
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 23:29:11


The big tiger has very sharp teeth.
Everyone is afraid of tigers, only the fox said: "I'm not afraid, I still can put tigers teeth pulled all?" Everyone is afraid of tigers, only the fox said: "I'm not afraid, I still can put tigers teeth pulled all?"
Who also don't believe, said the fox brag. Who also don't believe, said the fox brag.
The fox really goes to the tiger. The fox really goes to the tiger. He took a bundle of gift: "ah, your majesty, I brought you the world's most delicious thing -- candy." He took a bundle of gift: "ah, your majesty, I brought you the world's most delicious thing -- candy."
Sugar is what? Sugar is what? The tiger has never tasted, he ate a grain of cream of sugar, aha, it is very delicious. The tiger has never tasted, he ate a grain of cream of sugar, aha, it is very delicious.
The fox often sends sugar. The fox often sends sugar. The tiger had a grain and a grain, even sleeping of time, sugar also contain in his mouth? The tiger had a grain and a grain, even sleeping of time, sugar also contain in his mouth?
The tiger's good friend lion told him, sugar to eat too much, and no teeth, the tooth can be off. Decay. The tiger's good friend lion told him, sugar to eat too much, and no teeth, the tooth can be off. Decay.
The tiger was going to brush my teeth, and fox comes: "ah, you put on teeth sugar full brush away." oh, what a pity The tiger was going to brush my teeth, and fox comes: "ah, you put on teeth sugar full brush away." oh, what a pity
Chanzui tiger listened to fox words, do not brush my teeth. Chanzui tiger listened to fox words, do not brush my teeth.
After some time, the middle of the night, the tiger toothache, pain he buried her face in his nut.she call... After some time, the middle of the night, the tiger toothache, pain he buried her face in his nut.she call...
The tiger busy and went to the dentist MaDaFu: "quick, quick put my tooth!" MaDaFu a listen to give the tiger tooth, frighten the door also dare not drive. The tiger busy and went to the dentist MaDaFu: "quick, quick put my tooth!" MaDaFu a listen to give the tiger tooth, frighten the door also dare not drive.
The tiger and go find cows doctor, cow doctor also favour say: "I, I don't pull out your teeth..." The tiger and go find cows doctor, cow doctor also favour say: "I, I don't pull out your teeth..."
The donkey doctor more dare not pull out the tiger tooth. The donkey doctor more dare not pull out the tiger tooth.
Tigers face puffed up, the pain was he shouted: "who put straight my tooth, I let him to be the king." Tigers face puffed up, the pain was he shouted: "who put straight my tooth, I let him to be the king."
By this time, the fox wore white coat came: "I'll pull it." The tiger thanks and welcome. By this time, the fox wore white coat came: "I'll pull it." The tiger thanks and welcome.
"Alas! Hey, your tooth decay all off, all pulled out!" Fox said. "Alas! Hey, your tooth decay all off, all pulled out!" Fox said.
"Alas, as long as the pain, and then pull out!" The tiger cried. "Alas, as long as the pain, and then pull out!" The tiger cried.
Wow, fox put tigers pulled all the teeth. Wow, fox put tigers pulled all the teeth.
Lo, this only with no teeth BieZui tiger tiger became now. Lo, this only with no teeth BieZui tiger tiger became now.
The tiger still pretty grateful fox? He said: "or the fox and send me sweets, and tooth for me." The tiger still pretty grateful fox? He said: "or the fox and send me sweets, and tooth for me."

(Chinese to English)*谢绝翻译软件 大老虎的牙齿真厉害.大家都害怕老虎,只有狐狸说:“ 英语翻译大老虎的牙齿真厉害.大家都害怕老虎,只有狐狸说:“我不怕,我还能把老虎的牙齿全拔掉呢.”大家都害怕老虎,只有狐狸说:“我不怕,我还能把老虎的牙齿全拔掉呢.”谁也不相信, 求助高手翻译 (Chinese to English)*谢绝翻译软件大老虎的牙齿真厉害.大家都害怕老虎,只有狐狸说:“我不怕,我还能把老虎的牙齿全拔掉呢.”大家都害怕老虎,只有狐狸说:“我不怕,我还能把老 英语翻译大老虎的牙齿真厉害.大家都害怕老虎,只有狐狸说:“我不怕,我还能把老虎的牙齿全拔掉呢.谁也不相信,都说狐狸吹牛,狐狸真的去找老虎了.他带了一大包礼物:“啊,尊敬的大王,我 《没有牙齿的大老虎》怎么导入?明天就要讲! 藏獒牙齿的咬合力有多大?比狮子和老虎的要厉害吗? 藏獒牙齿的咬合力有多大?比狮子和老虎的要厉害吗? 动物中,老虎真的是最厉害的动物吗?难道狮子和豹子真的都打不过虎吗? 猫科动物的老虎真的很厉害吗?``俗话说虎视眈眈,虎气冲天,将门虎子等等很多,听人说老虎和犬类藏獒打架都打不过,和二只狼也打不过,甚至还有人说老虎是森林之王!老虎真的有那么厉害吗?谁 因元旦表演需要,急需童话剧《老虎拔牙》或者《没有牙齿的大老虎》的背景音乐伴奏, 请问老虎的牙齿有什么功效 老虎的牙齿有什么药用功效 是不是用老虎的口帮拔牙齿啊? Sin72*Cos12-Cos72*Sin12的值含过程 老虎真的厉害吗?2 Sin72*Cos12-Cos72*Sin12的值含过程 老虎真的厉害吗?2 老虎真的是最厉害的动物吗?求大神帮助 动物世界里面老虎大还是狮子大?老虎厉害还是狮子厉害? 什么动物的牙齿最厉害?