
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 23:26:46

第二段 总结,扩展一下爱比钱重要的主题就行了

In comparison to money,love is more crucial for one's life than money.Love makes our world much warmer,our heart tender.Love comes in all forms.Great love,for example,a famous Chinese scientist name Qian XueShen returned to his motherland for new construction despite the advantanced living condition overseas.Trivial love,like the romance between a couple,may pull their hearts much closer.A pretty young girl may choose the man she love though the man is not wealthy enough,i think that' s true love means.
Therefore,from the above stated examples,we can see that it's love make our lifes better.Noble persons are usually those who values love more than money.Please bear in mind that money is not everything.

One might say that money makes the mare go. In other words,many things can be bought with money. As a matter of fact, we cannot do anything without money in many cases. Therefore, money is indispensab...


One might say that money makes the mare go. In other words,many things can be bought with money. As a matter of fact, we cannot do anything without money in many cases. Therefore, money is indispensable to us. As for love, it’s the motive power of life. I take it for granted that it’s very valuable and necessary for the happy living. In practice, I maintain that love is more important than love.
No doubt, love is above wealth. Can you imagine how terrible it is without love? But the problem is that many people don’t know the value of love until they lose it. They pursue wealth so hard without paying any attention to cultivate the love between people. They don’t realize that love is the most important thing that they should cherish most. Just having a think,what’s the use of wealth without love? Provided that we lose wealth, we may regain it by working hard. Put the case that we lose love,it’s impossible to make up for it!
To sum up, love is more important than money. Under no circumstances should we neglect the importance of love.
It's very common to see a poor family laughing and enjoying their simple life. They love each other though they don't have much money . On the contrary , it's not strange to find that in a rich family , people are quarrelling , fighting or even conspiring a killing .They are rich ,but their greed never allows any happiness with what they have and love for their relatives and fiends.
To bring happiness,love is always more important than money .Without love ,life would be a dark hell with people wandering like ghosts . Money , as a tool for exchange, can buy materials but not love or happiness . If you want to be happy or bring happiness to your dear , love them and love life even though you are penniless.


1.you love warmed my heart 主动句 2.my heartwas warmed by your love被动句

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