
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:33:42

福山把资本主义和共产主义看成绝对对立的两级,他书中的大部分观点都在把资本主义的优越性和共产主义的不可实现性作对比.事实上,中国改革开放的最大特点之一就是在社会主义的制度下引入了资本主义的自由竞争的市场经济体制.正如邓小平所说,“社与资,公与私,计划与市场,不能截然对立.资本主义需要公有制,社会主义也离不开私有制.”资本主义没有公有制的驾驭,可能真的如福山所言,会滑向“最后的人”,社会主义缺乏私有制的调剂,则会堕入集权主义的窠臼,过去的30年,中国经济高速成长的根本保证便是灵活运用了市场的自动调节和政府的宏观调整政策.一种社会制度的伟大与否绝不取决于其存续时间的长短和其倡导者提出的政治哲学(political philosophy),而在于这种制度在特定的时期内完成了其特定的历史使命.中国过去30年的发展使得中国从一个尚未解决温饱的国家走向了经济高速发展,在诸多领域的全球竞争中具有优势的国家,没有朝着福山所指的“历史的终结”的趋势走下去,因此近30年来,社会主义市场经济体制在中国的成功是对福山观点最好的驳斥

Fukuyama regards the capitalism as the total opposite side of the communism. Most of his views in his books compare the advantages of capitalism and the unachieveability of the communism. In fact, one of the most outstanding characteristics of the reform and open policy is introducing economic system for free market competition of capitalism into the Society of Communism. Just as Deng Xiaoping said, socialism and capitalism, public and private, plan and market cannot stand completely the opposite. Capitalism needs public ownership system and socialism needs private ownership system as well. If without reins by the public ownership system, Capitalism could be slipping to what Fukuyama called “the last man”, without adjustment from the private ownership system, Socialism would fall into Unitarianism. In the past 30 years, the basic reason for China's economic success was based on application of self-conditioning of the market and the macro adjustments of the government in a flexible way. Success on the Social regime depends not on how long it exists or the political philosophy proposed by its Initiator but on the success completion of its mission within a requisite period. China’s past 30 years developments brought China to be a Great Country with a fast development in economy and with advantages in Global competition from a Country with problems of food and clothing. China doesn’t become the end of the history as Fujisawa said. Therefore, the success of China's market policy under the socialism society is the best refutation against Fukuyama's point of view.

Fushan the capitalism and communism as absolutely oppose two level, his views are most of the book in the capitalist superiority and communist impossible of contrast. In fact, the biggest characterist...


Fushan the capitalism and communism as absolutely oppose two level, his views are most of the book in the capitalist superiority and communist impossible of contrast. In fact, the biggest characteristic of China's reform and opening-up is one of the socialist system introduced capitalist free competition of the market economic system. As deng xiaoping puts it, "clubs and information, the public and the private, plan and market, cannot completely opposite. Capitalism need, also cannot leave the socialist public ownership of private property." Capitalism no public ownership of the means of control, may really like fushan said, was headed for the last person "socialist society, lack of the private ownership of swap, will fall to the centralization of non-titles, over the past 30 years, China's rapid economic growth is the fundamental guarantee of flexible use of market automatic adjustment and government's macro adjustment policy. A social system of great or not depends on the surviving not the length of time and its advocates proposed political philosophy (to) political, but in this system in specific period completed its specific historical mission. China's past 30 years development makes Chinese from a unsolven fullbellyproject nations into the rapid economic development, and in many fields of global competition advantages of countries, no fushan refers to the "towards the end of history" trend to walk, so nearly 30 years, the socialist market economic system in China's success is the best of fushan view refutation


英语翻译福山把资本主义和共产主义看成绝对对立的两级,他书中的大部分观点都在把资本主义的优越性和共产主义的不可实现性作对比.事实上,中国改革开放的最大特点之一就是在社会主义 英语翻译福山把资本主义和共产主义看成绝对对立的两级,他书中的大部分观点都在把资本主义的优越性和共产主义的不可实现性作对比.事实上,中国改革开放的最大特点之一就是在社会主义 共产主义和资本主义的区别 社会主义,资本主义和共产主义的区别? 中国近代史资本主义和共产主义的发展 资本主义和共产主义哪个更先进 资本主义到底是什么意思.我只知道共产主义是把每个的劳动集合起来将成果辛劳分给每一个人.社会注意和资本主义是什么意思我不知道 资本主义、社会主义、共产主义? 什么是共产主义什么是资本主义 共产主义与资本主义的发展历史和区别 台湾是资本主义社会,大陆是共产主义.资本主义和共产主义有什么不一样? 战时共产主义和权贵资本主义哪个强?一个是最高级别的共产主义,一个是最终版的资本主义哪个厉害些? 公有制和私有制有什么区别?共产主义和资本主义区别?共产主义的好处和坏处?资本主义的好处和坏处?还要多少世界才能是共产主义时代? 资本主义与共产主义的区别 资本主义与共产主义的区别? 什么是资本主义?什么是社会主义?共产主义? 共产主义好还是资本主义好 资本主义要不要实现共产主义