beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思?

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beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思?
beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思?

beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思?
beach 海滩;海滨度假地
They are vacationing at the beach.


beaches for their vacation.beaches是什么意思? Many people go to the beaches -their vacation --summer.,in B.for ,in the C.for,in,in the 连一下 beaches,is,its,famous,for,Australia,beautiful问句 连 beaches,is,its,famous,for,Austhalia,beautiful sandy beaches beaches是什么意思 Waikiki is one of the best beaches ---------surfing in Honolulu.A.withB.onC.toD.for Sydney is famous for its beautiful -----. 这道题填beaches,但不知道理由,请帮帮忙! Brighton is famous __a bathing place __the beautiful beaches.a.for as for d for to 8年级英语首字母填空Many people like traveling for their holiday.they go to h_1__,beaches or forests.Some people like h_2___,so they like to visit some old interesting places.In many countries,the travel agency(旅行社)can help you to p__3_ 英语填空 用have has been 或gone填空 3道Many people ———to the beaches of Thailand for their hoilday every yearMy parents ____to Hainan .The weather there is quite different that in BeijingDo you know that the Disney in California ,USA I 英语翻译:For hundreds of millions of years,turtles have struggled out of the sea to lay their eggs on sandy beaches,long before there were nature documentaries to celebrate them,.中文意思:几亿年来,海龟非常努力地从海洋里来 09年6月CET-6的一道阅读理解题选哪个?为什么?For hundreds of millions of years,turtles (海龟) have struggled out of the sea to lay their eggs on sandy beaches,long before there were nature documentaries to celebrate them,or GPS satelli 英语翻译1.Sandstorms come quickly,leaving valley-like beaches in their way that can cover an entire house.2.In some cases,the way people in a culture think about an activity or object becomes the translated name for that activity or object.3.She Only for their own 翻译文章Hong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the worHong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to most o for their fish hooks and for the tips of their beaches的意思