如果有错的,请说下理由.They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)She fall off the wallWe meet at the school gate.We were thirsty after a long walk Janet found a purse on the roadWe ate fish for fis

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 01:03:28

如果有错的,请说下理由.They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)She fall off the wallWe meet at the school gate.We were thirsty after a long walk Janet found a purse on the roadWe ate fish for fis
They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)
lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)
She fall off the wall
We meet at the school gate.
We were thirsty after a long walk
Janet found a purse on the road
We ate fish for fishi for dinner
My father flew to Shanghai yesterday
They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)
lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)
She fall off the wall
We meet at the school gate.
We were thirsty after a long walk
Janet found a purse on the road
We ate fish for fish for dinner
My father flew to Shanghai yesterday

如果有错的,请说下理由.They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)She fall off the wallWe meet at the school gate.We were thirsty after a long walk Janet found a purse on the roadWe ate fish for fis
were 应该去掉,ask是谓语动词了,就不应该用be动词了.take 应该改为takes.it是主语 应该用单数.或者改为过去式took.fall应该改为过去式fell.meet 改为过去式met.
We ate fish for fishi for dinner
应该改为We ate fish for dinner

1. asked 是they 主动
2. takes it为三人称单数
3. fell 摔下来已经发生了。

They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)
asked 是实意动词,没有必要再加系动词,直接They asked me for 100 yuan就行了。
lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)
主语是It ,谓语动词要用第三人称单数,take 加s...


They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)
asked 是实意动词,没有必要再加系动词,直接They asked me for 100 yuan就行了。
lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)
主语是It ,谓语动词要用第三人称单数,take 加s , takes
She fall off the wall
We meet at the school gate.
We were thirsty after a long walk
Janet found a purse on the road
We ate fish for fishi for dinner
My father flew to Shanghai yesterday


2. take 要为took(过去式)、takes(一般现在是)
3.fall 改为 fell过去式)
4.meet 改为 will meet(一般将来时)
7.ate 改为eats(一般现在时)

如果有错请指出来,说出理由. Wer bist du?Wer bist du.这句话Wer是作宾语吗?如果是,那麼不是应该用:Wen bist du才对吗?Wer的第四格是Wen 求一首歌,歌词唱的是,喂wer喂wer喂wer喂wer,rea热go. We help them and they help ours是不是对的 如果有错 请帮忙纠正过来 如果有错的,请说下理由.They were asked me for ¥100.(ask)lt take me two hours to finish my homework.(take)She fall off the wallWe meet at the school gate.We were thirsty after a long walk Janet found a purse on the roadWe ate fish for fis 有没有错?错的说理由. when the finished planting trees,they were very happy 有错么是说昨天学生们去种树的一篇英语作文 这个句子有错么?如果有错改怎么改打错了昰when they…… 对不对?如果有错的请告诉我. One for da Money的歌词wer wer是哪个语里的 求大神帮我看下这个英语句子!Several financial officers of the company spoke on condition that they not be named in the press reports.这个句子为什么没有错?that they not be 我觉得中间应该加个谓语啊,变成 that they wer 请问这个句子有错吗:In some ways they look the same,such as height,they are as tall as each other如果有错,请帮忙纠正,有错没错都麻烦大家说出句子的意思,以及各个单词充当的句子成分, 就是was~das~或wer~der~的那种!比如wer nicht arbeitet,soll nicht essen 第5,9题,如果其他有错的请告诉我 第三大题,如果我做的那些有错, 第17题,当然如果其他的有错可以告诉我 如果句子写的有错请也指出, Verloren ist nur,wer sich selbst aufgibt.是谁的名言?