下面这句话,请改得更地道.Despite some challenges come across,I finally overcame all obstacles by consulting teachers and searching information from internet and library.下面两句话表达同一意思,哪句好?也可以再改好一点As

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:25:36

下面这句话,请改得更地道.Despite some challenges come across,I finally overcame all obstacles by consulting teachers and searching information from internet and library.下面两句话表达同一意思,哪句好?也可以再改好一点As
Despite some challenges come across,I finally overcame all obstacles by consulting teachers and searching information from internet and library.
As the study went deep,Biology had intrigued me profoundly.
As the study went deep,I became very interested in Biology.
Despite some challenges come across,注意这句的come是过去分词的,

下面这句话,请改得更地道.Despite some challenges come across,I finally overcame all obstacles by consulting teachers and searching information from internet and library.下面两句话表达同一意思,哪句好?也可以再改好一点As
Despite some challenges come across 这段错了
despite facing some challenges
despite coming across some challenges
searching (for) information ...
as the study went deeper - 这种句子要用比较式


下面这句话,请改得更地道.Despite some challenges come across,I finally overcame all obstacles by consulting teachers and searching information from internet and library.下面两句话表达同一意思,哪句好?也可以再改好一点As 英语翻译微笑会让你灰暗的一天豁然开朗 请把这句话翻译成英文 请更地道一点~ “公交车上禁止吸烟”,把这句话改得更婉转,让人更容易接受一些. 电流等于电压除以电阻--这句话地道的英文怎么说得?一定要地道 如何把英语翻译得更地道 用英语说“天堂是:美国的工资、俄罗斯的妻子、英国的房子、中国的美食请用英语翻译下面这句话,请翻译得地道一些(不要中国式英语哦),比如美国人说下面这句话会怎么说(引号部分 请帮我看看这句英文中有没有语法错误或者修改得更地道When the wing has glided the place,was already not the beginning . 雨后的空气很清新,令人心情很舒畅.(如何把这句话改得更通顺) 请把下面两则提示语改得更精妙和温馨些.公共场合,严禁吸烟.(候车室) 严禁在书上乱写乱画.(图书室) 英语翻译我知道这句话的意思,但我不知道如何组织成中文,更流畅更地道. 英语翻译请把“你的牛排要嫩点的,中等的,还是老点的?”这句话翻译成英语,翻译得地道点哦! Despite he is rich,he is not happy.这句话有语法错误吗?如果有,请更正. despite the weather is bad,这句话是否正确,和despite the bad weather一样吗? 英语一句话改错.Tense as I was,my heart pound in my chest despite all my efforts to control it.这句话语法错误怎么改?求教~ 请帮忙改个句子请将“会议期间,禁止使用手机.”这句话改得生动形象.变成温馨提示 what do you feel about travelling by train这句话有没有语法错误,有没有更地道的表达方法? Our Staff is available( on duty) 24 hours 这句话的available和on duty哪个更地道呢 Companies may have financing problems for a number of reasons.这句话怎样改写能更地道一些?