英语翻译1 我打开窗户向外看,雨还在下 / 雨已经停了2 【大雨下了一整夜,现在还在下】 / 【 大雨下了一整夜,现在已经停了 】 注意时态哦,3 雪下了一夜.(语境有:现在停了,/ 现在没停,两个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:07:23

英语翻译1 我打开窗户向外看,雨还在下 / 雨已经停了2 【大雨下了一整夜,现在还在下】 / 【 大雨下了一整夜,现在已经停了 】 注意时态哦,3 雪下了一夜.(语境有:现在停了,/ 现在没停,两个
1 我打开窗户向外看,雨还在下 / 雨已经停了
2 【大雨下了一整夜,现在还在下】 / 【 大雨下了一整夜,现在已经停了 】
3 雪下了一夜.
(语境有:现在停了,/ 现在没停,两个时态都写出来.
4 雨下的太大了,我的皮鞋都进水了
5 下雨的时候,不想骑车上班.因为容易淋湿衣服
6 她不是那种人 / 她不是你想象中的那种人
7 她不是那种忘恩负义的人
谢谢英语翻译哈.8 今天的事情,今天做完,不要拖延到明天
9 你提的问题越多,你学会的东西越多

英语翻译1 我打开窗户向外看,雨还在下 / 雨已经停了2 【大雨下了一整夜,现在还在下】 / 【 大雨下了一整夜,现在已经停了 】 注意时态哦,3 雪下了一夜.(语境有:现在停了,/ 现在没停,两个
1."When I opened the window to look out,it was still raining./ the rain had stopped."
2." The heavy rain has been continuing for a whole night,and it hasn't stopped by far."
/" The heavy rain has been continuing for a whole night,and it has stopped now."
3." It was snowing last night." / " It has been snowing since last night."
4." There is water getting into my shoes for the heavy rain."
5." I don't want to go to work by bike when it rains,because the coat will get wet easily."
6." She is not a person of such kind." / " She is not a person of such kind as you have imagined."
7." She is not an ingratitude person."
8." You'd better finish today's business and never put it off till tomorrow."
9." The more questions you raise/ ask,the more knowledge you will master."

1 I open the window looked outside. The rain still next/the rain
had stopped 【 rain down all night, and now also next 】 / the rain fell all
night, and now had stopped 】 Pay attention to tens...


1 I open the window looked outside. The rain still next/the rain
had stopped 【 rain down all night, and now also next 】 / the rain fell all
night, and now had stopped 】 Pay attention to tense oh, 3 the snow overnight. (context: now stopped, / now didn't stop, the two tenses are
written out. Thank you) 4 it was raining is too big, my shoes are the water 5 when it rains, do not want to go to work by bike. Because of easy
get wet clothes She is not the sort of person/she isn't in your imagination of that
kind of person And she is not that kind of person of ingratitude Thank you English translation ha. And today's things, finish it today, don't put off till tomorrow Do you question, the more the more you learn


英语翻译1 我打开窗户向外看,雨还在下 / 雨已经停了2 【大雨下了一整夜,现在还在下】 / 【 大雨下了一整夜,现在已经停了 】 注意时态哦,3 雪下了一夜.(语境有:现在停了,/ 现在没停,两个 雨下了一整夜 几句翻译1 我打开窗户向外看, 雨还在下 / 雨已经停了 2 【大雨下了一整夜,现在还在下】 / 【 大雨下了一整夜,现在已经停了 】 注意时态哦, 3 雪下了一夜.(语境 把“我还把窗户打开”改成“被”字句谢谢 我在朋友家 打开窗户向外看 远处的树摇晃的很厉害 我正郁闷时 龙卷风从我眼前飞过 我一点事都没 但是远处的树已然只剩下树干了 我打开窗户怎么翻译? 请翻译;我把窗户打开吗 我打开窗户好吗的英文 我可以打开窗户吗?的英文 眼睛是打开心灵的窗户,还可以怎么比喻 英语翻译1.2.介意打开窗户吗?天太热了. 英语翻译1 你去把衣服挂在阳台上吧.记得把衣服拧干.2 我要去阳台收衣服,因为快要下雨了.3 我走进阳台,打开窗户.看到外面正在下雪.4 你能把你旁边的窗户 关小点吗 / 5 他打开 车窗 / 橱窗 扫地 打开窗户 关掉窗户 开灯 关灯 擦黑板 开风扇 关风扇 用英语翻译 我太热了,我可以打开窗户吗?翻译 打开我心灵的窗户的英语怎么说? “你介意我打开窗户吗?”怎么翻译? 我可以打开窗户吗?用英语入何说 360手机桌面天气一小时半小时更新一次,天下雨它就马上更新成下雨,晴天就马上更新为晴天,这算什么?我不如自己打开窗户看天? 翻译:不要打开窗户