He ___ his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last year's president.A.got upB.wound upC.stayed upD.made upwound

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:16:49

He ___ his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last year's president.A.got upB.wound upC.stayed upD.made upwound
He ___ his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last year's president.
A.got up
B.wound up
C.stayed up
D.made up

He ___ his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last year's president.A.got upB.wound upC.stayed upD.made upwound
原形是wind up

wound up 本来是指把某样东西卷起来,愈合的意思。 这里引申为 以……为结束。

上足发条 兴奋


wound up
v. 摇上(绞上)
wound up:上足发条(紧张,兴奋)
wound-up company:清盘公司
and wound up at your door:终于来到你的家门前

He ___ his speech by calling for a vote of thanks for last year's president.A.got upB.wound upC.stayed upD.made upwound He made his speech in front of the professor English.A.by B.in C.with His speech was irrefutabled by the audience. No sooner had he finished his speech ____ he was stopped by the chairmanNo sooner had he finished his speech ____ he was stopped by the chairman A.then B.than C.and D.when His mother saw him play computer games.(改为被动语态)He was ___ ___ play computer games by his mother. He is bored with your long speech同义句 He is__ ___ ___your long speech His speech was irrefutabled by the audience.这句话对吗 He stayed up late last night,___ a speech for his boss.A.to prepare B.preparing为什么不能选a表目的? He ended his speech with a poem ended换成什么? He didn't win the speech because he c___ his notebook repeatedly during his speech.填什么 indirect speech to direct speech :he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been 问两道高二英语句型转换He was punished by his teacher,because he did not finish his homework.___ ____ ____ his homework,he was punished by his teacher.walk straight down this road, and you will see the post office on your left.___ ___ ___ Professor Yu ___ ___ ____ before ___ his speech.于教授在演讲之前先理顺一下自己的思路 he knew he could not finish his homework ___ .a.before his parents cameb.until his parents have come c.by his parents came d.when his parents come写出原因! 1 i learned a lot by ___.flowers 2 he has something to a___.on his way –He is ___ work in his study now.A) at B) on C) to D) by He closed his eyes.=He ___ his eyes ____. 英语翻译1.在他的报告中,他提议联合国成立一个环境急救中心In his speech he proposed that the UN ___ ___ ___ an emergency center for the environment.2.这座古庙于1998年被列为世界文化遗址The old temple ___ ___ ___ a