
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:10:56


arena 著名泳装品牌
源于法语,本意是一种座席的形势,指那种观众席全包围舞台的场地.比较著名的ARENA会场有横滨ARENA,崎玉SUPER ARENA,广岛GREEN ARENA和滨松ARENA等.ARENA席是指靠近舞台的平面席位,也就是我们所说的内场. 始创于1973年的法国品牌阿瑞娜(ARENA),那富有创意、象征着荣耀的标志——三片“鱼鳞 Arena
”就一直活跃在世界泳坛,被爱好游泳及冲浪等水上运动的大众铭记在心.自从在1976年蒙特利尔奥运会上首度穿着阿瑞娜的游泳选手一举获得了27枚金牌后,越来越多的世界顶级选手选择穿着阿瑞娜出 现在各种世界性的游泳比赛场,并且取得了无数奖牌、创下了无数世界纪录.另外,随着国内人们健康意识的提高、休闲热等时代潮流的兴起及游泳内容变得更多样化等,阿瑞娜(arena)将更多地关注广大的体育爱好者及普通大众的需要.经过多年的发展,阿瑞娜(arena)将最新的科技成果投入到泳装的面料和裁剪等方面上,同时产品的生产不仅仅满足于泳装及其他水上运动项目上,逐渐向整个运动市场发展,开发出更多供平时休闲及健身时就能穿着的时尚T恤、健身衣裤、运动系列.


arena是什么意思 BBC ARENA怎么样 NO words arena cessarg between two loving 英语词汇辨析为啥是parking zone而不是parking arena呢 Stadium和arena的意思有何区别 BBC ARENA THE NATIONAL THEATRE PART ONE THE DREAM怎么样 King S Cross (Live At The O2 Arena,London - 21 December 2009) 歌词 想取个英文名,与沙子有关的.自己取过Arena 不知道这个能不能作女孩子的名字?大家帮我想个英文名吧!与沙子有关的 那Arena到底可不可用噢? In the arena of human life,the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action翻译成中文,并说出是谁写的 in the second place,in the arena of space research,live animals are still practical alternatives onin the second place,in the arena of space research,live animals are still practicalalternatives on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for 英语翻译And although no periodor place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized,myth andreality did join hands in at least one arena,the conflict between the individualand encroaching civilization. 英语翻译ARENA,AZUL COBALTO,AZUL CLARO,AZUL COLONIAL,BURGUNDY,BLANCO,CHAMPAGNE,GRIS CLARO,GRIS OXFORD,NEGRO,ROSA CLARO,ROSA FUERTE,VERDE CLARO,ROSA FUERTE,VERDE CLARO,VERDE JADE,MARMOL AB,MADERA,MARMOL AMARILLO,MARMOL AZUL,MARMOL BEIGE,MARMOL BLAN 英语翻译the commercial arena is where the graphic designer performs a difficult balancing act---to sell,entertain,and inform in a mannerthat also adds aesthetic value to the receiver's experience. 麻烦帮忙分析句子结构、成分.In the arena of space research,live animals are still practical alternatives on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. 【find这里的奇怪用法】像这些翻译中find怎么运用?the turn of the century finds china most attractive on diplomatic thchnology will find a wide utilization in the development of china's west. 心有多大,舞台就有多大 英文表达这句话的外语要怎样翻译比较适合呢?我想到的是:The bigger his heart ,the wider his arena . 英语翻译Paraphrasing a blogger called Dave,Keren asks whether blogosphere forms a “new political arena in which serious concerns about ‘the real suffering of real people in the real world’ are communicated and acted upon,or rather whether i 英语翻译Remarkable changes are taking place in the arena of mobiletechnologies,and the worldwide push toward 3 generation services is currentlyat the forefront of these transformations.Many questions surround the conceptof 3G – not only in term