
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:30:01


Mercury has extremely thin atmosphere.Therefore,it has great temperature difference between days and nights.
The temperature of its surface can rise above 427 degree celcius in daytime while it can be at a minimum of around -173 (minus 173) degree celcius at night.
Mercury rotation and revolution period,which are on the same direction,are around 58 days and 88 days respectively.Since the rotation period are similar to the revolution period,thus one day on Mercury is much longer than its rotation.One day on Mercury is about 176 days on the Earth,i.e.88 mornings and 88 evenings.Hence,on Mercury,1 day equals 2 years.

Mercury's atmosphere extremely thin, the diurnal temperaturedifference is very big, daytime the surface temperature may amount toabove 427, the dark night most low temperature may fall to below zero17...


Mercury's atmosphere extremely thin, the diurnal temperaturedifference is very big, daytime the surface temperature may amount toabove 427, the dark night most low temperature may fall to below zero173 about.
Mercury's period of rotation is on 58th, the revolution week contractis 88 days. The rotation direction and the revolution direction aresame. Because the period of rotation and the revolution cycle approachvery much, therefore on a Mercury's day and night must be much longerthan Mercury rotation week-long time. Its day and night is our 176days, daytime and dark night each 88 days. Therefore, on Mercury, "oneday" is equal to "for two years".


水星的大气极为稀薄,昼夜温差很大,白天表面温度可达427度以上, 黑夜最低温度可降到零下173度左右。
the atmosphere of the Mercury is extremely thin, thus its surface temperature is over 427 degrees celcius in the daytime and around -173 degree...


水星的大气极为稀薄,昼夜温差很大,白天表面温度可达427度以上, 黑夜最低温度可降到零下173度左右。
the atmosphere of the Mercury is extremely thin, thus its surface temperature is over 427 degrees celcius in the daytime and around -173 degrees celcius at night.
its rotation and revolution that are in the same direction having the periods of 58 and 88 days respectivly, which makes it much longer for the Mercury to rotate than to revolute.
one day on the Mercury is 176 days on the Earth, with a daytime and night of 88 days respectively, hence, one day on the Mercury is equal to two years on the Earth.


英语翻译水星的大气极为稀薄,昼夜温差很大,白天表面温度可达427度以上,黑夜最低温度可降到零下173度左右.水星的自转周期为58日,公转周期约为88天.自转方向与公转方向相同.由于自转周期 水星为什么昼夜温差很大? 与地球相比,水星昼夜温差很大的原因是什么? 7-11.木星大气的主要成分是a.氢气和氦气b.氨和氢硫化物形成的结晶体c.碎冰与水滴7-12.水星自转很慢,这就造成a.水星上的的一天比一年长b.表面很坚硬c.体积很小7-13.水星表面昼夜温差很大,最 与地球相比,水星昼夜温差大的原因是什么? 在太阳系的行星中,离太阳最近的水星由于没有大气,白天在阳光的直接照射下,表面温度高达427℃,夜晚则低至-170℃,那个水星表面昼夜的温差为( )℃ 在太阳系九大行星中,离太阳最近的水星由于没有大气,白天在阳光的直接照射下,表面温度高达427摄氏度,夜晚则至-1700摄氏度,则水星表面昼夜的温差为多少? 月球上表面昼夜温差很大的原因是? 广西昼夜温差很大的田地 适合种植什么东西 四川省阿坝州里的天气为什么昼夜温差很大? 水星,火星,月球哪颗星的大气更加稀薄?它们都属于大气及其稀薄的星球,但相对来说谁更稀薄?另外,是不是引力越小的星球大气越稀薄?它们三者引力谁最小? 1.山谷风为什么早上中间冷 晚上中间热呢 然后就开始环流了 不懂2.昼夜温差是不是这样判断的 地势高 大气稀薄 太阳辐射大 气温高 晚上山顶云少 大气逆辐射弱 所以昼夜温差大3.海陆风使滨 与地球相比,水星昼夜温差很的的原因是什么? 月球表面为什么昼夜温差很大? 沙漠地带昼夜温差很大,为什么 水星大气的主要成分 大气受热过程原理的应用.为什么果园中铺沙或鹅卵石可增加昼夜温差? 火星上看天空是什么颜色火星大气稀薄看天空还是蓝色吗?大气的稀薄程度相当于地球大气层的哪一层?有没有平流层那么稀薄?顺便在问一下:水星大气更稀薄其程度是不是相当于地球大气的