入恰当的词 在空格没填入适当的词,首字母已给 请你在下面的空格中填入恰当的字,组成六个词语.一()二() . Choose and read.(一首英语小诗填空)应该是一道蛮简单的英语填空题.诗分三个诗节.选用方框中的词填空.1.keep 2.opens 3.make 4.come 5.need 6.water 7.grow Where does the flower_____ from?What's in that tiny seed?If I w 把3.这6个数分别填入下面算式的空格,每个空格只许填一个数,12+?=5? 把1~9这九个数字分别填入下面的空格中,每个空格只许添一个数字,且不能重复,使等式成立( )除以( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) 在下面除法竖式的空格中,各填入一个合适的数字,使这个算式成立. 在下面竖式的空格中填入适当的数字,使等式成立.明天就要交了! 拜托英语好的帮我看看下面选词填空的答案是什么?选择下面单词,填入正确的空格中.Trying times rose motivated dramatically cramped Declined result demoralised determined smoothlyAt first business went 1______ .their custo 英语题 在下列各句空格处填入恰当的词