
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:25:14


  故事通过描述冈崎朋也家庭背景——在他幼年时,母亲因故去世……父亲因此整日借酒消愁,家庭关系极为冷淡.以冈崎朋也和古河渚的爱情故事为主线,通过描述高中生活和高中毕业后的工作和家庭生活的点滴细节,包括与朋友的友谊,家人的亲情,情人之间的恋爱,充分展现了男主角冈崎朋也在整整十二年的时间里,从一个十分堕落的不良少年转变为一个热爱亲情的,爱家庭的好丈夫,好男人的过程.同时主角朋也通过对家庭的态度的转变,对人事物态度的转变,人与人心灵上的碰撞,理解,接受,正是Clannad所感动之处.Clannad与其他动画最大的不同之处在于是通过生活之间的点点滴滴的事例,不论是悲伤的,还是高兴的,来极力渲染出“家”的含义,给人以“家”的感受.不管是每个家庭的“小家”,还是城镇上的“大家”,都能感受到“家”无处不在.Clannad ,家的象征,家的温馨,家的美好,正是Clannad的魅力之处,也正是Clannad所让人感动的地方
  See CLANNAD encyclopedia:
  Story briefly
  Through the description GangQi contacts and stories in his family background,youth,mother died for...Father's day so cool and family relationships are terrified.GangQi with friends and the ancient river taozhu love story of the main line,through describing high school life and graduated from high school work and family life,including details of friendship,family and friends of the family,the love between lovers,fully show the actor in the whole GangQi friends and the twelve,from a very poor young degenerate into a loving family,love family a good husband,a good man.While leading to family and friends through the change of attitude,everything attitude change,human soul,understand,accept the collision,was moved by the Clannad.The biggest Clannad and other animation difference between the life and through the examples,it drops of sorrow,or happy,come out to render the meaning of "home",give a person with "home".Whether each family "small",or "people" on the town,can feel the "home" everywhere.The symbol of family,Clannad,warmth,beautiful,is the charm of Clannad Clannad that lets a person is touched