get的动词短语拜托各位了 3Q

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get的动词短语拜托各位了 3Q
get的动词短语拜托各位了 3Q

get的动词短语拜托各位了 3Q
.get across (= get over) 被理解;使人了解 Did your speech get across to the crowd?你的演说听众理解吗?2.get around(= get round) 避开,逃避 to get around the tax laws 逃避纳税 3.get away with 逃避惩罚 4.get by (1)度日;生活 to get by on a small income 靠微薄的收入生活 (2)尚可;勉强及格 Your work will just get by.你的工作尚能过得去.5.get down (1)(小孩)饭后离开餐桌 (2)困难地吞下 Come on,get the pill down.来,把药片吞下去.(3)写下,记下 (4)使疲倦、生病或不安 The bad weather is getting me down.这坏天气使我毫无精神.6.get down to 认真地静下心(工作) to get down to work 静下心来工作 7.get home (= go home) 中肯;被了解(不愉快的事) 8.get off (1)(与with,together连用) (2)结交异性 (3)与异性发生性关系 9.get on 相处融洽 (1)变迟;变老 Time is getting on.时间已晚.(2)继续 Get on with your work!继续工作吧.(3)快;催促 (4)成功 to get on in one's job 在事业上取得成功 10.get on for (时间、年纪、距离)接近,迈进,快到 She is getting on for fifty.她年近50了.11.get onto与…接触 (1)得知,获悉 The police finally got onto him.警方终于得知了他的欺骗行为.(2)被任命为;被选为 (3)开始讨论或从事 How did we get onto that subject?我们是怎么谈到那个题目的?(4)登机;骑上;爬上 I get onto the train every morning at 6:30.我每天早晨六点半上火车.12.get out of (1)(使)逃避;避免;摆脱 She tried to get out of helping her mother.她尽量逃避帮助她的妈妈.(2)放弃 to get out of a bad habit 改掉坏习惯 (3)使说出 The police got the truth out of her.警察迫使她说出真相.(4)获得,得到 How much did he get out of the deal?那笔交易他获得了多少钱?13.get over (1)做完;结束;熬过 You'll be glad to get your operation over.手术做完了你一定会高兴的.(2)使人了解或接受 (3)痊愈,康复 It took me a long time to get over my cold.我的感冒过了很久才好.(4)克服 Can we get over this difficulty?我们能克服这个困难吗?I can't/ couldn't get over.我十分惊讶.14.get round (1)避开;逃避 (2)说服,争取(某人) (3)旅行 15.get round to 找时间做 16.get through (1)接通(电话) (2)让人了解 Get it through to him that he must rest.要让他了解他该休息了.(4)办完;完成;了结 (5)(使议案在议会)通过 17.get together 相聚,聚会 When can we get together?我们什么时候聚会?18.get up (1)(使)起床;起身 He is still asleep,he hasn't got up.他还在睡觉,没起床.(2)(病后)起床 (3)(风、火等)变得 猛烈,增强 (4)筹办;准备;演出 to get up a party 筹备一个舞会 (5)研究 to get up a subject 研究一个学科 (6)穿起;装束 She has got up in a new costume.她穿起一身新装.(7)增加;提高 to get up speed 增加速度 (8)(与to连用)到达 What page have you got up to?你读到第几页了?(9)在墙上乱涂乱画

“Get”这动词简单,但和它连用的有片语动词,也有动词短语,数量不少,下列是些常见的: ● get even with...:向……报复 “Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day.” ● get a grip on oneself:控制自己的情绪 “St...


“Get”这动词简单,但和它连用的有片语动词,也有动词短语,数量不少,下列是些常见的: ● get even with...:向……报复 “Mike accused Peggy of costing him the job and said that he would get even with her one day.” ● get a grip on oneself:控制自己的情绪 “Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself.” ● get...nowhere:使……不会有进展 “What is the use of such nonsense? It gets us nowhere.” ● the ground:使……开始进行 “Janet has a great idea of publishing something for her students, but I wonder if she will ever get the plan off the ground.” ● get on someone's nerves:使人厌烦 “She is used to complaining some other people in my presence; this really gets on my nerves.” ● get...straight:把……弄清楚 “Let us get this straight: David needs a car and I lend it to him, not you.” ● get the better of...:胜过…… “David is a bilingual. No wonder he got the better of Kate in handling some tricky problems.” ● get a feel of...:尝试 “In this country, it is good for you to get a feel of living among various races.” ● get the hang of...:懂得……的窍门 “You have to have some practical experience before you get the hang of managing this kind of office work.” ● get the picture clear:准确地了解情况 “To get the picture clear, you must read the annual report in detail.” ● get the message:了解人家所说的 “As no one asked any question, I assume all got the message.” ● get to grips with...:努力对付…… “One has to get to grips with new technology, the sooner the better.” ● get to the bottom of...:弄清……的真相 “Something seems to have gone wrong with Nancy; let's get to the bottom of it.” ● get wind of:得到密报 “Please keep the plan secret; no one is supposed to get wind of it prematurely.” ● get...wrong:误解…… “I don't object to your idea, but I doubt it is practicable. This is my position, so don't get me wrong./ The newspaper apologised that it had got the fact wrong.” ● get down to business:认真办事 “Time is running short; let's get down to business now. ” ● get a move on:赶快 “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.” ● get one's head down:静静地工作 “His naughty son promised to get his head down before the final exam.” ● get one's hands on...:要得到…… “They all want to get their hands on the old man's money.” ● get someone's back up:使……讨厌 “You will just get your friend's back up if you keep on being nasty.”
