
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:46:45


You”ll be all right soon.
You don”t look very well.
I feel rather cold.
He became a world-famous scientist.
It is getting warmer and warmer.
Keep quiet,children!
The weather continued fine for a long time.
It remains to be proved.
The pepople are the real heroes.(名词)
That”s something we have always to keep in mind.(代词)
She is often the first to come here.(数词)
She is pretty and wise.(形容词)
The news was surprising.(分词)
His job is teaching English.(动名词)
The only method is to give the child more help.(不定式)
I must be off now.(副词)
The bridge is under construction.(介词短语)
That would be a great weight off my mind.(词组)
This is why he was late.(从句)
Our future will be beautiful.
She looks unhappy today.
Do you feel cold?
You seem/appear ill.
The food tastes delicious.
The weather is turning/ growing/ becoming/ getting cold.
He often went hungry.
2.能用名词作表语的系动词有:be,become,turn sound,remain,seem等.
He was a postman six years ago.
He has become a famous doctor.
He turned traiter to his country.
That sounds a good idea.
He remains an ordinary worker.
He seems a stranger to me.
3.能用不定式作表语的系动词有:appear,seem,get,prove,remain,turn out等.
She appears/ seems to be very young.
He appears/ seems to have caught cold.
They got to be friends.
The meeting turned out to be successful.
The theory proved to be right.
Much remains to be done.
That”s why he fell ill.
My idea is that we should help him.
It seems/ appears to me that something is wrong.
It sounds to me as if someone were trying to get into the house.
Your voice sounds as if you had a cold.
It looks as if it is going to rain.
He is at home/ in the library/ on the way home/ on holiday.
The police are after him.
He is at work on a new invention.
He found the girl was in tears.
They are on duty/ on strike/ on leave.
The road is under repair.
It feels like a rain.
It looks like a rain.
It sounds like a train going under my room.
It tastes of apples.(这有苹果的味道.)
The concert remains in my memory.
His report was surpring/ disappointing/ delighting/ moving/ astonishing…
The boy was moved/ delighted/ surprised/ disappointed/ astonished.
He has become/ got/ grown/ interested in modern physics.
He seems/ appears drunk.

系动词的特点系动词有什么特点 get是系动词吗 系动词有什么特点 英语系动词问题keep 是系动词吗?系动词有什么特点呢 什么叫系动词,有什么特点,什么是表语系动词? 系动词be 与助动词do 有什么区别 一般什么样的词叫系动词 系动词有什么特点 举几个例子 英语系动词怎么区分?什么是系动词?它的定义、用法、特点与其他动词有什么区别?我今年补高一 ,不要讲得太深 , be是谓语动词还是系动词还是助动词?他们分别有什么特点?如何辨别?请举例说明. be动词后动词是只能ing形式吗?be动词后动词是只能ing形式吗,其他的形式又有什么特点呢? 恰当运用动词对表现人物特点有什么好处 开天辟地这个词有什么特点,是动词加名词吗 现代汉语语法分析:有没有+动词和有没有+动词+过的区别,所加动词有什么特点吗?如何跟外国人讲解这个用法? 英语语法的什么【主语】、【谓语】等···还有情态动词.有什么特点么? 英语中非谓语动词的应用有那些特点? 系动词用法有哪些特点?后面跟什么 有没有时态变化 有没有语态变化 还有没其他需注意的地方? 情态动词在答句中有什么特点? 被动语态中动词有什么特点?是不是都是及物动词的过去分词形式? 英语中接双宾语的动词有什么共同特点希望可以说的全面些 接不定式作宾补和接分词作宾补的动词各有什么特点