
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:44:01


In order to promote business,it is essential to build data warehouse which is designed to faciliate data mining and anlysis,finding potential customers,making various markting strategy as well as providing value-added services and so on.Through deep study and analysis on the data of this business,the article develops a framwork to describe the design and the implementation procedure of data warehouse system.

For the promotion of business, we can excavate and analyze the business data and clients, make different promotion strategies, provide particular increment service, etc by building a data base. This t...


For the promotion of business, we can excavate and analyze the business data and clients, make different promotion strategies, provide particular increment service, etc by building a data base. This thesis expatiates on the design and realization of the data base system systematicaly through the deep research and analysis on the business data hereby.


In order to promote the business need through the establishment of data warehouse, so that we can carry out excavation on the business data, analysis, mining potential customers, developing marketing ...


In order to promote the business need through the establishment of data warehouse, so that we can carry out excavation on the business data, analysis, mining potential customers, developing marketing strategies, to provide specific value-added services. In this paper, the business data to conduct in-depth research and analysis, systematically expounded the Data Warehouse System Design and Implementation of the process. .


in order to expand the business,it's necessary to establish the database so that we can analysis the data of our business, find the potential customers,create marketing strategies,provide specific val...


in order to expand the business,it's necessary to establish the database so that we can analysis the data of our business, find the potential customers,create marketing strategies,provide specific value-added services.为了扩展业务,有必要建立数据库,以使我们可以分析业务数据,挖掘潜在客户,制定营销策略,提供特定增值服务。
process of designing and performing of the database system will be presented in this paper by deeply studying and analysising of the business information.本文将阐述数据库系统的设计和实现过程,通过深入的研究分析业务信息。


To promote the business need through the establishment of data warehouse, we can carry out excavation on the business data, analysis, mining potential customers, developing marketing strategies, to pr...


To promote the business need through the establishment of data warehouse, we can carry out excavation on the business data, analysis, mining potential customers, developing marketing strategies, to provide specific value-added services. In this articel, the business data to conduct in-depth research and analysis, systematically expounded the Data Warehouse System Design and process Implementation.


英语翻译为了业务的推广,需要通过建立数据仓库,从而可以对业务数据进行挖掘、分析,挖掘潜在客户、制定各种营销策略、提供特定增值服务等.本文通过对该业务数据进行深入的研究与分析 英语翻译 提升通过业务的推广,拓展投资双方的业务领域及品牌的影响力. with these business promotions to expand the both sides business and their brand influence. 这么翻译对吗 英语翻译久仰贵公司很高兴认识您。想跟贵公司合作XX推广的业务,能近一步交流吗? 英语翻译排队管理系统请点击您所需要办理的业务类型储蓄业务对公银承开销户综合业务对公出售凭证业务对公转账电汇业务对公存取现金业务资金证明业务 英语翻译帮助企业根据产业动态和趋势寻找未来方向,确定发展战略,并通过运营战略实现组织架构、成本和利润等的最优化提高企业人力资源对业务发展的推动作用,建立人才培养战略和方案, 英语翻译邀请函我司落户在贵镇,负责亚太地区产品运营、销售,这两年来,业务拓展迅速.为了进一步做好市场的推广工作和二期项目建设,拟邀请贵镇组团于10月赴我公司洽谈有关事宜.代表团 金融英语翻译(续)在中国银行实习 参与推广住房按揭贷款业务,协助沟通 测量时,为了减小误差,需要测出_____电流和电压的数据.在电路中接入______就可以改变通过小灯泡的电流. 英语翻译随着ADSL技术在全球范围的大规模推广以及针对于DSL技术的应用和服务的不断推出,基于电话双绞线的XDSL宽带接入已经占据宽带接入市场的半壁江山.但是,迫于业务发展的需要和更好 英语翻译摘 要在商业信息交互多元化的今天,一个本着以人为本,以科技为主的中大型企业无论是在在业务上还是信息上,都需要一个能够满足于现代企业经营模式的平台.为了能够提高企业营 英语翻译关于陆易斯通  陆易斯通集团积极致力于开展国际生态城市的建设与推广,推广建设按生态学原则建立起来的社会、经济、自然协调发展的高能低碳、并且可持续发展的新型社会, 为了建立良好的市场秩序, 英语翻译和客户保持良好的关系,争取开虹桥百盛和久光百货2家店,发展网络购物,联系淘宝,建立合作关系.2.为现有客户推广一些新的品牌,从而丰富客户店内的手表品牌,增加订单量,通过一些 为了定量的描述物体的什么需要在参考系上建立适当的坐标系 英语翻译我们从驻在贵国的中国大使馆商赞处得悉你们是罐头食品的主要进口商.我们很高兴向你们介绍,我们是国营公司,专营罐头食品出口,很想和你们建立业务关系.为了使你们对我们的罐 英语翻译主要工作职责:面向上海市场,推广“指付通”(指纹支付)业务.(用于英文简历陈述,请注意结构) 如何通过互联网建立公司 (英语翻译 谁知道全世界各个国家的英文名称?业务需要!