这是我的作业,麻烦你再帮下忙?Medieval scienceDuring lateantiquity and the early MiddleAges,the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomenonwas used.Some ancient knowledge was lost,or in some cases kept in obscurity,during the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 06:34:01

这是我的作业,麻烦你再帮下忙?Medieval scienceDuring lateantiquity and the early MiddleAges,the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomenonwas used.Some ancient knowledge was lost,or in some cases kept in obscurity,during the
Medieval science
During lateantiquity and the early MiddleAges,the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomenonwas used.Some ancient knowledge was lost,or in some cases kept in obscurity,during the fall of the Roman Empire andperiodic political struggles.However,the general fields of science,ornatural as it was called,and much of the general knowledge from theancient world remained preserved though the works of the early Latinencyclopedists like Isidore of Seville.Also,in the Byzantineempire,many Greek science texts were preserved in Syriac translationsdone by groups such as Nestorians and Monophysites.Many of these weretranslated later on into Arabic under Islamic rule,during which many types ofclassical learning were preserved and in some cases improvedupon.In the later medieval period,as science in Byzantiumand the Islamic world waned,Western Europeans began collecting ancient textsfrom the Mediterranean,not only in Latin,butalso in Greek,Arabic,and Hebrew.Knowledge of ancient researchers such asAristotle,Ptolemy,Euclid,amongstCatholic scholars,were recovered with renewed interest in diverse aspects ofnatural phenomenon.In Europe,men like Roger Bacon inEnglandargued for more experimental science.By the late Middle Ages,a synthesis ofCatholicism and Aristotelianism known as Scholasticism wasflourishing in Western Europe,which had become a new geographiccenter of science.

这是我的作业,麻烦你再帮下忙?Medieval scienceDuring lateantiquity and the early MiddleAges,the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomenonwas used.Some ancient knowledge was lost,or in some cases kept in obscurity,during the
然而,在总体的科学领域中,omatural(这词不知道,我猜是“XX文化” )就正如它所称,但绝大多数从古代而来的常识都通过早期的拉丁百科全书家比如Isidore和Seville的书籍保留下来了.还有,在拜占庭帝国,许多希腊的科学文献被一些像基督教派和性论教派这样的组织翻译成叙利亚语被流传了下来.在许多古典学识类型被保留或被提升之时,其中很多文献之后在伊斯兰教的戒律下被翻译成阿拉伯语.在中世纪后期,因为清真教世界希望得到拜占庭的科学文化,西欧开始收集来自地中海的科学文献,不仅在拉丁,还在希腊,阿拉伯还有希伯来.古代的研究学者比如亚里士多德,托勒密,欧几里得,天主教的一帮学者都对自然现象的不同方面重新产生兴趣.在欧洲,有像在英国的培根一样的人为实验科学而争论.中世纪后期,天主教派与亚里士多德教派的综合被视为经院哲学在已经成为科学地理中心的西欧盛行开来.

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 Medieval science
During lateantiquity and the early MiddleAges, the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomenonwas used. Some ancient knowledge was lost, or in some cases kept in obs...


 Medieval science
During lateantiquity and the early MiddleAges, the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomenonwas used. Some ancient knowledge was lost, or in some cases kept in obscurity,during the fall of the Roman Empire andperiodic political struggles. However, the general fields of science, ornatural as it was called, and much of the general knowledge from theancient world remained preserved though the works of the early Latinencyclopedists like Isidore of Seville. Also, in the Byzantineempire, many Greek science texts were preserved in Syriac translationsdone by groups such as Nestorians and Monophysites. Many of these weretranslated later on into Arabic under Islamic rule, during which many types ofclassical learning were preserved and in some cases improvedupon. In the later medieval period, as science in Byzantiumand the Islamic world waned, Western Europeans began collecting ancient textsfrom the Mediterranean, not only in Latin, butalso in Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew. Knowledge of ancient researchers such asAristotle, Ptolemy, Euclid, amongstCatholic scholars, were recovered with renewed interest in diverse aspects ofnatural phenomenon. In Europe, men like Roger Bacon inEnglandargued for more experimental science. By the late Middle Ages, a synthesis ofCatholicism and Aristotelianism known as Scholasticism wasflourishing in Western Europe, which had become a new geographiccenter of science.
中世纪科学   在lateantiquity和早期的MiddleAges,亚里士多德方法在自然phenomenonwas调查使用。一些古代的知识被丢失,或在某些情况下保持默默无闻,在罗马帝国的倒塌andperiodic政治斗争。然而,一般的科学领域中,被称为出事原因既不是,大部分的通用知识从世界仍然保留的地雷虽然早期的作品Latinencyclopedists像伊西多尔的塞维利亚。同时,在Byzantineempire,许多希腊科学文本被保存在叙利亚的translationsdone等团体Nestorians和基督一性论。许多这些weretranslated后来到阿拉伯伊斯兰统治下,在这期间很多类型经典学习得以保留和在某些情况下improvedupon。在中世纪后期,随着科学在伊斯兰世界Byzantiumand减弱,西欧人开始收集古老的textsfrom地中海,不仅在拉丁语、希腊语、阿拉伯语,还在和希伯来语。研究人员这样的知识asAristotle古代托勒密,欧几里德几何学,amongstCatholic学者、回收与新的兴趣多样化方面自然现象。在欧洲,男人喜欢罗杰·培根inEnglandargued更多实验科学。在中世纪晚期,一个合成ofCatholicism和亚里斯多德哲学称为经院哲学wasflourishing在西欧,这已经成为一个新的geographiccenter的科学。
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这是我的作业,麻烦你再帮下忙?Medieval scienceDuring lateantiquity and the early MiddleAges,the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomenonwas used.Some ancient knowledge was lost,or in some cases kept in obscurity,during the 《体验爸爸妈妈的一天》麻烦,这是作业500字的我不会, 我上的学少,这是我儿子的数学作业,下面第四题,麻烦各位帮我检查一下, 今年国庆节作文30字左右求你了,这是我的作业,我快做不玩了. 哪位麻烦上传这首 你永远是我的最爱 mp3 我要mp3 谢谢! 家用电器给日常生活带来的麻烦我的作业是设计新的家电,没头绪, 《未选择的路》中路指的是什么这是我的作业,求求你准点 什么是世界遗产 什么是非物质世界遗产这是我作业的需要,求你帮个忙 介绍一种你最喜欢的食品麻烦一下,200字左右,是小学五年级寒假作业,实在想不出来 麻烦你一下你可以告诉我一下你是怎么算的吗我不太懂,谢谢 我的好朋友说我不爱抄作业,是不好的现象,你说,这是对还是错? what jobs do people work?这是我的作业.我不懂英语.懂得麻烦你们用英语回答这问题好吗(Fujian Culture) 求100个成语解释成语最好是要不常见的那种...交寒假语文作业啊.谢谢叻!你拿出来我就给哈,我还有200多. 查词典太慢太麻烦! 这是我奥数班的作业 叹息是什么意思这是我的作业 急求读后感1500字左右我也不想难为大家,但是这是我们那个该死的老师留的作业,就麻烦大家帮帮忙了 《黄生借书说》 “作者为何叹借者之用心专,而少时之岁月为可惜也”?这是我的一个作业,麻烦懂的回答下. 工程力学作业能否麻烦你帮忙下