英语翻译下面是我自己翻译的东西.肯定有好多最普通的语法错误.谁能帮我修改一下啊.注意 汉语和英语不是严格对应的.不需要增加和删减英语句子,只是在这个框架下修改语法错误.索因卡之

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:36:37

英语翻译下面是我自己翻译的东西.肯定有好多最普通的语法错误.谁能帮我修改一下啊.注意 汉语和英语不是严格对应的.不需要增加和删减英语句子,只是在这个框架下修改语法错误.索因卡之
谁能帮我修改一下啊.注意 汉语和英语不是严格对应的.不需要增加和删减英语句子,只是在这个框架下修改语法错误.
why Wole Soyinka can come to the fore in many African writers?in our opinion it is important that he is deeply rooted in the creation of the African land and the African culture.He is a talented writer,his works are full of imagination and quite fascinating.Especially in the latter part of dramas,particularly worth mentioning is "Death and pimps of the King " is full of a poetic,ironic,surprising ,cruel,greedy.What is more important is his work through dance,music was unfolding on the stage,which is called "Africa's Shakespeare" on the other hand,his poems have made people feel the courage and the power of art,it seems to me he received the Nobel Prize for literature is well-deserved.

英语翻译下面是我自己翻译的东西.肯定有好多最普通的语法错误.谁能帮我修改一下啊.注意 汉语和英语不是严格对应的.不需要增加和删减英语句子,只是在这个框架下修改语法错误.索因卡之
Why Wole Soyinka can come to the fore in many African writers?In our opinion it is important that he is deeply rooted in the creation of the African land and the African culture.He is a talented writer,his works are full of imagination and quite fascinating .Especially in the latter part of his career ,particularly worth mentioning is
"Death and pimps of the King”,which is full of poetic,ironic surprising ,cruel and greedy.What is more important,his works can be expressed on the stage.By dancing,music and opera,So he is called "African Shakespeare".On the other hand,his poems make people feel the power of courage and art,in my eyes he received the Nobel prize for literature is well-deserved.

Because the rope the card the reason that can in the multitudinous African writers blooming, the important reason be his creation deeply takes root deeply in the African land and the African culture.H...


Because the rope the card the reason that can in the multitudinous African writers blooming, the important reason be his creation deeply takes root deeply in the African land and the African culture.He described the Africa plain manners and customs, the unique thinking mode in own work, has recorded this ancient mainland the difficult distance which in the renewal, the developing process passes through.Specially is worth mentioning in the later period dramatic work is specially "Death And King's Groom" - - this is truly, noticeably the persuasive work, among many thought and the significance fill, have the poetic sentiment, the satire, surprisedly, brutal, greed.However his poem lets the human feel the courage and the artistic strength, therefore in my opinion he wins the Nobel prize in literature is deserves


Cable was in the cards for many African writers come to the fore, it was important because he is deeply rooted in the creation of the African land and African culture. He describes his work in the cus...


Cable was in the cards for many African writers come to the fore, it was important because he is deeply rooted in the creation of the African land and African culture. He describes his work in the customs of the African plain, a unique way of thinking, the record of this ancient continent in the update, the process of development through the difficult journey. Especially in the later plays in particular it is worth mentioning that "Death and the King pimps" - this is a real, compelling and dramatic works, many of them full of ideas and meanings, poetry, the irony, surprise , cruel, greed. However, his poems have made people feel the courage and the power of art, it seems to me he received the Nobel Prize for literature is well-deserved


为什么沃莱索因卡可以来前列,在许多非洲作家?我们认为这是重要的是,他是深深植根于建立非洲土地和非洲culture.he是一位天才的作家,他的作品充满了想象力和相当fascinating.especially在后者的一部分,话剧,特别值得一提的是"死亡和皮条客的国王" ,是充满诗意,具有讽刺意味的,不足为奇的,残忍, greedy.what更重要的是他的工作,通过舞蹈,音乐展现在舞台上,即所谓"非洲...


