a herd of cows指一群母牛吗?不能泛指一群不分性别的母吗?难道牛群是跟据性别归类的?能不能说 a herd of cattle?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:44:49

a herd of cows指一群母牛吗?不能泛指一群不分性别的母吗?难道牛群是跟据性别归类的?能不能说 a herd of cattle?
a herd of cows指一群母牛吗?不能泛指一群不分性别的母吗?难道牛群是跟据性别归类的?
能不能说 a herd of cattle?

a herd of cows指一群母牛吗?不能泛指一群不分性别的母吗?难道牛群是跟据性别归类的?能不能说 a herd of cattle?
1 cow 可以指母牛,或者奶牛,所以a herd of cows可以指一群奶牛,公母都在一起的.
2 cattle是指牛群,是集合名词,不能讲a herd of cattle

1 cow 可以指母牛,或者奶牛,所以a herd of cows可以指一群奶牛,公母都在一起的.
2 cattle是指牛群,是集合名词,不能讲a herd of cattle

a herd of cows指一群母牛吗?不能泛指一群不分性别的母吗?难道牛群是跟据性别归类的?能不能说 a herd of cattle? a herd of thousands 牛顿的草地与母牛问题Newtons Problem of the Fields and Cows flock,troop,school,herd,nest后面加什么动物?我是指分别加什么动物。例如:a school of fish herd 量词加上复数名词,谓语的情况?比如说一系列的事情:a series of things.谓语用复数还是单数?可以推广到所有的量词吗?比如a group of ,a herd of.等等? 奶牛都是母牛吗?母牛头上长角吗? 奶牛都是母牛吗?母牛头上长角吗? Our _______(cow)has a baby.是cows吗? 母牛有角吗? 母牛有角吗 An elephant family is led by a matriarch,with the matriarch being the oldest and most experienced of the herd. that herd of cows and calves is the healthiest thefarm has has in some time.这句话应该怎么理解?最好是有句子成分分析,发错了是 has had.我比较困惑的是,前面有个is,后面为什么还有个has.... 牛顿的草地与母牛问题Newton's Problem of the Fields and Cowsa头母牛将b块地上的牧草在c天内吃完了; a'头母牛将b'块地上的牧草在c'天内吃完了; a头母牛将b块地上的牧草在c天内吃完了; 求出从a 这句话是啥意思啊An elephant family is led by a matriarch, with the matriarch being the oldest and most experienced of the herd Jim is a close friend of___a.himb.hersc.herd.he 英语翻译then,with the roar of a stampeding herd of buffalo,it was gone,around the back of the house and out of sight.Jenny let out a little gasp. 英语翻译Why do cows give more milk today?Farmers have better cows.The cows get better care and better food.For each two and a half pounds of grass that she eats,a fine cow makes about a pound of milk.But she may not give all the milk she makes.If