翻译!中译英!急!最好是学文学的人来翻.不要机译的!快回答的好的追加得分谢谢内容:“镜中之像 象外之意——从《镜花缘》的结构特征看作者的理想倾向本文从“结构决定意义”的理论出

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 15:20:17

翻译!中译英!急!最好是学文学的人来翻.不要机译的!快回答的好的追加得分谢谢内容:“镜中之像 象外之意——从《镜花缘》的结构特征看作者的理想倾向本文从“结构决定意义”的理论出
“镜中之像 象外之意

翻译!中译英!急!最好是学文学的人来翻.不要机译的!快回答的好的追加得分谢谢内容:“镜中之像 象外之意——从《镜花缘》的结构特征看作者的理想倾向本文从“结构决定意义”的理论出
"In the mirror as by implication
From the JingHuaYuan - the structure features of the ideal tendency
From the meaning of "decision" structure theory,through the JingHuaYuan "of historical context,this novel on the construction and the ideal.Then after dig,reveal the novel text JingHuaYuan "two structure,namely the myths and symbol of Yin and Yang.Through the analysis of novel structure,the authors explore the text,and further analyzed the ideal value tendency of the construction of the ideal value in the orthodox Confucian ideas are based.In the initial development of commodity economy,the author of the novel under the influence of the initial value of the democratic ideal show,but still in the orthodox Confucian thought limitation.The multiple perspectives,to reveal the novel text JingHuaYuan "uniqueness and values,this is also the purpose of this paper.
Keywords:JingHuaYuan ";" Structure,In the country of the ideal,Myth fable,Yin-yang symbol

As the mirror of the outside, as intended
- From "Flowers in the Mirrors," the authors look at the structural characteristics of the ideal tendency
This article from the "significance of the...


As the mirror of the outside, as intended
- From "Flowers in the Mirrors," the authors look at the structural characteristics of the ideal tendency
This article from the "significance of the structure of the decision" of the theory, through the "Flowers in the Mirrors," the historical context, the novel construction of ideal and vision of the country. After extensive digging in turn, reveals the "Flowers in the Mirrors," the novel version of the two structures, namely the structure of myth and fable structure of yin and yang symbol. Through the text of the novel structure analysis, the authors explore the value of the ideal orientation, the authors further analyze the construction of the ideal value of orthodox Confucian thinking is the basis. In the commodity economy under the influence of the initial development, the author of the novel shows the initial value of democratic ideals, but is still confined to the orthodox Confucian ideology. Comprehensive survey of a number of angles, is intended to show "Flowers in the Mirrors," the novel version of the uniqueness and value, which is the purpose of this article.
Key words: "Flowers in the Mirrors"; structure; utopia; myth fable; yin and yang symbol


in the mirror as “ images toseduceis — from the flowers in the mirrors "structural characteristics of the author's tendency to look at the ideal This article from ” “ structure determines the meaning ...


in the mirror as “ images toseduceis — from the flowers in the mirrors "structural characteristics of the author's tendency to look at the ideal This article from ” “ structure determines the meaning of theory, through the flowers in the mirrors "the historical context, exceedthe traditionalapproach novels'drawing and longing for the construction of utopia.in turn, following extensive mining, revealing the flowers in the mirrors "novels of the text of the two largest structure, namely, myth and allegory structure of yin and Yang symbol.through the novels of the structure of textual analysis, knowledgeand authors'psychological ideal value tendencies, further analysis of the author is the ideal value in the construction of orthodox Confucian thought of motivatl.in the initial development of commodity economy under the influence of fiction, the author's preliminary showcases the democratic ideal value, but still confined to the orthodox Confucian thought.more from the perspective of the comprehensive review, in demonstrating the flowers in the mirrors "novels of the text of xunzi'poetry and value, this is the purpose of this article.Keywords: the flowers in the mirrors; structure; ideal; mythology; hellspwan badgeof Fables ”


In mirror outside elephant elephant meaning
——from 《Mirror Flower Reason》 the structural feature looked that author's ideal favors
This article from “the structure to decide significance” the ...


In mirror outside elephant elephant meaning
——from 《Mirror Flower Reason》 the structural feature looked that author's ideal favors
This article from “the structure to decide significance” the theory embarks, by "Mirror Flower Reason" historical linguistic environment, elaboration novel to Republic of Plato construction and expectation. Then passes through unearths thoroughly, promulgates "Mirror Flower Reason" the novel text two big structures, namely myth fable structure and masculine and feminine elements symbol structure. Through to the novel structure's text analysis, seeks author's ideal value tendency, further analyzes the author ideal value the construction is in above the Confucianist legitimate thought foundation. Under the commodity economy preliminary development's influence, author's novel has unfolded the democracy ideal value initially, but still limited under Confucianist's legitimate thought. The many angle's comprehensive surveys, intend to show "Mirror Flower Reason" the novel text distinctive quality and the value are, this is also this article goal is.
key word: "Mirror Colored Reason", structure, Republic of Plato, myth fable, masculine and feminine elements symbol


翻译!中译英!急!最好是学文学的人来翻.不要机译的!快回答的好的追加得分谢谢内容:“镜中之像 象外之意——从《镜花缘》的结构特征看作者的理想倾向本文从“结构决定意义”的理论出 主题最好是时政或者文学的字数500-600字 急. 英语翻译要翻译的有文学味一点,最好是成语或谚语 陆文学自传翻译...急 请了解复旦翻译学的学哥学姐帮个忙 我语文很好,酷爱文学,英文也不错,但选科时选的是理科,蛮讽刺的,听说复旦翻译学能有文学翻译的方向,前途如何 哲学,文学,人学,之间的相互关系,是什么样的? 有没有星象学的著作推荐,最好是国外的最好能是翻译的. 马克吐温时期的文学背景是文学的哦.最好是马克吐温时期有关意象的文学研究 有关”学做事,学做人” 的故事”学做事,学做人” 的故事,好吗,最好是很少人知道的那种 急 急 语文课前2分钟演讲稿一篇最好是文学方面后一段要有自己感想共300字左右 急 急 急会有追分主题是 一件有意义的事 有哪些关于文学的名言关于文学的名言,最好是中国人说的,越短越好 学弈的翻译急急急 有意义的书有哪些最好是文学类的 文学性最好的一首诗词或文章是? 急,急!成都学英语最好的地方? 英语翻译急求英语小短文,100~150字,最好可以关于怎样学英语的,要翻译哦. 中外文学比较举例子比较一下中外同一时期的作家或者是作品,随便什么都行!急最好是侦探小说方面的! 学做菜的作文不少于450字急!最好是有心里感受的,一定要真实.