英语:一、连词成句.1、I,bus,by ,can,get,park,to,nature,the?2、to,be,Amy,an ,is,going,artist.3、library,school,the,the,is,in,front,of.一、智力测试.商店售出裤和衫,每件都是九元钱,裤赔百分之十卖,衫赚百分之十

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:43:26

英语:一、连词成句.1、I,bus,by ,can,get,park,to,nature,the?2、to,be,Amy,an ,is,going,artist.3、library,school,the,the,is,in,front,of.一、智力测试.商店售出裤和衫,每件都是九元钱,裤赔百分之十卖,衫赚百分之十
1、I,bus,by ,can,get,park,to,nature,the?
2、to,be,Amy,an ,is,going,artist.

英语:一、连词成句.1、I,bus,by ,can,get,park,to,nature,the?2、to,be,Amy,an ,is,going,artist.3、library,school,the,the,is,in,front,of.一、智力测试.商店售出裤和衫,每件都是九元钱,裤赔百分之十卖,衫赚百分之十
I get to the nature park by bus.
Amy is going to be an artist.
The school is in front of the library./The library is in front of the school.
裤卖了:8.1 衫卖了:9.9 一共18元 本金为9+9=18 所以没赚没赔

can i get to the nature park by the bus?
Amy is going to be an artist
the school is in front of the library

Can I get to the nature park by the bus?

Can I get to the nature park by the bus?
Amy is going to be an artist
The school is in front of the library

Can i get to the nature park by bus? (这里的by后不可以加the的)
Amy is going to be an artist.
The school is in front of the library.或者The library is in front of the school.