1.We shouldn't let our grandparents who are too old and weak____along.A.live B.living C.to live D.lived 我选C,2.Teachers should create an environment____children are taught how to solve problemsof learning by themselves.A.why B.where C.which D.whos

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:54:30

1.We shouldn't let our grandparents who are too old and weak____along.A.live B.living C.to live D.lived 我选C,2.Teachers should create an environment____children are taught how to solve problemsof learning by themselves.A.why B.where C.which D.whos
1.We shouldn't let our grandparents who are too old and weak____along.A.live B.living C.to live D.lived 我选C,
2.Teachers should create an environment____children are taught how to solve problemsof learning by themselves.A.why B.where C.which D.whose 我选C,
3.Before a job interview,the professor gave me a better offer than___A.that of Catherine's B.Catherine's C.he gave Catherine D.those of Catherine 我选A,
4.You must realize that____you want to finish this report will be doing it under a lot of pressure.A.who B.whoever C.no matter who D.whom 我选D,
5.New technology like cyber communication will make____is impossible possible.A.it B.that C.what D.all 我选B,
6.Some of the simplest questions about earthquakes remains hard____A.to be answered B.answering C.to answer D.being answered 我选B,
7.Accustomed to ____ the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top.A.climbing B.climb C.having climbed D.have climbed 我选D,
8.Our club is open to adults only.____your children have entered without permission.A.There seems that B.It seems to be C.There seems to be D.It seems that 我选A,
9.Sugar,when____with water,dissolves quickly.A.mixed B.mixing C.mix D.is mixed 我选D,
10.A massive earthquake under the Indian Ocean sent walls of water____over the shores of South Asia.A.to crash B.crashing C.crash D.crashed 我选D,

1.We shouldn't let our grandparents who are too old and weak____along.A.live B.living C.to live D.lived 我选C,2.Teachers should create an environment____children are taught how to solve problemsof learning by themselves.A.why B.where C.which D.whos
1.这里考的是let sb do这个结构,our grandparents who are too old and weak这个作为sb.
2.这里是个定语从句,environment是先行词,定语句的意思是“在这个环境中”,孩子……,所以用where=in which,在从句中作状语.
3.这里的than既做better … than的比较句用法,同时也作定语从句的关系代词,与关系代词that所起的语法作用是差不多的,只是在翻译或解释时,要比that多一层比较的意味.另外,由than含有比较意味.
4.这句话可以翻译为你必须意识到无论你想要谁来完成这个报告,这个人都会承担很多压力来做.无论谁可以是whoever也可以是no matter who,但从句子来看这里填的词不仅要表达这个意思,还做这个句子的主语.而D的话只是兼顾了want sb这个意思,但没有任何人的意思,也不能做主语.
5.这里考的是make sth + adj.what is impossible就是这个sth,what在这个主语从句中充当从句的主语,而通常that在从句中只作关系代词或连词,没有实际意义.而在此句中明显需要一个主语成分.
6.这里区分remain to do和remain doing,to do表示有待去做的事情,doing表示保持什么样的状态.从句意看这些问题有待去回答,不过我觉得A似乎更好,因为是问题,所以是被动语态的.
7.Accustomed to是习惯于的意思,后面跟sth,所以是A选项,动名词结构.
8.这是it seems that的结构,固定搭配,it是虚拟主语.There有那里的意思,与句意、结构都不符.
9.when + doing/done作状语是个结构,即动名词搭配,省略与主句相同的主语,这里的主语是sugar,所以用过去分词mixed,表示被动语态,如果要用D的话,则应该为when it is mixed.
10.这里用send sth doing sth,B和D从结构上看都是对的,但这里看到时walls of water主动语态摧毁越过了南亚的海岸.

We shouldn't let our grandparents who are too old and weak____along.
你选C大概是受了too...to固定搭配的影响,在这里who are too old and weak是做定语修饰our grandparents的,所以去掉修饰部分,就是We shouldn't let our grandparents live al...


We shouldn't let our grandparents who are too old and weak____along.
你选C大概是受了too...to固定搭配的影响,在这里who are too old and weak是做定语修饰our grandparents的,所以去掉修饰部分,就是We shouldn't let our grandparents live alone.
第二题是状语从句,先行词where还原到从句中就是children are taught how to solve problemsof learning by themselves (in the environment).
第五题是宾语从句,make (____is impossible) possible, 括号中应该是个名词,所以用what
第六题你选B应该是受了remain doing的影响,这里hard to answer 是宾补
7.accustomed to doing 意思是习惯了爬陡峭的高山
8.A选项说法本身就不对,It seems that 。。是固定说法
9.这里是状语从句的省略形式,可以说when it is mixed with water,但是若没有it,就只能选A
10. walls of water 与 crash之间是主动关系,所以用crashing


Let's share the room_each other.还有We shouldn't have pollution_us.-里面填介词. 1.we shouldn't ( ) (watch) TV till late. are tired .let's take a taxi home ,oh.we.,it is near our home .为什么答案为we can't ,而we shouldn't 不行? We shouldn't watch too much TV_____films. why shouldn't we skip breakfast? writing:why shouldn't we skip breakfast Maybe we shouldn't have fallen into we shouldn't l____the stove on We shouldn't spend much money on it.同意句We shouldn't ______ ________ _______money_______it. we shouldn't sit_______the desk.we should sit______the chair. 英语,用We should和We shouldn’t 造句 越多越好 We were worried about you.You()home without telling us. A shouldnt leave B shouldnt have left为什么选B,求详细解答,O(∩_∩)O谢谢! 英语翻译And so we shouldn't let the numbers overwhelm each individual tragedy that's behind those 这句话怎么翻译?怎么划分句子成分? we shouldn't allow teenagers to drive cars.teenagers shouldn't _ _ to drive cars. 简单的英语单项选择1._____Let's go to the beach for a walk,shall we?____( )A .why don't?B.yes,let's C.yes,we shall d.of course2.___Shall l tell he the news?____NO,you( )A.can't b.needn't c.shouldn't3.when she arrived,the plane( )awayA.flew B. why should we not ...还是why shouldn't we...1.那个对?2.如果都对,有什么区别吗? You _____ again, but since you are here, i think we should let you have another tryA.needn't comeB.shouldn't comeC.needn't have comeD.couldn't have come选哪个?为什么? may i help you ,yes please 还是thank for your help 答案是yes please 但为什么?let 's take taxi .oh we can't 为什么we shouldn't不行》?先去学校了,呵呵,晚上在请教咯