
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 19:02:09


  Zhuang's Spring Festival in the first month, from thirty to zhengzhou, three days. Every New Year's eve, kill chickens and ducks, expectoration drainage double braised pork meat, powder essence and barbecued pork, etc. New Year's eve to evaporate a lot of rice, symbol of prosperity. The table to have the old style chicken served, family, and the stew pig chicken stew. Dumplings are essential to the food festival zhuang, but in the evening but don't eat. Thirty Zhuang zongzi is relatively high, a large food, 2 jins weight, small 2, 32. In addition there is a "phoenix", especially for Mozart zongzi, a ErShiJin, weighing. Excellent taste sweet dumplings. In the first month, and the second is to eat zongzi guests. During the Spring Festival, held to sing and dance, mis gyro recreational activity, etc.
  Tibetan New Year
  According to the Tibetan scholars said, in the old age, Tibet is not new, but in the summer holiday, "Michael ripe for next year," "snow, wheat yellow, happy New Year's coming." Now, the yarlung zangbo river middle region, have the "look" before the traditional festival. People wear ancient costume, rode along the barley harvest, turn to pray, horse riding, archery, the bonfire revelers dancing, entertainment, and entertainment local hero. According to legend, it is ancient Tibet from June festival.
  And in the tenth month, year of Tibetan "harvest is at". 400 kilometers east of Lhasa, snow and primitive forest area, nyingchi) perpendicular (to the Tibetan New Year, called "the tenth month." perpendicular lothar Tibetan history records, very ancient history, perpendicular area in Tibet before the tubo kingdom of primitive religious bon here is very popular. The Tibetan New Year October, from the ancient times.
  About in the 13th century, the Tibet issachar dynastic rule, in the CangBao Tibetan New Year. But farmers often advance in December, said SuoLang "month" (new) is farmers. Because the ChunQi, however, Tibetan BeiGeng busy, farmers have had no idea to celebrate the New Year.
  New Year is the most beautiful clothes to wear, wearing the most precious jewelry, even the economic conditions of the poor people, also want to prepare a new one or both of the robe, the ornament, rough called "SaJu", namely, of course. These new CangBao from nature. But also have attained, WangXin god who QuJie, to observe the world mirror from life, everybody dressed, he clumsily wrapped, give the world some grace, ragged, he came on, and the plague hazard. Therefore, the new clothes that are pleasing to god king.
  The third person in Lhasa, out of the noise of traveling to the streets and the east and west mountain YaoWangShan of Aquarius, insert the flag, decide to sacrifice, hills and water nymph pennant.
  Tibetan the fifth day, on the outskirts of Lhasa farmers will held stipulated in the ceremony. Farmers in festival, studying the strong oxen dolled up more beautiful, forehead, shortening the pattern on the horns in a red flag and colorful feathers, over her shoulders decide satin, satin with shells and the tail, a colorful with "instead, how to describe, is not too.
  Mongolian always advocate white, so will the lunar month is called "white", GuoNianJie called the "white". Mongolian new preparations from lunar month, 23 began. Besides cleaning, bath, decorate a yurt, even people MaPeiGong with new, and new saddle. Take a whole only the cattle, sheep to relative thick. On New Year's eve to eat the meat "to" family reunion. Beginning at age to JingCi elder siblings, again to toast, friends and exchanging hadad, a happy New Year to you good luck. Beginning to make in the morning must elders.
  Bai, each new start from gifts. After midnight, young men, hard-working boy first. Early in the morning, the family of the bubble has flowers to drink water, sugar than honey day wishes. After breakfast, led by adult children to make friends home to superiors. The lion dance and play LongDeng BaWangBian, holiday is the indispensable activity.
  On New Year's eve BuYiZu prior to such BaBa, rice wine festival food, ShouSui ibiza on New Year's eve. Cock crowing, girls rush to the river water, who first bear upon the waters, to bear that she is the most industrious, most happiness.
  The New Year's eve, the family of the ancient ShouSui burning lyre and harp bhagavad-gita and cone music will people into the New Year. During the festival, men and women, old and young, pressure and indulge in springboard, tug-of-war, etc. The 15th evening to celebrate the traditional rally, elected by several old man boarded the plane ", "techniques to see her grandchildren, meaning they health, progress and prosperity. Then, everyone around lighting ", with the "techniques rack cylinder ChangGu, flute, suona music to dance.