为什么沃莱索因卡可以来前列,在许多非洲作家?我们认为这是重要的是,他是深深植根于建立非洲土地和非洲culture.he是一位天才的作家,他的作品充满了想象力和相当fascinating.especially在后者的一部分,话剧,特别值得一提的是"死亡和皮条客的国王" ,是充满诗意,具有讽刺意味的,不足为奇的,残忍, greedy.what更重要的是他的工作,通过舞蹈,音乐展现在舞台上,即所谓"非洲的莎士比亚" ,对其他另一方面,他的诗,使人们感受到勇气和力量,艺术,在我看来,他获得诺贝尔文学奖是当之无愧的。


Wole Soyinka because card therefore can in the multitudinous African writers
blooming, the important reason is his creation deeply deeply takes
root to the African land and the African culture...


Wole Soyinka because card therefore can in the multitudinous African writers
blooming, the important reason is his creation deeply deeply takes
root to the African land and the African culture. He described the
Africa plain manners and customs, the unique thinking mode in own
work, has recorded this ancient mainland the difficult distance which
in the update, the developing process passes through. Specially in the
later period dramatic work specially what is worth mentioning "Death
And King's Groom" this is truly, noticeably the persuasive work
among, many thought and the significance fill, has the poetic
sentiment, the satire, surprisedly, is brutal, the desire covet.
However his poem lets the person feel the courage and the artistic
strength, therefore in my opinion he wins the Nobel literature prize
is deserves.


英语翻译下面是我自己翻译的东西.肯定有好多最普通的语法错误.谁能帮我修改一下啊.注意 汉语和英语不是严格对应的.不需要增加和删减英语句子,只是在这个框架下修改语法错误.索因卡之 英语翻译不要拿翻译软件的 东西糊弄我 我都用过 翻译好的有追加 废话少说. 英语翻译ACCESS数据密码谁会翻译?帮我翻译下面的东西.3a7iu7al3963q7o3u9o 英语翻译这是我自己翻译的.肯定有很多错误,看一下我的翻译有没有问题.如果有的话帮我改正一下.或有什么更好的意见也可以提一下中文:你们非常优秀!我希望你们能够实现自己的梦想和 英语翻译:现在每个人都有自己却迈不过去的坎,所以肯定会伤害对自己好的人.对不起! 英语翻译直译的话很奇怪 我希望能有润色过的翻译 或者说是看过原作的加上自己的理解翻译出来 注意是歌名的翻译就好 我不要一堆翻译器翻译出来的歌词 英语翻译帮忙把下面的对话翻译成英语的..最好是自己翻译的..越地道越好...丢翻译器里洗出来的就不要了...-------------------------------------------------------A:我最近认识了一个德国的朋友,但是我 英语翻译下面的解释我觉得是表面化的翻译,我哪有申请表? 英语翻译我自己翻译的是:Be brave to face everything请朋友指点应该怎么翻译为好, 英语翻译下面段是我在自己简历中写的 自我评价 内容,自己翻译了一下啊,感觉很不舒服.另外如果有什么好的建议,也请说一下.具备良好的的品行,善于助人.工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐 英语翻译最好是自己翻的 好的话我追分我看过其他人的问题了 翻译的不好. 谷歌世界卫星地图这是什么东西?看着好奇怪啊?是在一个港口旁边的~有一艘英国各航母~下面有坐标、可以自己看看.看着这东西好像不是原装照的。好像是谷歌后改的东西啊~ well though the dishes taste这句话有没有问题,顺便翻译一下,这是我自己写的,所以不太肯定 用一段(5句)英文介绍自己(比如名字、年龄、爱好、喜欢的东西、颜色)最好有翻译,好让我知道什么意思. 希望自己也有自己的好东西,是什么成语? 英语翻译要不帮我看看我自己写的Was there somebody who told me that有什么毛病 我觉得肯定有毛病 为啥你们好多用anybody啊 英语翻译翻译:各位评审专家你们好!我论文的题目是中国外交特色刍议.下面,我将简要介绍我的论文,如有不足之处请批评指出,我会加以改正. 英语翻译我不要百度翻译来的答案,肯定是错的,要权威的!如果有自认为比较靠谱的答案,请说明出处,