if you don't hold it in,you don't get all the nutrients.这是在看篮球比赛时说的一句话,大概意思是"没有暂停,比赛就不完整".Hld in是词组吗?nutrient在这里是什么意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 14:30:32

if you don't hold it in,you don't get all the nutrients.这是在看篮球比赛时说的一句话,大概意思是"没有暂停,比赛就不完整".Hld in是词组吗?nutrient在这里是什么意思?
if you don't hold it in,you don't get all the nutrients.
这是在看篮球比赛时说的一句话,大概意思是"没有暂停,比赛就不完整".Hld in是词组吗?nutrient在这里是什么意思?

if you don't hold it in,you don't get all the nutrients.这是在看篮球比赛时说的一句话,大概意思是"没有暂停,比赛就不完整".Hld in是词组吗?nutrient在这里是什么意思?
你确定是你说的那个意思吗?hold it in本意是“憋住(便溺)”,“忍住(火气)”.没有上下文难以断定.如果是指忍住火气,那nutrient可能是指从隐忍克制所能受到的教育.如果是指憋住便溺,则nutrient可能是出于某种迷信而指“元气”之类的东西.我在搞体育的朋友那里听到过类似的说法,比如出去练长跑之前不要撒尿,不然会“走了元气”.


Don't worry,you can hold it if you don't tell me.it If You Don't Mean It 歌词 jewel的 《satisfied》中文歌词IF YOU LOVE SOMEBODY YOU BETTER LET IT OUT DON't HOLD IT BACK WHILE YOU'RE TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT DON't BE TIMID DON't BE AFRAID TO HURT RUN TOWARD THE FLAME RUN TOWARD THE FIRE HOLD ON FOR ALL YOUR WORTH THE ONLY you can only refuse it if it tastes bad,not if you don't like it if you don't hold it in,you don't get all the nutrients.这是在看篮球比赛时说的一句话,大概意思是没有暂停,比赛就不完整.Hld in是词组吗?nutrient在这里是什么意思? i'll hold you to it.don't you dare forget. will it matter if you don't have是什么意思同上 It's Better If You Don't Understand什么意思? “if you don't want others to know about it ,don't do it. Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.最佳翻译出来 If you don't like something.Change it:If can't change it.change your attitude. if you have it ,you want to share it .if you share it ,you don't have it.wha If You Don'T,Don'T 歌词 Scater it,if you can't hold the sand!请问这句英文句子是什么意思呢? 求正确翻译 Don't make the choice if you dislike,once you make the decision,please hold on. Don't make the choice if you dislike,once you make the decision,please hold 友友们,我不懂英文. 英语翻译If you love somebody you’d better let it outDon’t hold it backwell you try to figure it outDont be timid don’t be afraid to hurtRun to all the flame run to all the fireand hold on flow your wordsCuz the only real pain heart can neve