  The daur
  For the "spring brings language says nie" o. Every morning, SaSao 30 yard, in front of the gate with sundry and cattle dung code into a high heaps, and in the evening, after burning incense smoke palletizer veiled everywhere, the festive atmosphere. Old people will be large meat buns, dumpling, food into the fire, livestock, the grain and multiply it wishes peace. The whole evening eat meat and hand of special activities. People in the west into the snow house facing west, worship, and to honor our ancestors. On New Year's eve, the family to eat dumpling jiaozi, with White House long life. During the Spring Festival hockey game, masquerade parties, TingShu singing, etc.
  The people in the GaoShanZu festival in gorgeous national costumes, flocked together in ZhaiTou drinking wine, and hobbled horse in musical accompaniments enjoy dancing under. Some villages are held in game, fork fish basket ball, rod ball sports activities.
  Spring Festival is a year of hezhen happiest programs. Every year, do on New Year's eve, paste a lantern. On New Year's day, the girl, women and children were wearing embroidered clothes on the edge of the clouds, to make friends or relatives. Fish meal is the hezhen nationality people treat guests delicacies, are hot on the "flavor" (raw fish) stretch and sweet crisp "Fried fish hair" and transparent red salmon roe. Skiing, grass, grass is the target of the hezhen nationality teenagers infatuated with recreational activities.
  In the first month to 4: in the ninth month, had 11 however. December 30 night to kill pig, ground of glutinous rice, each to do a starter BaBa symbol, the big stars in the New Year, said the good crop weather, the grain and multiply it. Governments have gathered together ShouSui custom.
  The manchu
  During the Spring Festival to stick the manchu and couplet and their "god" word. Thirty family dumplings, dumplings, cannot have plait exquisite GuangBian knead HeShangTou "jiaozi" day ", "the vultures. Dumpling to code lines, namely to symbolize the New Year, dumpling not getting into a circle, no way.
  Shes Chinese Spring Festival to take the water lily, harmony, wish in the New Year with good Ci (when) sticky, sweet day (). She served "panhu" king of the lunar year, ancestors, fathers family worship "pangu" (according to legend panhu draw portraits of), about the hardships of entrepreneurial ancestor.
  Tujia waving dance "to the Spring Festival. When the last dance, waving in the hall ", "three cages hang hangings, account hang slice, pork, joss sticks and candles and wild boar's head, feet, and red by wearing the crown vestry method with toast with old skulls, men and women, old and young, swing close to worship god, after the dance. Tujia waving dance now except jump, but also play LongDeng, lion, theater and martial arts, etc.
  新年是我见过的最漂亮的衣服穿,戴首饰,即使是最珍贵的经济条件的穷人,也要制作一个新的或两者的袍子,点缀,粗糙的称为“SaJu”,即:当然.这些新CangBao来自大自然.但也有达到神,WangXin QuJie,观察世界之镜从生活中,每个人都穿著,他漂漂亮亮,给世界一些优雅,衣衫褴褛,他来了,鼠疫造成危害.因此,新衣服,是神所喜悦的国王.
  每一个新的开始,从白、礼品.午夜,少年人、勤奋的男孩.一大早,泡沫已经花去喝水,糖比蜜甘甜一天的愿望.早餐后,由成年的孩子结交朋友家里的情况.舞龙舞狮、玩LongDeng BaWangBian假日,不可缺少的活动.
  “春天聂海胜回答说:“啊.语言每天早上,SaSao 30码,在大门前的各式各样、畜粪代码到一个高堆,在傍晚,在烟雾垛烧香,含蓄的节日气氛.老人们将大型包、饺子、食物到火、牲畜、五谷丰登希望和平.整个晚上吃肉类和手的特别活动.在西方人们到雪房子面向西方,敬拜,是为了纪念我们的祖先.在新年前夕,家人吃饺子饺子,白宫寿命长.春节期间,曲棍球比赛,化装舞会,TingShu唱歌,等等.