翻译:a historically developed cultural tradition

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翻译:a historically developed cultural tradition
翻译:a historically developed cultural tradition

翻译:a historically developed cultural tradition



翻译:a historically developed cultural tradition 求大神翻译 有追加The Chinese airspace has been historically closed and as a consequence the aviation market has lagged considerably both the other countries worldwide and its massive potential.Progressively the market is being opened-up and t de 翻译 英语翻译Strategic thought has historically demanded consideration of a problem or issue in totality in order to grasp the full magnitude of the situation at hand.Historically speaking,conceptual strategy development has always warned of the need Although this movie is based on past events,it is not ___accurate.A.currently B.perfectly C.historically D.extremely请翻译一下这个句子,In this school most students prefer taking pains in their studies___with good education.A.equip B.be equip 翻译De mi amigo el gato aprendi a caminar 翻译一句话,关于中国历史China is not historically aggressive and only intermittently involved with the rest if the world.要地道,机器勿扰~! 英语翻译翻译内容为:The location of their factory,historically,was the capital of railroad lines,26 of them. 这里的26 of them.有点迷糊. tant qu'il a de la vie,il ya de l'espoir求翻译 英语翻译Social support is a fundamentalpsychological protectivemechanism.Historically,social support has served as a shield against pain andhas protected humans from attacks from both predators and competitors. 西班牙语翻译:“ de nada ” baron de beimotte 翻译 翻译下LA HORA DE love,To de continued翻译 cette robe est si jolie____ regarder,on dirait qu'elle vient de chez Dior!A.a B.de C.pour D.par为什么选A 怎么翻译 法语 Je vous remercie de dire a.请懂法语的朋友帮忙翻译一下 球Voy a escribir el examen de espanol manana.Bueno suerte!翻译 翻译La reponse a cette histoire de detective est dans ton dernier courriel!