填入适当的冠词,不需要冠词的地方画"/"1.George comes from____European country and he is _____honest boy.2.English is _____useful language in_____world.3.—What’s ____date today?—It’s August 10th.4.—What do you think of the stor

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:12:47

填入适当的冠词,不需要冠词的地方画"/"1.George comes from____European country and he is _____honest boy.2.English is _____useful language in_____world.3.—What’s ____date today?—It’s August 10th.4.—What do you think of the stor
1.George comes from____European country and he is _____honest boy.
2.English is _____useful language in_____world.
3.—What’s ____date today?
—It’s August 10th.
4.—What do you think of the story?
—Oh,it’s really____exciting one.
5._____Nanjing is one of ____oldest cities with____long history.
6.—Did you enjoy your stay in Beijing?
—Yes,I had____great time.
7.Oh,by___way,there is _____call for you.
8._____Browns are watching the men’s table tennis match on TV.
9.—Grace!What’s that over there?
—It’s ____eraser,Grandma.
10.George likes playing____piano,but Mike enjoys playing_____basketball.
11.—Please give me ____ring when you arrive.
—OK.I’ll tell you everything as soon as I get there.
12.Beijing is ____beautiful city.It’s ____capital of China.
13.We have three meals____day.We have ____breakfast at 6:30 in ___morning every day.
14.—Have you seen ____mobile phone?I left it here just now.
—No,I haven’t.
15.In the United States,Father’s Day falls on ____third Sunday in ____June.
16.I have ___map.____map is on ___wall of my___bedroom.It’s ___map of ____China.
17.—Are they in ____Class Three?
—No.They’re in ____Class Two.
18.—Who’s their father?
—_____man under____tree.
19.They’re twins,but one of them has ____blue dress and the other has ____orange one.
20.There is ___”s”,_____”u” and ____”b”in ____word “bus”.

填入适当的冠词,不需要冠词的地方画"/"1.George comes from____European country and he is _____honest boy.2.English is _____useful language in_____world.3.—What’s ____date today?—It’s August 10th.4.—What do you think of the stor
1.George comes from__a__European country and he is __an___honest boy.
2.English is __a___useful language in__the___world.
3.—What’s __the__date today?
—It’s August 10th.
4.—What do you think of the story?
—Oh,it’s really_an___exciting one.
5.___/__Nanjing is one of _the___oldest cities with__a__long history.
6.—Did you enjoy your stay in Beijing?
—Yes,I had__a__great time.
7.Oh,by_the__way,there is __a___call for you.
8.__The___Browns are watching the men’s table tennis match on TV.
9.—Grace!What’s that over there?
—It’s _an___eraser,Grandma.
10.George likes playing__the__piano,but Mike enjoys playing__/___basketball.
11.—Please give me __a__ring when you arrive.
—OK.I’ll tell you everything as soon as I get there.
12.Beijing is __a__beautiful city.It’s __the__capital of China.
13.We have three meals__a__day.We have __/__breakfast at 6:30 in _the__morning every day.
14.—Have you seen __a__mobile phone?I left it here just now.
—No,I haven’t.
15.In the United States,Father’s Day falls on __the__third Sunday in _/___June.
16.I have _a__map.__The__map is on _a__wall of my_/__bedroom.It’s _a__map of __/__China.
17.—Are they in __/__Class Three?
—No.They’re in __/__Class Two.
18.—Who’s their father?
—__The___man under__the__tree.
19.They’re twins,but one of them has __a__blue dress and the other has __an__orange one.
20.There is _an__”s”,___a__”u” and __a__”b”in _the___word “bus”.

填入适当的冠词,不需要的地方填/xu hua is having _rest over there Do you want______ orange or ______tomato?用适当的冠词填空,不需要的地方填/ Mrs Green is( )Australian but now she is in( )Beijing.在必要的地方填入冠词,不需要的地方画叉 填入适当的冠词,不需要冠词的地方画/1.George comes from____European country and he is _____honest boy.2.English is _____useful language in_____world.3.—What’s ____date today?—It’s August 10th.4.—What do you think of the stor 用适当的冠词填空, 必须使用冠词的地方 用冠词填空,不需要的填/ 用适当的冠词填空,补全句子,不需要冠词的地方划“/”急!1._______old man in black has waited for you for_______hour.2.Don't talk to others in__________class.3.______young should always respect___________old.4.There is______800-met we ar in __Xinghua High School填入适当的冠词,不必要的填/,并说明理由 I had ( ) accident yesterday.在括号里填入适当的冠词. 在需要加冠词的地方填写适当的冠词,不需要的地方画XPaul has __ aunt and ___ sisiter.This is __ orange and that is ___ egg.I have __ bag.___bag is on the bed.I'm __ Chinese and she's ___ English.--What color is ___ruler?--It's ___g 在需要冠词的地方填上a,an,或the,不需要处画上/+选择填空 在需要冠词的地方填上a,an,或the,不需要处画上/+选择填空 几道英语题,很简单的!一、根据句意填入适当的冠词,不需要的地方划“/”.1._____ Greens are on _____ visit to a beautiful city in China.2.After school i usually play _____ piano for about _____ hour.3.Henry’s father died in 英语冠词当中泛指、类指、特指、专指有什么区别.PS:不需要告诉我冠词的用法. 冠词a,an,the!a/an/the ,或者有不需要冠词的用“/” 西班牙语冠词的使用什麼情况下不需要加冠词呢? 冠词的分类,冠词什么,谢啦,冠词的用法?