求詹姆斯布朗特的英文生平介绍!或者翻译下这段话:James Blunt无疑是2005年度欧美主流乐坛最让人惊喜的“黑马王子”.这位曾经在战乱的科索沃率领3万英国维和部队的上尉,用他那伤感而沙哑

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:36:43

求詹姆斯布朗特的英文生平介绍!或者翻译下这段话:James Blunt无疑是2005年度欧美主流乐坛最让人惊喜的“黑马王子”.这位曾经在战乱的科索沃率领3万英国维和部队的上尉,用他那伤感而沙哑
James Blunt无疑是2005年度欧美主流乐坛最让人惊喜的“黑马王子”.这位曾经在战乱的科索沃率领3万英国维和部队的上尉,用他那伤感而沙哑的嗓音和一首凄美得让人不能不为之动容心碎的《You Are Beautiful》,攻陷了众多乐迷的心.今年三月,在有英国“格莱美”之称的“英国流行音乐大奖”颁奖典礼上,他一举摘取“最佳流行艺人”和“最佳男歌手”两个重要奖项,而他首张专辑《Back to Bedlam》的销量步步高升,风行欧美,他的这份成绩单可谓炫目得让人难以置信.然而,所有被James Blunt打动的人都知道,他并不只是一个背着吉他、拿过往战场上的经历招摇过市的歌手.他的音乐中,有生活,有爱,有他经历过的生与死的决裂,还有让你心潮澎湃的感动……

求詹姆斯布朗特的英文生平介绍!或者翻译下这段话:James Blunt无疑是2005年度欧美主流乐坛最让人惊喜的“黑马王子”.这位曾经在战乱的科索沃率领3万英国维和部队的上尉,用他那伤感而沙哑
James inflict is undoubtedly the most mainstream music 2005 and make a person surprizing "black horse prince".The chaos in the kosovo led 3 million British troops,the captain in his sad and grainy voice and a Beautiful mountains can let the person of the heart Are step,captured many fans.In march this year,the British ","said the grammy awards" British pop music "ceremony,he won best pop artist" action "and" the best male singer "two important awards,and his debut album sales of your Back Bedlam of popularity,and risen,he's the transcript is unbelievably glaring.However,all the people were moved inflict James,he doesn't know just a guitar,and carry on the battlefield experience undergoing past the singer.His music,there is life,there is love,there he experienced the birth and death of the rupture,and let your surging touched...

我学生呀 我们宿舍的一个姐妹拉我陪她玩《醉·逍遥】的
第一次玩游戏 五六分钟就会了 sf大爱 她说我是天才 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻
升级好快哦 明天就能超过她