把卡片重新排列,组成一个句子1.your tidy you shouid __________________________________________________________________2.dog this him can help__________________________________________________________________用you should/shouldn't的句型

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 15:54:31

把卡片重新排列,组成一个句子1.your tidy you shouid __________________________________________________________________2.dog this him can help__________________________________________________________________用you should/shouldn't的句型
1.your tidy you shouid
2.dog this him can help
用you should/shouldn't的句型,写成班规。用上以下词
be kind be late be helpful eat in class play with toys study hard
listen to the teacher

把卡片重新排列,组成一个句子1.your tidy you shouid __________________________________________________________________2.dog this him can help__________________________________________________________________用you should/shouldn't的句型
1.you should tidy your!
2,this dog can help him.
you should be kind and be helpful to your classmates,you shouldn'tplay with toys or eat in class ,you should study hard and listen to the teacher

this dog can help him.

1.you should tidy your!
2.can this dog help him?
PS:(老兄,第一题中的 should拼错了)

把卡片重新排列,组成一个句子1.your tidy you shouid __________________________________________________________________2.dog this him can help__________________________________________________________________用you should/shouldn't的句型 贝贝把单词卡片搞乱了,你能帮他把单词重新排列好,组成一个句子吗?100分哦was there slide only a 当当把单词卡片搞乱了,你能帮他把单词卡片重新排列好,组成一个句子吗?have books got you are where they borrow you CDs can't 当当把单词卡片搞乱了,你能帮他把单词重新排列好,组成一个句子吗piay what he did 一个~you will me help 两个~好的再加5分 把打乱的字母顺序重新排列,组成一个正确的单词1.fraet_______ 把单词重新排列好,组成一个句子.1、read can your you books 2、you get did it (这个是问句) 3、on it's D shelf (5分钟之内回答再加10分) 重新排列单词,组成正确的句子 重新排列单词,组成合理句子 speak,please,your mom,to,can, 将下列句子重新排列组成一个对话( )What's your name?( )Hello!I'm Mike.( )See you!( )My name is Chen jie.( )Bye 按词语重新排列句子【如同 礼花 把 装点得 白昼 绚烂的 北京的 夜晚】以上的词语请重新排列,组成新的句子, 将it,easy,is,not,to,good,a,present,give.重新排列,组成一个句子 重新排列,组成单词 重新排列组成句子eat ice cream let' s the (keen)Touch your ____,please.把括号内的字母重新排列成单词,是句子意思完整. 把下列单词重新排列,组成正确的句子:it's,is,he,what,when,doing,raining 重新排列这些句子. 把your,take,piease,things,these,brother,to重新排列 把所给字母重新排列顺序组成正确的单词1.revilouton2.fdiuelgtlh