正老师我又来麻烦您啦,这次还是请您帮我看看我写的一段话.Yes,I prefer waiting until March after I finished my IELTS test.Mainly because i think at that time my English would be better,and I really do not want my English effect

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 06:20:46

正老师我又来麻烦您啦,这次还是请您帮我看看我写的一段话.Yes,I prefer waiting until March after I finished my IELTS test.Mainly because i think at that time my English would be better,and I really do not want my English effect
Yes,I prefer waiting until March after I finished my IELTS test.Mainly because i think at that time my English would be better,and I really do not want my English effect on my exert during the interview.My second IELTS test is on 14th March,and they will give me my test result within 10 working days,once i received my result,i will email to tell you.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

正老师我又来麻烦您啦,这次还是请您帮我看看我写的一段话.Yes,I prefer waiting until March after I finished my IELTS test.Mainly because i think at that time my English would be better,and I really do not want my English effect
第一行 I would prefer to keep waiting
去掉Mainly because
第二行 (do not )want my English into effect in exerting myself
(do not )我认为去掉 更好

正老师我又来麻烦您啦,这次还是请您帮我看看我写的一段话.Yes,I prefer waiting until March after I finished my IELTS test.Mainly because i think at that time my English would be better,and I really do not want my English effect 看我空气来的,谢谢啦. 您已经帮过我很多次了,这次又有一个疑问,就是 我们老师 让我们 自己创造一条读书名言!我头绪不是很清楚,今天就要!麻烦大侠给我写两句,我从中挑一句! 学霸我又来了 这次是微积分 辩论赛评委总结是否需要勤俭节约?老师让我来最后所总结,要求总结这次辩论的正反方的结果…… 这次回到母校,我又看到了母校老师慈祥的笑容和爽朗的笑声.答案说这个是病句,错在哪里? 麻烦写出对“这次,我看到了草原.”这句话的理解!明天就要 我来啦,英语翻译 刘萍告诉老师:这次的中队会由我来主持.改为转述句) 刘萍告诉老师:“这次的中队会由我来主持.”(改成第三人称转述) 潘兰告诉老师:“这次的中队会由我来主持.”改为转述句 你好,又来麻烦你了,我想跟你要一份库存商品明细账表格,谢谢啦我的邮箱是lanxl020@126.com 怎样折千纸鹤(图解)我不会折千纸鹤……看文字又看不懂……还是不知道怎么折……麻烦各位帮帮忙……弄个图解来……! 这次我看到了草原中的这次说明了什么? 高二化学,大神进,麻烦看下19题,我做对了咩?谢啦 麻烦老师指导我解这一题, 是头昏脑胀,还是头昏脑涨?我查新华字典上是头昏脑涨,我觉得是头昏脑胀,然后我问老师,老师说是头昏脑涨,后来我又查新华词典,上说的是头昏脑胀.麻烦各位大师了 妈妈逼我学作文好不好一点半学到4点,本来就很晚了,作业我又慢,这次98有进步,还是要去学,什么都强迫,我要学奥数,他来作文,我要书法,=,你们说好不好