英语高手帮忙解决问题!回答好的再加10财富模仿例句把下列句子改写成间接引语.例句:He is drinking his milk. He says that he is drinking his milk1.She has found her pen. 2.They must remain here.3.He remembers you.4.She

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 13:26:58

英语高手帮忙解决问题!回答好的再加10财富模仿例句把下列句子改写成间接引语.例句:He is drinking his milk. He says that he is drinking his milk1.She has found her pen. 2.They must remain here.3.He remembers you.4.She
例句:He is drinking his milk. He says that he is drinking his milk
1.She has found her pen.
2.They must remain here.
3.He remembers you.
4.She doesn't speak English
5.They're washing the dishes
例句:What's the matter with him?(feel/tired)
He says that he feels tired
What do they want?(some/money)
They say that they want some money
1.What's the matter with him?(feel/ill)
2.What's the matter with her?(have got/a headache)
3.What does he want?(a haircut)
4.What's the matter with them?(are/thirsty)
5.What's the matter with them?(have/a toothache)
6.What does she need?(a licence)
7.What does he want?(an X-ray)
8.What's the matter with her?(is/cold)
9.What's the matter with him?(have got/a cold)
10.What's the matter with him?(have/an earache)

英语高手帮忙解决问题!回答好的再加10财富模仿例句把下列句子改写成间接引语.例句:He is drinking his milk. He says that he is drinking his milk1.She has found her pen. 2.They must remain here.3.He remembers you.4.She
1.What's the matter with him?(feel/ill)
He says that he feels ill.
2.What's the matter with her?(have got/a headache)
She says that she has got a headache.
3.What does he want?(a haircut)
He says (that) he wants a haircut.
4.What's the matter with them?(are/thirsty)
They say (that) they are thirsty.
5.What's the matter with them?(have/a toothache)
They say (that) they have teethache.(额 这句你看看原题主语是不是应该是He)
6.What does she need?(a licence)
She says (that) she needs a licence.
7.What does he want?(an X-ray)
He says (that) he wants an X-ray.
8.What's the matter with her?(is/cold)
She says (that) she is cold.
9.What's the matter with him?(have got/a cold)
He says (that) he have got a cold.
10.What's the matter with him?(have/an earache)
He says (that) he have an earache.
通过以上 可以总结出:主语+say(s)+(that)+【宾语从句 由主谓(宾)】组成

英语高手帮忙解决问题!回答好的再加10财富模仿例句把下列句子改写成间接引语.例句:He is drinking his milk. He says that he is drinking his milk1.She has found her pen. 2.They must remain here.3.He remembers you.4.She 数学高手来回答!好的再加20哦! 我想用钢板打磨一把刀,用哪种钢板材料好呢?请达人帮忙回答的好,再加10~20分! 小学四年级英语作文6句话,带翻译,回答的好的话再加10分 求c高手帮忙,帮我分析一下下面的程序段,最好是每一行的含义都解释一下,先给20分,回答得好再加!#ifndef _DFS_BILLSVR_WORKER_H_#define _DFS_BILLSVR_WORKER_H_#include #include #include #include #include #include #include 英语高手请进,帮助取个英文名,公司名为”白云电气”,麻烦大家帮忙取个英文名啊.简单好记的.谢谢..如果取的好,可以再加分的.呵呵. 求高手回答英语,标好序号! 帮忙翻译一个很奇怪的句子帮忙翻译,一定要正确:死亡之爱,血之契约如果回答得好,我会再加分的 高分求英语高手翻译一段程序题要求:有插图 字体有点小 请仔细一下~跪求高手帮忙!!!回答得好再追加50分!!! 解决问题,高手帮忙,会给好评,说到做到,先到先得 对……印象深刻英语怎么说“对……印象深刻”英语怎么说? 急用! 回答好的再加分 我想给凯迪这个名字取个英文名?请英语高手帮忙想一个好的``谢谢`` 好的再加10好的再加10 英语好的回答 一些简单的英语题,请英语高手帮忙作答.给20财富.回答好了再加5财富.以下的括号用“空”这个字代替在下列各句中的空格中填入适当的连词I saw her just 空 she was getting off the trainHave a good look a 她擅长唱歌吗?用英语怎么说?急啊!快是用Is还是Does开头?回答的好再加分 作文 《我可了不得》 回答好的再加80分! 英语翻译英语高手们,帮忙翻译下这段话,对我来说有点难度,多花些宝贵的时间,一定要翻译的完美,好的话我再加分,相信你们的实力!曾经我是那么的爱你,我一直都在为你付出,我对你那么好,那