if not necessarily是什么意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 08:59:30

if not necessarily是什么意思?
if not necessarily是什么意思?

if not necessarily是什么意思?



if not necessarily是什么意思? Not necessarily true. If you half-hearted caprice you also is not necessarily a loser是什么意思?求解 歇歇 insist not necessarily come ture insist not necessarily come ture not necessarily a good idea failure not necessarily bad是什么意思 not absolutely和not necessarily区别 the most interesting books are not necessarily _____witha lot of apicutres.the ones 怎么翻译,这里的necessarily是副词,它的用法如何理解? Love does not necessarily mean to have! IT IS NOT NECESSARILY THE CASE 翻译 this is not necessarily the case it is not necessarily unsafe怎么翻译? It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of you neighbors you will know no one else 杂译就是想请教下它的中文翻译 英语 帮忙分析下这个句型结构英语高手帮忙解析下这个句子,这个IF翻译成什么?全句话又是怎么翻译?A product which complies with the text of this Standard will not necessarily be judged to comply with the Standard if, A love marriage,hwever,does not necessarily result in much sharing of interests and responsibitie什们意思 帮我分析一下一句话,It is not necessarily the experiment of today that disturbs one's peace of mind很晕.这是从语法填空上摘来的.填的词是 necessarily 英语 来看看这个句子!This is not necessarily the case.我想问一下,这里为什么用necessarily,而不用necessary 前面是is,后面应该跟形容词才对呀!为什么是副词? beat sb.in sth.和 not necessary的结构beat sb.in sth.结构 知识 还有造句not necessary的结构 知识 造句[注意:不是necessarily,是necessary]