这句话意思是tt的银行费用比lc高吗Payment term.To be frank,we always do with customers by 30% T/T in advance,and balance T/T before shipment for a sum of payment less than $200000.As you know the bank charges with will be higher for L/C o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:04:53

这句话意思是tt的银行费用比lc高吗Payment term.To be frank,we always do with customers by 30% T/T in advance,and balance T/T before shipment for a sum of payment less than $200000.As you know the bank charges with will be higher for L/C o
Payment term.To be frank,we always do with customers by 30% T/T in advance,and balance T/T before shipment for a sum of payment less than $200000.As you know the bank charges with will be higher for L/C opening

这句话意思是tt的银行费用比lc高吗Payment term.To be frank,we always do with customers by 30% T/T in advance,and balance T/T before shipment for a sum of payment less than $200000.As you know the bank charges with will be higher for L/C o

这句话意思是tt的银行费用比lc高吗Payment term.To be frank,we always do with customers by 30% T/T in advance,and balance T/T before shipment for a sum of payment less than $200000.As you know the bank charges with will be higher for L/C o 求翻译:你要用LC付款吗,我建议你用TT汇款,LC的话,银行手续费高,收费项目多,这些会造成产品成本升高 LC振荡频率公式“2TT根号LC分之一”是怎么推导出来的呢? 英语翻译I have sent the TT today but I have sent the full amount to save cost of second TT.这句话我不是很明白,他的意思是全部的费用都汇给我了,还是说,先汇了一部分,然后另一部分钱第二次汇呀,请专家帮助 open one LC for Tuber 尤其是LC的意思?这是商业信函,其中的open one LC for Tuber 这里的LC指什么? 外贸里的TT DP DA LC 具体是?如题,尽可能详细的 说下 信用证47A中的discount charges and acceptance commission are for account of applicant这句话的意思是:贴现费用与承兑费用由开证申请人负责吗?那什么叫贴现费用和承兑费用 数据结构P31算法2.12 解释下pc=pa得意思题目是归并两个单链表的算法.void MergeList_L(LinkList &La,LinkList &Lb,LinkList &Lc) {pa=La->next; pb=Lb->next;Lc=pc=La;while(pa&&pb){if(pa->data data){pc->next=pa;pc=pa;pa=pa->next; }else 外贸里面的TT,LC,DP,请说的详细点. 外贸中LC,TT的具体交易流程 LC是啥意思 信用证里面的这句话什么意思?documents prior to lc opening date is acceptable LC信用证+TT付款方式,客户本来在合同上注明是LC付款方式的,后来又说在货完成后100%TT before shipment,有谁做过这种付款方式的, LC振荡电路的频率公式是什么?我忘记了还有 LC电路中电感L越大振荡频率越高,这句话对吗?为什么 为什么有些大陆的外贸公司一定要外国客户TT payment 付款,而不是LC payment呢?有什么区别吗? 成本是对象化的费用,费用是会计期间与收入相配比的成本.这句话怎么理解? 利率就是利息与从银行取出的钱的总钱数的比.这句话是对还是错? 结构图中lc的意思