
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:56:47


After watching the movie ghost mother first feel drawn too good.Indeed,the very lifelike 3D modeling,mainly because daylighting technology.But if only shares how high praise,that is too simple.Always feel this film is very deep,because it can not only one of the topics.
In many magazine before the introduction of the film,the parents were said card Roland another world "ghost mother" catch,in a black cat and three soul with bravely,Roland saved his parents.Finally,the magazine also concluded as brave as card Roland.
But when I read after it and feel returns the purpose is not so simple.Card is imaginative child Roland,she hated many things in her dreams,has become so good:parents not to let her eat,but every big meal prepared to trim the garden,excessive,Ferial chattering friends become to mute:it seems stuck-up black cat told her many secrets,Mr.TiaoShu willing to let her watch circus,Two fat ugly old woman became a young girl incarnate...It praises the children love the nature of fantasy.
However,the sky is not unprovoked off a good mother.When another world parents demanded card Roland sew button eye,forever in this world,Roland hesitated.After all,she won't own parents.When she refused,another mother had become a witch,panic card has fled Roland reality that his home,but the parents were "ghost mother" held up.Then why was card Roland back to reality and be free of up to?Because she fears that,if this yearning freedom,the dream came true hearts.But if she is in the heart,with it will always be a lamp,always in her life in yi yi is unripe brightness.
Finally,when the card to see their parents,Roland excitement is difficult to describe.She is our true portraiture of every child,isn't it?All in all,the desire for independence from family,are eager to have their own life.But leave to stay together for more than 10 years,yet reluctant family.So,no matter how beautiful dreams,but only in the real world,is true.
The ghost mother "is a good movie,it let me know,love fantasy is our common features,but it is virtual,fantasy to resist the temptation to it,not bad,after all,only realistic addiction is a world filled with love.

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