
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:21:58


see sb doing sth表示看的时候正在做的动作,强调当时正在做什么;
see sb do sth表示看的时候把对方的整个动作都看完了,强调动作的完成.


see sb. doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 (用于现在进行时)
see sb. do sth 看见某人做了某事 (用于过去式)

see 1
/ siː; si/ v (pt saw / sɔː; sɔ/, pp seen / siːn; sin/)
[Tn, Tf, Tw, Tng, Tni] (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) become aware of ...


see 1
/ siː; si/ v (pt saw / sɔː; sɔ/, pp seen / siːn; sin/)
[Tn, Tf, Tw, Tng, Tni] (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) become aware of (sb/sth) by using the eyes; perceive 看见(某人[某物]); 察觉: He looked for her but couldn't see her in the crowd. 他寻找她, 但人群中看不见有她. * I looked out of the window but saw nothing. 我向窗外望去, 什麽也没看见. * He could see (that) she had been crying. 他察觉到她哭过. * If you watch carefully you will see how I do it/how it is done. 你要是仔细观察, 就能看出我是怎麽做的[这是怎麽做的]. * Did you see what happened? 你看见有什麽事了吗? * I hate to see you so unhappy, ie in such an unhappy state. 我可不愿意看见你这麽不高兴. * She was seen running away from the scene of the crime. 有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开. * I saw him put the key in the lock, turn it and open the door. 我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔、 转动钥匙, 然后打开了门. * She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. 有人看见她约在案发时进入了该建筑物.
[I, Ipr, Ip] (not usu in the continuous tenses; often used with can and could 通常不用於进行时态, 常与can和could连用) have or use the power of sight 看; 看见: If you shut your eyes you can't see. 要是把眼睛闭上就什麽也看不见了. * On a clear day you can see for miles from the top of the tower. 天气晴朗时, 从塔顶上能看到很远的地方. * It was getting dark and I couldn't see to read. 天渐渐黑了, 我看不见字, 无法再阅读了. * She'll never (be able to) see again, ie She has become blind. 她再也看不见东西了(她失明了). * Move out of the way, please: I can't see through you! 请借光, 你挡着我就看不见了! =>Usage at feel1 用法见feel1.
[Tn] (not usu in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) look at or watch (sth)看(某物): In the evening we went to see a film. 晚上我们去看了一场电影. * Have you seen the new production of `Hamlet' at the Playhouse? 你在大剧院看过新排演的《哈姆雷特》吗? * Fifty thousand people saw the match. 有五万人观看了这场比赛.
[Tn] (only in the imperative 仅用於祈使句) look at (sth) in order to find information 参看; 参见; 见: See page 158. 参看第158页.
* MEETING 遇见或会晤
[Tn] (not usu in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) be near and recognize (sb); meet (sb) by chance 遇见, 碰见(某人): I saw your mother in town today. 我今天在城里碰见你母亲了. * Guess who I saw at the party yesterday? 你猜我昨天在聚会上遇见谁了?
(a) [Tn] visit 看望; 探望: Come and see us again soon. 有空儿再到我们这儿来坐坐. (b) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb (about sth) have a meeting with sb 会晤某人: I'm seeing my solicitor tomorrow. 我明天去见律师. * You ought to see (ie consult ) a doctor. 你应该去看看病. * What is it you want to see (ie talk with) me about? 你来找我有什麽事?
[Tn] receive a call or visit from (sb) 接见(访客): The manager can only see you for five minutes. 经理只能接待你五分钟. * She's too ill to see anyone at present. 她现在病得不能会客.
[Tn] (used esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) spend time in the company of (sb) 与(某人)在一起: She doesn't want to see him any more. 她不想再和他来往了. * She's seeing (ie having a relationship with) a married man. 她现在总和一个结了婚的男子在一起.
[I, Tn, Tf, Tw] (not usu in continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) perceive (sth) with the mind; understand (sth) 领会; 理解; 明白: `The door opens like this.' `Oh, I see.' ‘这门是这样开的.’‘噢, 我明白了.’ * He didn't see the joke. 他没听懂这个笑话. * I don't think she saw the point of the story. 我看她没有明白那故事的意思. * I can see (ie recognize) the advantages of the scheme. 我意识到这个计画的优点. * Can't you see (that) he's deceiving you? 你还不明白他是欺骗你吗? * Do you see what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?
[Tn] (not usu in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) have an opinion of (sth); interpret (sth) 有对(某事物)的看法; 解释(某事物): I see things differently now. 我现在的看法不同了. * Try to see the matter from her point of view. 尽量用她的观点来看这件事.
[Tng, Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) visualize; imagine; envisage 设想; 想像: I can't see her changing her mind. 我无法想像她会改变主意. * Her colleagues see her as a future Prime Minister. 她的同事设想她将来能当首相.
