
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 08:33:20


Coconut chicken is a color, flavor and taste of the Han Ming Yao, belong Hainan cuisine. Tender chicken cooked with coconut and made taste salty, coconut fragrance, Tang Qing refreshing,
Juice clean water, sweet like honey, crystal clear, cool thirst; the unique flavor of coconut milk, both chestnuts taste, but also with the sweet coconut, with a thirst Qushu, fluid and diuretic effect, used for treatment of heat stroke or high fever and other fevers; dishes of chicks natured not dry, with coconut milk, coconut, meaty and delicious, fragrant coconut flavor, Tang Qing refreshing, fill in clear, unique flavor, a total of Qi Sheng Jin, heat tonic agents; suitable for old and feeble, fatigue, weakness, thirst Fanre embolism.