He's busy from Monday to Saturday.He is free only on Sunday(合并为一句话)He isn't ()every day () Sunday

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:49:35

He's busy from Monday to Saturday.He is free only on Sunday(合并为一句话)He isn't ()every day () Sunday
He's busy from Monday to Saturday.He is free only on Sunday(合并为一句话)
He isn't ()every day () Sunday

He's busy from Monday to Saturday.He is free only on Sunday(合并为一句话)He isn't ()every day () Sunday
He isn't free every day except Sunday.(该句一定是中国老师出的.)
注:这是唯一的合并法,即便如此,该句在英语为母语的人看来也是不符合语言习惯的.他们会说成:He isn't free except on Sunday.
很多人 (学生和老师) 误认为语法正确的句子就是正确的句子,他们似乎不知道语言是习惯,人们这么说,不那么说.那么说就怪.
例如,英语为母语的人要表达"人人都会出错",习惯说 Everybody makes mistakes.却不说 Everybody makes a mistake.更不说 Everyone makes a mistake.(后两句语法对,可.)

He is busy from Monday to Saturday and free only on Sunday.

He is busy from Monday to Saturday and free only on Sunday.

he`s too busy to come,反问 He's busy from Monday to Saturday.He is free only on Sunday(合并为一句话)He isn't ()every day () Sunday He's from Canada. Mr Black works in He’s very busy and he has no tMr Black works in He’s very busy and he has no time to rest.Every evening,When he comes back from his office,he always feels tired and wants to go to bed early,but his wife often has something inter 3.She's busy as a bee from morning to night.她从早到晚像蜜蜂一样忙个不停.为什么is后不家as?He is as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.这个怎么用? ( )( )he( He's from( ).(加拿大) .look at tom's c__ how busy he is 连词成句 wants busy s he iob exciting but 英语 1.Jim was so busy ______ the answer from Lily's paper that he forgot _____ her name into his.英语 1.Jim was so busy ______ the answer from Lily's paper that he forgot _____ her name into his.A.to copy;to change B.to copy;changing C.copyi 英语翻译it's reported that this strange animal is an a_______ fron .i was cooking in the k_______ at that time .i had a very unusual e_______ on Sunday .there are lots of s________ in the shop .the plane t_______ off from Beijing at 7:00 on Monda He is busy from seven in the morning to ten in night.改错 He liked to get away from the noise of the busy He’s from America.(同义句) He's come back from Canada.是什么意思 he's from Australia什么意思 He's from Beijing.(改一般疑问句) He's from England .(同义句) he's from new zealand是什么意思