(not usu in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) (a) [I, Tf, Tw no passive 不用於被动语态] find out or discover by looking or searching or asking (经观看、 寻找、 询问)了解或发觉: `Has the postman been yet?' `I'll just go and see.' ‘邮递员来过了吗?’‘我去看看.’ * Go and see if/whether the postman has been yet. 去看看邮递员来过了吗. * I see (that) (ie I have read in the newspapers that) there is going to be a general election in France. 我了解到法国要举行大选了. * Could you go and see what the children are doing? 你去看看孩子们干什麽呢, 好吗? * `Is he going to recover?' `I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.' ‘他的病能好吗?’‘我不知道, 我们只能等着瞧了.’ (b) [I, Tw] find out or discover by thinking or considering (经思考)了解或发觉: `Do you think you'll be able to help us?' `I don't know; I'll have to see.' ‘你看你能帮助我们吗?’‘我不知道, 我得先考虑一下.’ * I'll see what I can do to help. 我要考虑考虑看能帮上忙吗.
[Tf] (not usu in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) make sure; ensure; check 一定注意到; 保证; 检查: See that all the doors are locked before you leave. 你一定要查看一下门都锁好再走. * Could you see (that) the children are in bed by 8 o'clock? 你务必让孩子们8点钟上床睡觉, 行吗? * I'll see that it's done. 我管保这件事情能办好.
[Tn] (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) experience or undergo (sth) 经历或进行(某事): This coat of mine has seen hard wear, ie has been worn a lot. 我这件大衣穿了很久了. * He has seen a great deal in his long life. 他在漫长的一生中经历过很多事.
[Tn] (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) (a) be the time when (an event) happens; witness 为(某事)发生之时; 目睹: This year sees the tercentenary of Handel's birth. 今年是韩德尔诞辰三百周年. (b) be the scene or setting of (sth) 为(某事)的现场或背景: This stadium has seen many thrilling football matches. 在这个体育场里举行过很多精彩的足球赛.
[, Tn.p] accompany or escort 陪伴; 护送: He saw her to the door. 他把她送到门口. * I saw the old lady across (ie helped her to cross) the road. 我搀扶着老太太穿过马路. * May I see you home (ie go with you as far as your house)? 我送你回家好吗? * My secretary will see you out. 我让秘书送你出去.
[Tn] (in gambling games) equal (a bet); equal the bet of (another player) (赌博中)下相同(赌注); 下与(另一人)相同的赌注.
(idm 习语) for all (the world) to `see clearly visible 显眼; 醒目. ,see for one`self find out or witness sth in order to be convinced or satisfied 亲眼看; 亲自去看: If you don't believe that it's snowing, go and see for yourself! 你要是不相信正在下雪, 你去看看! seeing that... in view of the fact that...; since...; because... 鉴於...; 由於...; 因为...: Seeing that he's ill, he's unlikely to come. 因为他病了, 他大概不来了. see a lot, nothing, etc of sb be often, never, etc in the company of sb 经常、 从不...和某人在一起: They've seen a lot/nothing/little/more/less of each other recently. 他们最近经常[从不/很少/频频/减少]来往. `see you; (I'll) be `seeing you (infml 口) goodbye 再见: I'd better be going now. See you! 我得走了. 回见! see you a`round (infml 口) = see you. (For other idioms containing see, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 查阅与see配搭的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 see the light =>light1; see red =>red2.)
(phr v) see about sth/doing sth deal with sth; attend to sth 处理或照看某事物: I must see about (ie prepare) lunch soon. 我得马上去做午饭了. * I'll have to see about getting the roof mended. 我得去照料修理屋顶这件事. * He says he won't co-operate, does he? Well, we'll soon see about that! ie I will insist that he does co-operate. 他说他不愿意合作, 是吗? 好, 我们非办办这件事不可! (我一定得让他合作. )
see sth in sb/sth find sb/sth attractive or interesting 觉得某人[某事物]有吸引力或有意思: I can't think what she sees in him. 我想不通她看上他什麽了.
see sb off (a) go to a railway station, airport, etc to say goodbye to sb who is about to start a journey 到火车站、 飞机场等处为某人送行: We all went to the airport to see her off. 我们都去飞机场为她送行了. (b) force sb to leave a place, eg by chasing him 强迫某人离开某处(如赶走): The farmer saw the boys off with a heavy stick. 农场主拿着大棍子把那些男孩子赶跑了.
see sth out (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) last until the end of sth 持续到某事物结束: We have enough coal to see the winter out. 我们有足够的煤过冬.
see over sth visit and examine or inspect (a place) carefully 仔细查看、 检查或观察(某处): I shall need to see over the house before I can make you an offer. 我得先看看房子, 然后才能给你出个价钱.
see through sb/sth (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) not be deceived by sb/sth 看穿或看透某人[某事物](不受骗); 识破: We all saw through him, ie realized what type of man he really was. 我们都看透了他的为人. * I can see through your little game, ie am aware of the trick you are trying to play on me. 我已经看穿了你的鬼把戏. see sth through (not usu in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) not abandon a task, undertaking, etc until it is finished 把某任务、 事情等进行到底: She's determined to see the job through. 她决心把这项工作干到底.
