You and your partner are from different cities.How do you like the weather and environment in your hometown?Make a dialogue about it with your partner.要是能附上对话的翻译,感激涕零.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 07:23:24

You and your partner are from different cities.How do you like the weather and environment in your hometown?Make a dialogue about it with your partner.要是能附上对话的翻译,感激涕零.
You and your partner are from different cities.How do you like the weather and environment in your hometown?Make a dialogue about it with your partner.要是能附上对话的翻译,感激涕零.

You and your partner are from different cities.How do you like the weather and environment in your hometown?Make a dialogue about it with your partner.要是能附上对话的翻译,感激涕零.
B:Hi,I heard you came from Beijing,didn't you?听说你来自北京?
A:Yep.Beijing is really a big city.I like there.是的,北京是个大城市,我很喜欢那儿.
B:Definitely,big.But I head that Beijing 's weather not so good these days,some people even think it just like London get a name "the city of fog".确实很大.但是我听说最近北京天气不太好,有人甚至说北京都快像伦敦过去叫”雾都“了.
A:oops,actually environment pollution is too heavy especially air pollution in Beijing now.How about Shanghai?哦,确实北京的环境污染特别是空气污染很严重,上海怎么样呢?
B:Shanghai also have its environment problems,but weather here is also an annoy problem.伤害也有环境问题,但是气候的问题也很烦人.when you want to go out for business it's always rainy just like never have sunshine in mold rain season.I think it never like this in Beijing,isn't it?梅雨的时候你要出门处理公务,结果总是碰到阴天下雨都感觉不出太阳了.北京不这样对吧?
A:Nop.well,it seems every city has its own problems.But still many people love it.是的.哈哈,每个城市都有自己的问题,但是还是有很多人喜欢城市.
B:right,and I really love my city though it have problems.是的,我就很喜欢我的城市尽管她问题很多.
A:So do I.我也是.

Tell your partner what you like and what you don't like.的中文翻译 talk with you partner about where you are going for your holidays and why. 【英语翻译】英语翻译:Once you're determined that you and your partner both are prepared to greet your partner and then introduce yourself. Make notes and discuss with your partner circle and ask your partner什么意思 When I met you I knew I would forever be by your side --forever your partner and forever your love have you found your partner是什么意思 求3分钟英语短对话,Topic 7:SportsDirections:You and your partner are going to talk something aboutsports.Please talk about your favorite sports and the benefits you derive fromthem.Topic 8:TransportationDirections:You and your partner are goin 求一段英语口语考试两人对话 3-5分钟主题是You and your partner are talking about Mary, one of your friends, whose father has recently died. You and your partner want to giver her some help. You and your partner are from different cities.How do you like the weather and environment in your hometown?Make a dialogue about it with your partner.要是能附上对话的翻译,感激涕零. Listen and complete the conversations.Then practice with your partner. Then listen to your partner and colour his or her. fill in the from and ask your partner是什么意思 英文翻译中文Complete the conversation and speak to your partner 英语翻译imagine you and you partner are going to invite some friends for dinner .what special food of your place would you offer them? Talk about you room with your partner 哪里错了 With you hand in hand 、with your partner