大一英语求翻译 不要百度谷歌等电脑翻译 要人准确的翻译 在线等RT Students at Beijing Normal School eagerly greeted First Lady Michelle Obama on Friday. Many children here dream of attending universities abroad, and one of the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:20:25

大一英语求翻译 不要百度谷歌等电脑翻译 要人准确的翻译 在线等RT Students at Beijing Normal School eagerly greeted First Lady Michelle Obama on Friday. Many children here dream of attending universities abroad, and one of the
大一英语求翻译 不要百度谷歌等电脑翻译 要人准确的翻译 在线等

Students at Beijing Normal School eagerly greeted First Lady Michelle Obama on Friday. Many children here dream of attending universities abroad, and one of the school's aims is to help them achieve that dream. Obama's focus on education for this trip is an example of soft diplomacy - attracting Chinese interest in one of the United States' greatest assets.
"They recognize the sort of innovative vitality of the U.S. educational system," said Elizabeth Economy, Asia director for the Council on Foreign Relations. "It’s a very creative system, and one that has produced legions of very successful entrepreneurs and thinkers."
The first lady has drawn criticism for choosing to avoid China's abuses in human rights and international trade on this trip. But Stephen Hess of the Brookings Institution said controversy would damage the goal of the trip.
"Hard diplomacy is you go over there and argue with people, soft diplomacy is when you choose not to argue," he said. "And I think that is probably exactly how they want it."
However, Economy said Obama's goal as a leader in American society should be to stand up for American ideals.
"I’m not proposing that she go off on a ledge and introduce radically new issues, like what’s going on between China and Japan in the East China Sea, but I do think as long as she’s there, she’s going to be spending a full week in China, that it really is an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed," she said.
Economy suggests the first lady highlight U.S.-China disputes tied to culture and education, such as access for American films in the Chinese market and the challenges U.S. educational institutions face when partnering with Chinese schools.

不要百度谷歌翻译的 要准确的翻译,

大一英语求翻译 不要百度谷歌等电脑翻译 要人准确的翻译 在线等RT Students at Beijing Normal School eagerly greeted First Lady Michelle Obama on Friday. Many children here dream of attending universities abroad, and one of the
北京师范学校的学生在星期五翘首迎接了第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马.这里的许多孩子梦想就读国外大学,而学校的目标之一就是帮助他们实现这个梦想.奥巴马此行的重点放在教育是软外交的一个例子 - 吸引中国人对美国最大的资产之一的兴趣.
“他们认识到美国教育体系的创新活力的排序, ”外交关系委员会亚洲理事Elizabeth Economy说. “这是一个非常有创意的体系,一个已经产生了非常成功的企业家和思想家的军团. ”
第一夫人在此行中选择避开人权和国际贸易方面中国的弊端已经引起了批评.但布鲁金斯学会的Stephen Hess说,争论会破坏此行的目的.
“硬外交是你到那边去与人争论,软外交就是你选择不争论”,他说. “我认为这可能是他们是这么想的理由.”但是,Economy说,作为美国社会的领导者,奥巴马的目标应该是树立美国的理想.