see sb through (sth) (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) satisfy the needs of, help or support sb for a particular (esp difficult) period of time 满足某人的需要, 帮助或支持某人(尤指困难时): Her courage and good humour saw her through the bad times. 她有志气、 性格刚强, 有助於她渡过难关. * That overcoat should see me through the winter. 有那件大衣我应该能过冬了. * I've only got 10 to see me through until pay-day! 我只有10英镑, 要熬到发薪那天了!
see to sth attend to or deal with sth 照看或处理某事物: This machine isn't working; get a mechanic to see to it. 这台机器坏了, 找技工来修理一下吧. * Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting? 你来处理下次委员会会议安排, 好吗? see to it that... make sure that... 一定注意到...; 务必...: See to it that you're ready on time! 到时候你千万要准备好! see 2
/ siː; si/ n (fml 文) district for which a bishop or an archbishop is responsible; office or jurisdiction of a bishop or an archbishop 主教或大主教的辖区、 职务或管辖权: the See of Canterbury 坎特伯雷大主教的辖区 * the Holy See/the See of Rome, ie the Papacy 罗马教廷.
[si; si:]
主教 (bishop) 的辖区; 大主教 (archbishop) 的辖区
the ~ of Canterbury
the Holy See=the See of Rome
[si; si:]
(saw[s); s):]; seen[sin; si:n]) )
1 (指映在视觉上的) 看见
a. <人等>看见,看得见
I ~ some people in the garden.
Can you ~ the dog over there?.
b. 看见<某人><做…>
→ 1 c{用法})
I saw him enter the room.
c. 看见<某人><在做…>
I can ~ some little fish swimming about in the water.
She was seen walking along the street with a gentleman.
d. 看见 <某人、事、物> <被…>
Have you ever seen a man murdered?.
I have twice seen a bribery overlooked.
e. 参照,参阅
(略作 s.)
S~ p. 56.
2 仔细看
a. 弄清楚,查明
Let me ~ your passport.
b. 仔细看,看清楚
S~ how I operate this machine.
S~ how to operate the machine before turning it on.
Go and ~ if the door is locked.
3 看了…而知道
a. (在报纸上等) 看到,读到
I saw the report of his death in today's newspaper.
b. 看到,知道<…事>; (在报纸上) 读到<…事>
I ~ that you have given up smoking.
I saw in the paper that another earthquake had occurred in Italy.
4 了解
a. 明白,了解,发觉
Do you ~ the point of my remark?.
I ~ what you mean.
b. 知道 <…的事>
He didn't ~ that she was mistaken.
c. (文语)知道…<是…>
I saw him to be a liar.
d. 知道
I don't ~ why he is absent.
I don't ~ how to avert it.
a. 游览,参观 <名胜等>
~ the sights
Have you ever seen Rome?.
b. 看,观赏 <戏剧、电影等>
~ a movie
I'm going to ~ a baseball game.
c. 看 <电视、节目>
Did you ~ the baseball game on TV yesterday?.
a. 会见<某人>,和<某人>见面
I am glad [pleased] to ~ you. = It's nice to ~ you.
我很高兴见到你; 幸会
→ see much [nothing,something] of,see you (later,soon) .
b. 去会见<某人>,访问,探望<某人>,看 <医生>
You'd better ~ a doctor at once.
I'm ~ing my client today.
7 a. 送,护送<某人>
Let me ~ you home [to your car].
让我 (护) 送你回家 [到你停车的地方]
→see off (1),see out (1).
b. (帮助或加以留意等) 对<某人>照顾 [负责] 到底
I'll ~ you through.
c. 帮助<某人> [使度过…] [through]
Father is ~ing me through college.
8 经历过,遭遇到
He has seen a lot of life [the world].
She has seen better days.
I have seen the time when it didn't rain for a month.
He will never ~ 50 again. (
It was the worst heat wave that the nation ever seen.
This coat has seen hard wear.
a. <在某时代、某地> 发生 <事件、事态等>
The nineteenth century saw the Industrial Revolution.
The autumn saw a cruel recurrence of Spanish flu.
b. <某时、某地> 使<某人>经历…
The following day saw us flying northward.
10 a. 留意,注意,负责,查看
S~ that he does it properly.
S~ that the window is shut.
b. 注意,处理期使 <某人、事物> …
~ a thing done
留意 [监督] 使人确实做某事
~ justice done
期使正义伸张; 报复
11 a. 看,想,判断
as I ~ it
I ~ things differently now.
b. 把 <某人、事物> 认为…视…<为…>
Some saw the affair as a tragedy.
c. [常 will[would]~] (轻微的斥责) 希望<某人><被…>
I'll ~ him hanged [blowed, damned] (first).
I'll ~ him damned before I lend him money.
12 a. 想像,预料
~ a catastrophe in the near future
